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Thread: √ IA car photography enthusiasts come inside.

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    Goon Alumni Mr. Clean's Avatar
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    Default √ IA car photography enthusiasts come inside.

    Now please don't get me wrong. There are beginning photographers, and there are people that should be burnt when a camera touches their fingers. Due to the fact that IA has been inundated with horrible CAR PICS threads, I feel the need to be reminded that IA still has what it takes to get me through the cold nights. The digital camera age seems to have given everyone and their mother the idea that anyone can be a photographer. We all know that this is a gross over-estimation, and it will eventually lead to the downfall of the internet as we know it. So all you mofos that take respectable pictures, please take the time to post up a couple of your all time favorite pictures. This is really a moral thread. Please participate... you know who you are.

    Couple of my fave older shots...

    Let's make this happen. I need to be un-depressed.
    Last edited by Mr. Clean; 01-19-2010 at 09:02 PM.

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