So, 4th of July this young couple has great seats in front of the event I went to. They're nice as can be and offer me and my girl a seat, lend us a blanket and proceed to chat it up. So after the show, as most people would we invite them for a couple drinks. We sit and talk for a couple hours as if we've been freinds for ever and a day. I gladly pick up the tab and we exchange numbers as our respective girls really clicked.

A week later the guy calls. He gives me this schpeal: "So, I know you were intersted in what I do for a living. So I thought I'd share the opportunity with you. Lets say I drop a time and date, maybe 6:00pm Sat, I'll be in your area." So I ask what gives. "Well, glad you ask, I've got an opportunity for you where you could be in the six figures by the end of the year"....

I fumed. I could of killed this poor excuse of a human being. Here my girl and I go out to have a nice holiday and we get baited by some kneiving salesman. Hook, line and sinker. The great seats, the blanket, all was there on purpose to bait us in to becoming "friends" so that he could have an easier time selling his pyramid scheme. (it all eneded by me calling him out on it, insulting him and him thanking me for "not wasting his time".)