Ok so ill start !! it was a nice clear nice last night at the pleasant hill meet,, and yet another week more clowns show up in intergras and civic blasting vtec down the short stip almost hitting each other in a clown pile up! whats the deal guys!! most vtec sounds the same !! do you think you sound cool? or look cool?

so you think when you do that we look at you and say! " WOW!!! these guys are sooOOOOoooo coool!!! i wana be like them some day ???"

its ok to have fun with your cars !! im not trying to rain our parade but fuck guys u make us honda kids look like losers. and you make us look even worse when some of you actually show up with legit looking hondas but act like assholes anyways..

this will spot when one day you guys do it and rear ends someone and break their poor next from a whiplash,,, which was almost happend last night! some stupid black kid(non racist) cause i am black also!! //cough anyways! some stupid black kid in a blue teg with red wheels with a crome lip leaving with his "crew" or so it seemed !!! almost rear ended one of his owned friends !! doing the stupid vtek punch before a stop sign!!! he had to pull out into oncoming traffic and almost hit the other guy also in a mini van, who was probly on his way to get his family a happy meal and was almost served a vtec meal instead!!!!! .... guys get some sense and grow some balls and leave Vtec for the street!! not the parking lot!!! WE ALL KNOW WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE AND ITS GETTING OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!