my apologies if we were a bit too loud. i told the bitch to keep it down, even stuck my dirty socks in her mouth.. but i understand.. i mean i was BEATING that shit in son!.. she had to make some noise. man, wait till your dad tries to get it on with that hoe, he's gonna feel like he's humping a wet fox hole.. i mean, dude i could have stuck my foot in there after i got done with it.

anyway, do NOT kiss your mom hi/bye for the next few days, i was a little drunk and i did let her toss my salad, and im not sure if i wiped last time i took a dump or not. anyway.. look out for seeds/peanuts/corn remains that could be stuck in between some of her teeth before you try anything. anyways

loving you and caring for you like no other
your best friend in the whole wide world

Sincerely wishing your death