View Full Version : Misc Tee hehe

01-08-2007, 12:02 PM
If she can drive with one hand, she can hold the
leash out the window, put the car in low gear and take a little drive
with the dog trotting along side, if she's careful.


Many years ago, my sister worked as a nanny for a local family with
seven children. The family had a neighbor who bred Great Danes, and
exhibited them in AKC conformation rings.

One very early summer morning as my sister arrived to work and the
childrens' mother was leaving for an appointment, they were standing
outside on the patio deck with the two youngest kids (ages 6 and 8). A
1970s station wagon came slowly around the corner, with a dog trotting
alongside. Mrs. Baker was at the wheel, her left hand holding the leash
attached to her big blue male special, who was getting some morning
roadwork in -- tall enough that his head was even with the car window.

The six-year old gasped, and tugged on his mother's sleeve.
"Look, Mom. That lady's BLIND."


01-08-2007, 12:03 PM
is this a joke??

01-08-2007, 12:06 PM
What the fuck is this shit?