View Full Version : an end to a wonderful weekend......

06-13-2005, 02:19 AM
so yesterday i post about getting stuck in the mud....well since i work night shift i'm heading to work at my usual appointed time 11:30 pm. i get onto old national highway in my trusty old s-10. i get onto the offramp to 285w/ 85s and my headlights are beaming brightly when suddenly POP!!the headlights blow, both of them!! now i'm cruise in total darkness with the hazards on till i get to the union city exit. hpoing to get to walmart so i can replace the headlights( on my truck i gotta replace the whole assembly) and get to work at least a few minutes late. well walmart is closed. the sign says it's moving, fuck! i ride from gas station to gas station with no lights on, the union city OD is heavy on this street and no replacement lights are at any of them.
i call my boss, he doesnt answer. i leave a message with him then call the workplace to explain what happened so far and that i may not be in unless i find the replacements that i need, but i CANT ride blind. well needless to say i look where i have my change stored and guess what? theres not enough change left to call my boss again. i scrape up some chnge and call the boss again with an update. no lights, no drivey to p'tree city with no lights. well i call the boss and leave a message that i will not be able to make it in on account that there are no headlights and i'm stuck in union city. cops are no help and after calling my boss a second time i decide fuck it i'm taking the street way home and if i get pulled over i'll explain to the officer what occured.
riding down SR.138 with no lights and the hazards on i get nearly to old national and i hit some fucking woodland creature!!!damn!!! well i'm home , tripping out and drinking coronas. what a weekend.

06-13-2005, 02:23 AM
Damn man sounds like someone really didnt want you to drive.

06-13-2005, 02:28 AM
^--agreed... sux babe- but shiz happens.