View Full Version : No more ninja chicks..

The Ninja
12-25-2006, 02:06 PM
Just kidding, but really. I don't think they should be allowed to do this.

Muslims forced to lift veil at airports

VEILED women will be forced to reveal their identities at UK airports under a government plan to tighten security, Scotland on Sunday can reveal.

Home Office insiders last night confirmed that immigration officials will be ordered to impose their legal right to lift the veils of passengers after it emerged a suspected police killer may have escaped the UK dressed as a Muslim woman.

But the plan has been attacked by unions, which claim it would impose intolerable demands on their members, particularly female officers who would be the only ones allowed to look under veils.

Ministers have been forced on to the back foot in the past week after it was revealed that asylum seeker Mustaf Jama, wanted for the murder of Pc Sharon Beshenivsky, flew from Heathrow to Somalia using his sister's passport. He is believed to have been wearing a niqab, which has just a slit for eyes.

It subsequently emerged that immigration staff are legally entitled to ask any female passenger to lift her veil to verify her identity against passport photographs. But officers usually wave passengers through because they do not have the time to check everyone.

Metropolitan Police Commissioner Sir Ian Blair yesterday joined the growing calls for change, saying airline passengers must remove any head-dress that covers their face. Prime Minister Tony Blair, who has consistently warned of the grave terror threat facing the country, said: "We must find methods of allowing people to take off the veil in a way that's dignified."

But a senior Home Office source insisted that existing law gave immigration officers wide-ranging rights. However, the department told Scotland on Sunday last week that it does not hold any centralised records of those checked or refused entry for failing to meet entry requirements.

Home Secretary John Reid is planning to enforce these legal rights before considering any more significant changes.

"Immigration officers can check beneath veils and they do this at every port of entry, every day of the week," the source added. "It is done sensitively and in private.

"Where they don't do it, I suspect it is more often to do with a lack of suspicion than lax procedures or overwork. But we recognise that this sort of thing should be the rule, not the exception."

The Immigration Act 1971 requires everyone entering the UK to satisfy an immigration officer as to their nationality and identity. Where there are sensitive or cultural reasons why it is not possible for a person to remove a veil or other garment at the immigration control, they will be taken to a private area where their identity can be verified.


The Ninja
12-25-2006, 02:12 PM
Actually... after further though. Maybe its alright, I guess I'm still in the grey area.

12-25-2006, 02:27 PM

Keebs ð¿ð
12-25-2006, 02:34 PM

And no, thats not some Pron site. Its an actual low budget movie. I borrowed it from a friend lol


The first post is too much to read, but after quick glances I don't think its about female ninjas :ninja:

The Ninja
12-25-2006, 03:22 PM
basicly about UK enforcing new law that makes Muslin women lift their veil when asked to by authorities.

12-25-2006, 03:26 PM
They're not asked to show their snatch - it's their face. If they wanna leave their culture to travel to other cultures via public/commerical transit then they need to show their faces. It's a no brainer.

12-26-2006, 02:07 AM
i want to go into a bank with a scarf over my face cause it's my religion!!!! they wont let me they always trying to keep the white man down and strip me of my rights. i'm gonna stop there cause i'll pry get banned from ia or have a suicide bomber crash into my house if igo on about how i feel on this topic

12-26-2006, 07:15 AM
They're not asked to show their snatch - it's their face. If they wanna leave their culture to travel to other cultures via public/commerical transit then they need to show their faces. It's a no brainer.

i concur


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to BABY J again.

12-26-2006, 07:33 PM
Not unusual

Go into an airport in the U.S. with a veil or mask on and see what happens.

12-27-2006, 12:59 PM
Not unusual

Go into an airport in the U.S. with a veil or mask on and see what happens.

or try the oppsite. if you are a woman go to a "muslim" country withOUT a veil on and see what happens. incase you don't want to find out for yourself I'll tell ya. YOU WILL BE STONED TO DEATH! :yes:
people bitching about this can go suck a camel dick :2cents:

12-27-2006, 01:03 PM
everyone entering the UK... satisfy an immigration officer... remove... garment at the immigration control... taken to a private area...

lol that last paragraph is funny if you read it right :lmfao: