View Full Version : How was your 2006?

12-23-2006, 08:56 AM
As I recall a lot of people had resolutions in this thread:


So how'd it go?

12-23-2006, 09:01 AM
Nice thread. Later, QD.

12-23-2006, 09:30 AM
i resolved to leave IA. it didnt work

Jimmy B
12-23-2006, 10:59 AM
really.. top 3?

#1 find a beautiful female and settle down(really i want to)

#2 stop drinkin so much, get in shape again, and work out more..

#3 grow my buisness more, since it looks like its goin that way!!!

#1, check, i have my beautiful pregnant kelli, and i couldnt be happier
#2, check. ive saved ALOT ov cash not drinkin so much
#3, yep, im involved in sponsering the PREMIER inline speed skating team in the US, and i have gotten more boots on the ice

HeLLo iM iZzY
12-23-2006, 11:06 AM
#1, check, i have my beautiful pregnant kelli, and i couldnt be happier
#2, check. ive saved ALOT ov cash not drinkin so much
#3, yep, im involved in sponsering the PREMIER inline speed skating team in the US, and i have gotten more boots on the ice
+1 for that.

As for mine, it went bad. I found myself in trouble pretty much this whole year. We'll see what's up for 07.

12-23-2006, 11:11 AM
I never have any New year resolutions.... I try to go with the flow. Aslong As I keep myself happy and the peope that I care the most happy.. Im good to go.
I try to improve my lifestyle every year.. that to me is A +.

Keep on trucking skippy !!

12-23-2006, 11:38 AM
mine was wild.........
1. i almost lost my life and ive been healing all year and all next year (gettin thicker)
2. i lost 2 cars/apartment/and alot of money and other things that belong to me
3. grandma died/friends died/and my friends friend died
4. met new friends /and lost one
5. ive learned patients/still working on it
6. i became temporarly a homebody ( its not all that bad) but feel lazy i hate that
8. and i became more feminin this year due to my accident (big accomplishment cause im not a emotional person)
7. and became infamous on IA all at once

i had a hell of a year!!

12-23-2006, 11:58 AM
From '05
1) drive my 240sx
2)get it tuned
3)get a new girlfriend
4)get a good job
5)look at less nekkid women on the web lol

1. i drove it for two weeks then it blew up. now i go pick it up wenesday and drive it again!
2.yes its tuned this time!!!
3. Had several girlfriends this year. now i'm a whore.
4.got a better paying job but i'm still ballin on a budget. and living at home lolz
5. i looked at more nekkid womens.

3.5/5 aint bad.

12-23-2006, 12:03 PM
hmm... it was overally pretty good, here are the highlights

crashed my Conquest
got a Starion
got a new job as an IT ( which I love )
lost my virginity
blew up my Starion's engine
got another car


12-23-2006, 04:52 PM
I never have any New year resolutions.... I try to go with the flow. Aslong As I keep myself happy and the peope that I care the most happy.. Im good to go.
I try to improve my lifestyle every year.. that to me is A +.

Keep on trucking skippy !!

That is pretty much how I feel, my main goal was to get my business started which is what I've done. Every year I try to set some weird goal that pushes me to work harder.. Next year would be to bring in 6 figures before taxes and hit about $60k in sales in a month with my business.

On a personal level.. just being able to watch my son grow up is good enough for me.

12-23-2006, 05:04 PM
The first part of my 2006 sucked major ass...

but ever since about june or so it was good very good...

Keebs ð¿ð
12-23-2006, 05:28 PM
Lets see what all happened to me in '06...

1) Was hit by a DUI on my bike
2) Spent my 21st Bday in a wheelchair due to that
3) Got a decent settlement, bought a skyline and saved the rest
4) Blew the motor in the SRT4
5) Now I'm about to get a new bike before '07. Only a week left so I better hurry lol

I don't know, despite all the bads, I still enjoyed my '06. I'm the kind of person that lets the past keep me down. All I care about is the future, and winning the lottery

12-23-2006, 05:36 PM
2006 wasnt that great for me either. Actually i dont really remember to much of it, maybe it was good?

12-23-2006, 05:54 PM
spent 3/15-12/14 in rehab.
had some friends die while DUI
my dad passed away
made some new friends
changed the way i was going in life
registered for college
got my GED
got my license (after driving illegally for 3 years)

lots of ups and downs. i'm content though

12-23-2006, 05:58 PM
I'd say it was pretty good.

Got out of a useless relationship and into a damn good one
Did a lot of driving, exploring GA and the southeast
Met a TON of great new people
Modded the hell out of my little car
Great raise and bonus at my job, another one coming in about 2 months

Looking even better for 2007

12-23-2006, 06:08 PM
1. Was in Europe, traveled more.
2. Got promoted earlier then I was suppose to.
3. Got to visit home for a lil while.
4. Got another year closer to the US's damn legal age.
5. Didnt get hurt!
6. Met the US soccer Team, along with other celebs.
7. Was at a World Cup game.
8. Moved to Korea.. Guess its been a good year!

2007 Bring Yo Shit!

12-23-2006, 08:30 PM
I wasn't posting then..

but the year of 06 has been THE worst year I've ever experienced.. but it has made me a stronger person 10 fold...

Having a shitty year like this anything will be better.. but I look forward to big moves in 07

12-23-2006, 08:34 PM
i got my first car

i got my first piece of ass

i might actually graduate highschool.


12-23-2006, 08:53 PM
Haha.. I was kinda feelin sorry for RuffRIder, then I read the last one. Explains it a lil.. You dont have to be 18 anymore to be on here?

Evil Goat
12-23-2006, 09:52 PM
i did pretty good, my new years resolution was to get the hell away from Geico, i left on January 20th (i dont waste time)

then spent 6 weeks at home mooching on my 401k, decided to finally get a job, took a job as another pencil pusher, and before i could even start the company called back and said they couldnt hire the people they intended to hire b/c the FCC blocked the acquisition which was making it possible, that same day i was offered my current job, not something i figured id like but its turned out to be the best job ive had so far, good pay, good people, minimal bullshit

got run the hell over on my bike while on vacation in july (not one of my new years resolutions), spent 2 months in physical therapy and unable to work, thank you U.S. Air Force for running me the fuck over

only run through 4 cars this year, and the totaled bike, bought a new house in october, and me and the wife are trying for child #2

so all things considered, not the best year, but it has been my best year since leaving home

12-23-2006, 11:22 PM
i dont even wanna talk about my 06.. haha. I know for sure 2007 is gonna rock!

Crazy Asian
12-23-2006, 11:26 PM
I got:

!. More mods to my cars
2. Made more friends on IA
3. Had a great time in GA while I was working hahahaaha.
4. I got my official real job.

Now I got to see what the cards are gonna be played in 07

Jimmy B
12-23-2006, 11:53 PM
+1 for that.

As for mine, it went bad. I found myself in trouble pretty much this whole year. We'll see what's up for 07.

dude, you suck.. lirl....


12-24-2006, 12:04 AM
2006 sucked. I don't expect 2007 to be any better.

12-24-2006, 12:06 AM
2006 was okay, Started off great then just kinda died down the second half of the year, I hope '07 is a good one.

09-27-2007, 10:19 PM

09-27-2007, 10:42 PM
WTF Jesus thread.

Who are you KNG? And why did you bring this back from the dead?

09-29-2007, 12:01 PM
WTF Jesus thread.

Who are you KNG? And why did you bring this back from the dead?

June 19, 1989

Hmm....maybe this is the female dude was talking **** about.

Plot Thickens. :ninja: