View Full Version : Dr. Phil is a punk

12-14-2006, 11:50 AM
You have to wonder, was it the fact that the guy shaved the top of his head, and was straight making fun of him?


12-14-2006, 11:58 AM
I don't blame him

That is all

12-14-2006, 11:59 AM
dude he shaved his head and even dress exactly like him ahahahahah....Boooo Dr Phil, Hurray Creepy Bum fights!!

12-14-2006, 12:01 PM
I think he's a punk for inviting the guy on, just to kick him off.
I don't support what he does... Some of it I actually laugh at I admit, ( this bling's bling's crack pipe) but what he does is not the problem. Inviting the guy on, and then booting him just cause is very unprofessional....

12-14-2006, 12:01 PM
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO what a fag dr. phil is

bumfights is comic genius

12-14-2006, 12:02 PM
+1. I am a big bumfights fan. Dr. Phil is a douche. The funny thing is Ty Beason is not the creator of bumfights he is basically a spokespearson, no one seems to undestand that. Every interview with him is funny he owns everyone who tries to put down bumfights and him.

12-14-2006, 12:02 PM
i got in trouble in like 9th grade for bringing the FIRST ONE to school and watching it on the computers in my programming class LOL

12-14-2006, 01:27 PM
i own all of them Bumfights is fucking awesome

HeLLo iM iZzY
12-14-2006, 02:10 PM

12-14-2006, 05:29 PM
Actually, although some parts may contain some humor, most of what those people do is pretty cruel.

When you don't have a place to sleep at night, you will do just about anything to find one. These guys are making MILLIONS off guys like yall that buy his DVD's, yet he pays a bum $5 to beat up a weaker one or pull his own tooth with a pair of pliers or get thrown down the stairs in a shopping cart. That is taking an unfair advantage of someone that has very little resources to defend himself.

That Kyle guy is pretty arrogant and immature. He boasts about how this "helps" those homeless people, yet in the very next sentence he laughs at giving a bum a couple of bucks to eat a live frog. Why not buy him a meal after? Why not give him $50?

I hate lazy people, but kicking someone while they're down to get your rocks off is pretty gay.

Atleast the dumbasses that show their tits and ass on the other videos like this do it for their own benefit. They get paid WAY more than $5 to show off their goods. They have a house to go home to, clean clothes on their back, and aren't strung out on drugs when they voluntarily pose for the cameras. So if they get exploited, that's their own fault.

But bums???? Put yourself in their shoes and see what you would do if you were hungry or having heavy withdrawals......they eat out of garbage cans for no money.....imagine what they would do FOR money.

To each their own and I could care less how people make their fortunes. More power to them. But this guy rubbed me the wrong way when he prances around all cocky and pompous. So as far as I'm concerned he's a tool, but if you guys wanna support that jerk......more power to you. It's your money. Waste it any way you want.


12-14-2006, 05:38 PM
Actually, although some parts may contain some humor, most of what those people do is pretty cruel.

When you don't have a place to sleep at night, you will do just about anything to find one. These guys are making MILLIONS off guys like yall that buy his DVD's, yet he pays a bum $5 to beat up a weaker one or pull his own tooth with a pair of pliers or get thrown down the stairs in a shopping cart. That is taking an unfair advantage of someone that has very little resources to defend himself.

That Kyle guy is pretty arrogant and immature. He boasts about how this "helps" those homeless people, yet in the very next sentence he laughs at giving a bum a couple of bucks to eat a live frog. Why not buy him a meal after? Why not give him $50?

I hate lazy people, but kicking someone while they're down to get your rocks off is pretty gay.

Atleast the dumbasses that show their tits and ass on the other videos like this do it for their own benefit. They get paid WAY more than $5 to show off their goods. They have a house to go home to, clean clothes on their back, and aren't strung out on drugs when they voluntarily pose for the cameras. So if they get exploited, that's their own fault.

But bums???? Put yourself in their shoes and see what you would do if you were hungry or having heavy withdrawals......they eat out of garbage cans for no money.....imagine what they would do FOR money.

To each their own and I could care less how people make their fortunes. More power to them. But this guy rubbed me the wrong way when he prances around all cocky and pompous. So as far as I'm concerned he's a tool, but if you guys wanna support that jerk......more power to you. It's your money. Waste it any way you want.


That whole post is the perfect window to the morons that do these Dumbfights. Fucking idiots. I'd pay what he should be paying these bums to see these idiots die.

Put yourself in their shoes and see what you would do

And I've spent time in those shoes. Later, QD.

12-14-2006, 05:40 PM
Actually I believe the guy ate the frog got an acoustic guitar for it.

12-14-2006, 05:47 PM
the reason the guy got kicked off the show is because he is immature.

12-14-2006, 05:52 PM
Dr. Phil had that planned the whole time. He just did it to make a statement, by not letting Ty get his word in. When you leave no room for a rebuttal you always win.

12-14-2006, 05:54 PM
Dr. Phil had that planned the whole time. He just did it to make a statement, by not letting Ty get his word in. When you leave no room for a rebuttal you always win.
nah i dont think he invited him on the show to do that.

i believe that once he saw the way that Ty fag was dressed that he decided it

12-14-2006, 05:58 PM
Actually, although some parts may contain some humor, most of what those people do is pretty cruel.

When you don't have a place to sleep at night, you will do just about anything to find one. These guys are making MILLIONS off guys like yall that buy his DVD's, yet he pays a bum $5 to beat up a weaker one or pull his own tooth with a pair of pliers or get thrown down the stairs in a shopping cart. That is taking an unfair advantage of someone that has very little resources to defend himself.

That Kyle guy is pretty arrogant and immature. He boasts about how this "helps" those homeless people, yet in the very next sentence he laughs at giving a bum a couple of bucks to eat a live frog. Why not buy him a meal after? Why not give him $50?

I hate lazy people, but kicking someone while they're down to get your rocks off is pretty gay.

Atleast the dumbasses that show their tits and ass on the other videos like this do it for their own benefit. They get paid WAY more than $5 to show off their goods. They have a house to go home to, clean clothes on their back, and aren't strung out on drugs when they voluntarily pose for the cameras. So if they get exploited, that's their own fault.

But bums???? Put yourself in their shoes and see what you would do if you were hungry or having heavy withdrawals......they eat out of garbage cans for no money.....imagine what they would do FOR money.

To each their own and I could care less how people make their fortunes. More power to them. But this guy rubbed me the wrong way when he prances around all cocky and pompous. So as far as I'm concerned he's a tool, but if you guys wanna support that jerk......more power to you. It's your money. Waste it any way you want.


Actually for eating that frog I think he bought him a guitar or something to that extent. Yet he pawns it the next day. Atleast he's giving them money, hell it's better than people riding by making fun of them. Bumfights is pure comedy.

12-14-2006, 05:59 PM
Actually I believe the guy ate the frog got an acoustic guitar for it.

Yeah it looked like an easy $150-200 guitar.

12-14-2006, 06:13 PM
Yeah it looked like an easy $150-200 guitar.

#1. Name a pawn shop that will give a BUM $150-200 for a guitar.

#2. People "riding by and making fun of them" are cruel, but no where near as cruel as taking advantage of someone who is hungry and tricking them into running thru a plate glass window or going down steps in a shopping cart or worse......beating the snot out of a weaker BUM.

Yall are more than welcome to do anything you want and buy this nimrod's DVD's. It's your perrogative. I don't care. I just don't like this guy and his attitude. Yall can do whatever you want, it's a free country. As such, I have every right to call this guy an asshole for taking advantage of weaker people.

12-14-2006, 06:16 PM
ive never seen the bumfights vids but i think that the guy came on the show a lil arrogant but what dr. phill did was wrong

12-14-2006, 06:24 PM
i have to agree with jaime.

something doesnt sit right with me when i watch that stuff.

Lets take JACKASS and STEVE-O. they do some CRAZY SHIT, hell i had the first steve-o video where he lit his girls tits on fire, and where he burned his own pubic hair. that shit is nasty, but i laughed. but they arent taking advantage of anyone but themselves. an like jaime said, they are all making millions, while the poor, "BUM" gets $20.

What he should do, is donate a million dollars a year to the homeless or build a few shelters and that would change my opinion of it.

what he is doing is no better than a 25 year old man beating up an 8 year old. would you pay to see that?

12-14-2006, 06:33 PM
What he should do, is donate a million dollars a year to the homeless or build a few shelters and that would change my opinion of it.
yea but he would never do that cause this guy is greedy as fuck

what he is doing is no better than a 25 year old man beating up an 8 year old. would you pay to see that?
i bet they would

12-14-2006, 06:36 PM
In regards to Bumfights the creators are giving more money to the homeless than we are.

Face it, the people are homeless and do this stuff to make money. They have free will, and if they are feeling exploited they can certainly say no. It's work for them, as sad as it is, they are doing what they have to do to get by. Not everyone can get a regular job and these people are doing better than most of the people on street corners. The stuff they do is a little extreme, and it's sad to see, but being homeless isn't that great.

12-14-2006, 06:38 PM
but being homeless isn't that great.
not that you have any idea

i bet you have NEVER ONCE helped out the homeless at a shelter or something along those lines

12-14-2006, 06:45 PM
In regards to Bumfights the creators are giving more money to the homeless than we are.


Face it, the people are homeless and do this stuff to make money. They have free will, and if they are feeling exploited they can certainly say no. It's work for them, as sad as it is, they are doing what they have to do to get by. Not everyone can get a regular job and these people are doing better than most of the people on street corners. The stuff they do is a little extreme, and it's sad to see, but being homeless isn't that great.

In your comment, you have the exact same attitude that he has.

Exploitation is NOT doing "something" for anyone. It is taking advantage of someone. Plain and simple. You can polish up that turd all you want, but it's still a turd.

That's like walking up to bum, asking him/her if they are hungry, and then barfing up your lunch onto a plate for them. They can eat it can't they? It will technically be better than nothing, right? Is it humane? Is it "helping" them? Absolutely not. So just because they will eat shit from someone because they have nothing else to do, doesn't mean that the person feeding them the shit is not an asshole himself. He is. He's a jerk with money in his pocket, but a jerk no less.

This is a prime example of how cruel people can be just for kicks. That to me is the worst cruelty of all. You are getting pleasure from someone else's pain and suffering. Does that feel good?

12-14-2006, 06:49 PM
not that you have any idea

i bet you have NEVER ONCE helped out the homeless at a shelter or something along those lines

:thinking: I was wondering whether that last line should be deleted.

But I don't have any idea how bad it is. What are you trying to say in the second line? I am not mad just confused as of what you are trying to infer or suggest based on the fact that I have not helped at a homeless shelter.

12-14-2006, 06:51 PM

In your comment, you have the exact same attitude that he has.

Exploitation is NOT doing "something" for anyone. It is taking advantage of someone. Plain and simple. You can polish up that turd all you want, but it's still a turd.

That's like walking up to bum, asking him/her if they are hungry, and then barfing up your lunch onto a plate for them. They can eat it can't they? It will technically be better than nothing, right? Is it humane? Is it "helping" them? Absolutely not. So just because they will eat shit from someone because they have nothing else to do, doesn't mean that the person feeding them the shit is not an asshole himself. He is. He's a jerk with money in his pocket, but a jerk no less.

This is a prime example of how cruel people can be just for kicks. That to me is the worst cruelty of all. You are getting pleasure from someone else's pain and suffering. Does that feel good?

Good point. I agree.

12-14-2006, 06:54 PM
:thinking: I was wondering whether that last line should be deleted.

But I don't have any idea how bad it is. What are you trying to say in the second line? I am not mad just confused as of what you are trying to infer or suggest based on the fact that I have not helped at a homeless shelter.
i was reinforcing my point that you have never been close to homelessness
like havent even seen how bad it is by atleast workin at a shelter

12-14-2006, 06:57 PM
Okay. That's fine. I have not been closely involved, but I feel I can at least say it "is not that great." Unless it is great, then I will try that shit out.

12-14-2006, 07:05 PM
The stuff they do is a little extreme, and it's sad to see, but being homeless isn't that great.

A little extreme? Have you ever experienced homelessness? I have. It's just as bad and worse than you might think. Later, QD.

12-14-2006, 07:13 PM
#1. Name a pawn shop that will give a BUM $150-200 for a guitar.

#2. People "riding by and making fun of them" are cruel, but no where near as cruel as taking advantage of someone who is hungry and tricking them into running thru a plate glass window or going down steps in a shopping cart or worse......beating the snot out of a weaker BUM.

Yall are more than welcome to do anything you want and buy this nimrod's DVD's. It's your perrogative. I don't care. I just don't like this guy and his attitude. Yall can do whatever you want, it's a free country. As such, I have every right to call this guy an asshole for taking advantage of weaker people.

#1 He said he would do anything to pursue his career in music again.. so they said would you eat a raw frog? I mean how is that taking advantage? They VOLUNTEER.

#2 They dont trick them into anything. Bums arent weak by any means, they live on the streets.

Yeah he may do some wrong things. This isnt nearly as bad as people stealing cars and beating the hell out of people for their wallets which happens daily.

12-14-2006, 07:15 PM
Bums arent weak by any means, they live on the streets.

Again I ask. Have you walked their mile? Later, QD.

12-14-2006, 07:16 PM
Again I ask. Have you walked their mile? Later, QD.

Actually I can admit that I have. I wont go into my earlier childhood but I've been involved and experience that sort of thing 1st hand.

12-14-2006, 07:17 PM
I'm not saying this type of stuff is right but homeless people will do anything for any help. The sad part is they probably consider this a blessing.

12-14-2006, 07:18 PM
Actually I can admit that I have. I wont go into my earlier childhood but I've been involved and experience that sort of thing 1st hand.

Hmmmm. I don't know. Have you really spent time on the streets? Homeless? I spent two years, from 1995-1997 all over Atlanta and Doraville and in between on the streets. I know, still, most the homeless that are around town. I interacted with them back then, and because of my job, I interact with them daily now. I don't know about your childhood, but this is talking about being a grown-up and experiencing this. Later, QD.

12-14-2006, 07:19 PM
I'm not saying this type of stuff is right but homeless people will do anything for any help. The sad part is they probably consider this a blessing.

Read my above for a more accurate account of homelessness. Later, QD.

12-14-2006, 07:20 PM
Hmmmm. I don't know. Have you really spent time on the streets? Homeless? I spent two years, from 1995-1997 all over Atlanta and Doraville and in between on the streets. I know, still, most the homeless that are around town. I interacted with them back then, and because of my job, I interact with them daily now. I don't know about your childhood, but this is talking about being a grown-up and experiencing this. Later, QD.

I didnt spend 2 years on the streets per say. But i did spend almost 2 years in shelters around the birmingham area.

12-14-2006, 07:43 PM
I didnt spend 2 years on the streets per say. But i did spend almost 2 years in shelters around the birmingham area.

Fine then.....did you LIKE IT?.....being homeless? What makes you think that these people are any different?

Would you of appreciated some young jackass coming up to you when you had nothing and throwing YOU a bone for you to do something cruel to someone else? How about pulling a tooth with a pair of pliers? How about eating a live frog?

This is not much different than waltzing into a psych ward in a hospital and asking a person there to do something stupid for a lollipop. No difference. In a psych ward they have very FEW choices by design. You waltz in and give them something they can't normally have and suddenly they are putty in your hand. Would that be right? Would that be funny?

One step further:

Go into special Ed class in a school. Get one of those kids to do something stupid for you just for YOUR kicks.....for YOUR enjoyment.....for YOUR laughter. Does that make you feel good?

I've said before and I'll repeat it again: I don't care what YOU do for kicks, so long as you don't take advantage of someone weaker than you. That is cruel and shows exactly what YOUR character is. If you can sleep at night knowing that YOUR enjoyment cost someone, another human, pain and suffering, then that says a lot more about YOU than it does about that guy that ate a live frog because he needed another hit of crack.

Taking advantage of someone weaker than yourself says all I need to know about someone's character and what they're truly made of. Period. End of discussion.

12-14-2006, 07:48 PM
Fine then.....did you LIKE IT?.....being homeless? What makes you think that these people are any different?

Would you of appreciated some young jackass coming up to you when you had nothing and throwing YOU a bone for you to do something cruel to someone else? How about pulling a tooth with a pair of pliers? How about eating a live frog?

This is not much different than waltzing into a psych ward in a hospital and asking a person there to do something stupid for a lollipop. No difference. In a psych ward they have very FEW choices by design. You waltz in and give them something they can't normally have and suddenly they are putty in your hand. Would that be right? Would that be funny?

One step further:

Go into special Ed class in a school. Get one of those kids to do something stupid for you just for YOUR kicks.....for YOUR enjoyment.....for YOUR laughter. Does that make you feel good?

I've said before and I'll repeat it again: I don't care what YOU do for kicks, so long as you don't take advantage of someone weaker than you. That is cruel and shows exactly what YOUR character is. If you can sleep at night knowing that YOUR enjoyment cost someone, another human, pain and suffering, then that says a lot more about YOU than it does about that guy that ate a live frog because he needed another hit of crack.

Taking advantage of someone weaker than yourself says all I need to know about someone's character and what they're truly made of. Period. End of discussion.

I'm not saying they're right. Most everyone I knew would do most any of that for $20. Humiliation is nothing. You have no pride. They would put the money together and go buy a loaf of bread. They would almost consider it a blessing. No it's not right yes he should help more but in a way he is helping out.

12-14-2006, 07:56 PM
all you motherfuckers saying that shit is cool can suck my fucking dick and save my cum for your mother.

Lock me up in a room with TY and a bat and I will set him straight.

That shit is fucking wack . The jackasses that have bought any of those DVD's should diaf.
I agree with Dr Phil.. actually, If I was Dr. Phil I wouldve smack the living shit on live TV... and gladly pay the lawsuit after.

If you dont like what Ihave to say... Then give my CUM to your 8 year old sister.

Shit is lame.

12-14-2006, 07:58 PM
all you motherfuckers saying that shit is cool can suck my fucking dick and save my cum for your mother.

Lock me up in a room with TY and a bat and I will set him straight.

That shit is fucking wack . The jackasses that have bought any of those DVD's should diaf.
I agree with Dr Phil.. actually, If I was Dr. Phil I wouldve smack the living shit on live TV... and gladly pay the lawsuit after.

If you dont like what Ihave to say... Then give my CUM to your 8 year old sister.

Shit is lame.

So which is it my 8 yr old sister or mother?

Alright now michael j. let's chill for a moment..

Haha jk man.

12-14-2006, 08:01 PM
I'm not saying they're right. Most everyone I knew would do most any of that for $20. Humiliation is nothing. You have no pride. They would put the money together and go buy a loaf of bread. They would almost consider it a blessing. No it's not right yes he should help more but in a way he is helping out.

I'm sorry, but you just don't get it. Your thought process is exactly as the makers of those videos.

Again, how are you helping by making them eat your puke? Yeah, it's technically food.....chewed up already and half digested, but ummm yeah it's technically food......how's that "help"?

How is anyone "helping" by inflicting PAIN and SUFFERING on PURPOSE for their own BENEFIT??? How? By giving them a few dollars?


People need to realize that one day they too may need the help of another human being. Maybe when that day comes, this guy.....who you claim is "helping" the homeless will "help" you when you're in need. Maybe then you'll realize what a lizard and leech someone like him really is......when you're left there on the side of the road chewing on a live frog without even the dignity most people afford animals and he goes about his merry way laughing AT you and counting the money YOU made HIM with YOUR pain.

Think about that. And then tell me he's "helping" anybody. ;)

12-14-2006, 08:03 PM
I'm sorry, but you just don't get it. Your thought process is exactly as the makers of those videos.

Again, how are you helping by making them eat your puke? Yeah, it's technically food.....chewed up already and half digested, but ummm yeah it's technically food......how's that "help"?

How is anyone "helping" by inflicting PAIN and SUFFERING on PURPOSE for their own BENEFIT??? How? By giving them a few dollars?


People need to realize that one day they too may need the help of another human being. Maybe when that day comes, this guy.....who you claim is "helping" the homeless will "help" you when you're in need. Maybe then you'll realize what a lizard and leech someone like him really is......when you're left there on the side of the road chewing on a live frog without even the dignity most people afford animals and he goes about his merry way laughing AT you and counting the money YOU made HIM with YOUR pain.

Think about that. And then tell me he's "helping" anybody. ;)

There is a positive and negative to everything.

12-14-2006, 08:07 PM
in a way he is helping out.

No he isn't. Not in any way. And you don't know what's up out in the streets dude. Later, QD.

12-14-2006, 08:14 PM
No he isn't. Not in any way. And you don't know what's up out in the streets dude. Later, QD.


12-14-2006, 08:17 PM
There is a positive and negative to everything.

What's positive about a child dying?

What's positive about someone suffering from cancer?

What's positive about taking advantage of someone less fortunate than you?

What's funny about it?

What's entertaining about it?

Is it that you're happy it's not YOU? Is it that you have some pent up frustrations from your youth and like seeing someone else in pain for a change? Is it that you enjoy watching another human being hurt themselves so you can get a chuckle?

It's obvious to me that you just don't get it. That's truly sad. Just hope and pray that one day YOU or YOUR family or someone YOU care for needs help and they are not treated the way these homeless people are treated. How great would YOU feel if you bought one of those DVD's and saw them doing that to someone YOU care about? Would it still be funny? If it would not, why not?

Humanity is something we are all born with. When you see someone being cruel to an animal, what do you say? Do you say that they are "helping" the animal by setting it on fire or putting it in an oven? But wait, the puppy was starving anyway or that kitten was too little to take care of itself.......so we will "help" them by dousing them with gas or sticking them in an oven, right????

What kind of humanity is that? What person that is not mentally retarded thinks that being cruel ON PURPOSE to another human being is "ok"?

12-14-2006, 08:22 PM
What's positive about a child dying? Less time he has to spend on this planet of ours.

What's positive about someone suffering from cancer? They will appreciate life that much more.

What's positive about taking advantage of someone less fortunate than you? They got something out of it

What's funny about it? It's quite humorous at times. Perfect example.. Diving in a pool for crack rocks.

What's entertaining about it? ^^

Is it that you're happy it's not YOU? Is it that you have some pent up frustrations from your youth and like seeing someone else in pain for a change? Is it that you enjoy watching another human being hurt themselves so you can get a chuckle? It isnt that they are hurting i mean even Big C and his mansion.. that shit was funny he wasnt getting hurt but he was proud of his shit.

It's obvious to me that you just don't get it. That's truly sad. Just hope and pray that one day YOU or YOUR family or someone YOU care for needs help and they are treated the way these homeless people are treated. How great would YOU feel if you bought one of those DVD's and saw them doing that to someone YOU care about? Would it still be funny? If it would not, why not? The whole video isnt funny just snippets.

Humanity is something we are all born with. When you see someone being cruel to an animal, what do you say? Do you say that they are "helping" the animal by setting it on fire or putting it in an oven? But wait, the puppy was starving anyway or that kitten was too little to take care of itself.......so we will "help" them by dousing them with gas or sticking them in an oven, right???? I frown upon animal cruelty

What kind of humanity is that? What person that is not mentally retarded thinks that being cruel ON PURPOSE to another human being is "ok"?

12-14-2006, 08:40 PM

I'm done trying to talk some sense into you. It's obvious it's not ever going to work with you.

I'll close with you by saying what I already have once:

The fact that you think it's OK to take advantage of someone that is weaker than you and even find entertainment in it......says a lot about YOU.

12-14-2006, 08:42 PM
The fact that you think it's OK to take advantage of someone that is weaker than you and even find entertainment in it......says a lot about YOU.

It actually makes him the weaker person in reality. Later, QD.

12-14-2006, 08:50 PM
The fact that he came out with his head shaved and dressed like Dr. Phil cracked me the hell up. Only because I hate Dr. Phil though.

12-14-2006, 08:54 PM
It actually makes him the weaker person in reality. Later, QD. Yeah the funny part doesnt have anything to do with getting teeth pulled, eating frogs. It's the parts like Big C and his mansion and Bling Bling and Diving for crack.

12-15-2006, 01:31 PM
I'm not saying they're right. Most everyone I knew would do most any of that for $20. Humiliation is nothing. You have no pride. They would put the money together and go buy a loaf of bread. They would almost consider it a blessing. No it's not right yes he should help more but in a way he is helping out.

Helping him would just giving him $20 or money for a loaf of bread..... NOT to go drive yourself through a glass window for $ 20 or a loaf of bread.