View Full Version : Random The Real War in Iraq.

12-09-2006, 03:58 AM

I'm just one voice among millions, but what the fuck are we still doing there? People are dying every day, and for what? NOTHING. Not a fucking thing. People are being maimed, murdered, slaughtered, destroyed, burned alive, shot, and killed in their homes for no fucking reason at all. We have a pathetic media who's to chicken shit to show us what's really happening, while the people with the balls to go over there and attempt to document the real carnage are being murdered too. What the fuck is the point? Is there one, or do the majority of the people in the country just not give a shit?

I'm not from Iraq, and I've never been there, but I place a value on any and all human life, and the way it's being thrown away in Iraq is disgusting no matter what side your on. Fuck Bush, Fuck the U.S. Militairy, and fuck anyone else who's pulls the trigger of a gun, without enormously just reason. Fuck anyone who doesn't value human life, and fuck anyone who dares waste human life. These are the pieces of shit, that continue to perpetuate violence in this world, and we'd all be better off without them.

12-09-2006, 08:18 AM
you know.... i agree with the iraq part... but you too it too far with the "fuck anyone who shoots a gun"

if it wasnt for guns and the militia your ass wouldnt be able to say such liberal propaganda without getting your ass reamed for it.

so fuck you. ill shoot if i want to

12-09-2006, 12:50 PM
fuck anyone else who's pulls the trigger of a gun, without enormously just reason.

I didn't say fuck anyone who shoots a gun man, reread it. I own a gun, and used to own a few more. They're fun to shoot, but all this killing people without a real reason has gotten out of control.

12-09-2006, 03:23 PM
I didn't say fuck anyone who shoots a gun man, reread it. I own a gun, and used to own a few more. They're fun to shoot, but all this killing people without a real reason has gotten out of control.

I didint know that..... Damn I better watch my mouth now you might kill me.

12-09-2006, 03:26 PM

I'm not from Iraq, and I've never been there, but I place a value on any and all human life, and the way it's being thrown away in Iraq is disgusting no matter what side your on. Fuck Bush, Fuck the U.S. Militairy, and fuck anyone else who's pulls the trigger of a gun, without enormously just reason. Fuck anyone who doesn't value human life, and fuck anyone who dares waste human life. These are the pieces of shit, that continue to perpetuate violence in this world, and we'd all be better off without them.

informationclearinghouse has always been a liberal quack site full of conspiracy theorists.
As for your "fuck the US military", the troops would like to extend a big "Fuck You" to you - learn how to spell it first, and second, what have you done in public service?

And you did say, "fuck anyone else who's pulls the trigger of a gun, without enormously just reason" - think about what you said.

If you hate the US so much, move your ass to Russia, Canada, or Cuba.

12-09-2006, 08:00 PM
moving to Canada might not help anyways.... look up info on the AMERO!

12-09-2006, 09:03 PM
People should see/know both sides, good and bad, to see the whole truth...

12-09-2006, 11:08 PM
People should see/know both sides, good and bad, to see the whole truth...

exactly, could not agree more.

12-10-2006, 01:39 AM
if both sides understood what human life means...we wouldn't be in this situation today.

12-10-2006, 11:02 PM
ok so before i start getting really really pissed off i am going to inform everybody of a few things. one if we were to pull out of Iraq today or tommorow we would be fucked. no way around it. everybody says that 9-11 could have been prevented and you know what they're right but do you know when we could have prevented it???OVER 20 FUCKEN YEARS AGO!!!during the late 70's early 80's afghanistan was being raided by the soviet union. the american cia sent in covert agents along with weapons to train the afghani(sp.) to fight the russians. do you know who our #1 confidant in afghanistan was during this time OSAMA FUCKEN BIN LADEN!!!!He was our #1 alie in afghanistan rup until the day they drove the russians out. after they drove the russians out and came looking to us for help and what did we do????NOTHING!!!We left afghanistan in a pile of rubble with no ecconomic support system or anything for that matter. it was from then on that the taliban went from liberating militia to middle eastern terrorist group that vowed to destroy the united states. which brings me to my point. we went in there to liberate Iraq from the clutches of an evil tyrant, Saddam Hussein, and give them their country back. We have done that but they are not ready to be left alone yet. President bush is simply doing what most people fail to do every day,learn from the past. President Bush realizes that if we were to pull out today that maybe not tommorow or the next day or next year or 10 years after that but somewhere on down the road that decision will come back and bite america in the ass.

12-10-2006, 11:15 PM
People should see/know both sides, good and bad, to see the whole truth...

People should understand all sides. The average american has no understanding of the international world other than the blurbs they hear on the news about Iraq or Korea.

If we pull out of Iraq it will come back later and bite us in the ass? I'd say its biting us in our ass because we're stuck there with no exit strategy. Iraq is weak and will be for a while due to the instability.

12-11-2006, 07:34 AM
People should understand all sides. The average american has no understanding of the international world other than the blurbs they hear on the news about Iraq or Korea.

If we pull out of Iraq it will come back later and bite us in the ass? I'd say its biting us in our ass because we're stuck there with no exit strategy. Iraq is weak and will be for a while due to the instability.

No doubt about that, I just think it's a shame so many people have to loose their lives, to rebuild a country with so many people who don't appriciate what we're doing there.

I read an article in National Geographic the other day that was talking about how many U.S. Troops are maimed by I.E.D.s, and it bothers the shit out of me. Recently a few of my friends enlisted, and were deployed; and I would absoultely fucking hate to see them come back from their tour, paralyzed, permantely disfigured, or worse dead, all over something that nobody could really agree on.

I don't have a problem with guns at all. I just can't believe how little emphasis is placed on the overall value of human life.

As for my "Fuck the U.S. Militairy" statement, I'd like to retract it. That was an ignorant, and extreme thing to say.
I don't have a problem with our country's militairy, and I respect them for the job they do, and the risks they take to protect all of us. But I have nothing but distaste for the way both sides can go about senselessly killing, and injuring one another without remorse.

12-11-2006, 08:02 AM
As for my "Fuck the U.S. Militairy" statement, I'd like to retract it. That was an ignorant, and extreme thing to say.
I don't have a problem with our country's militairy, and I respect them for the job they do, and the risks they take to protect all of us. But I have nothing but distaste for the way both sides can go about senselessly killing, and injuring one another without remorse.

yeah...it was an EXTREMELY ignorant thing to say. I was getting pissed as shit, but I see that you somewhat caught on to how stupid of a comment it was.

Btw, senseless killing happens but not as much as you probably think. There are ROE's all soldiers must follow, and since the liberal media loves to film only the negative, commander's and nco's try and make sure ROE's are followed. The ISG was such a waste of money, those old fucks only stated the obvious and came up with the dumbest solutions. We are rebuilding Iraq and it's Govt, it's a painstaking task, but if the stupid insurgents would stop killing every new govt official that is voted in, we might have some progress. We cannot just leave now, that'd be like starting to put a turbo in your car and just stopping half way thru because you got tired or bored.

12-11-2006, 01:03 PM
the situation over there is bad for everyone, us, iraq, iran, anyone... and that reporter who did the film prolly didnt cover half the shit thats going on, theres prolly a lot more shit going on over there that we dont know about, or that anyone doesnt kno about, bush is a fucking idiot, but he wouldnt just keep them over there for no damn reason, and since the democrats rule congress and the house now, they wouldve done something, but nope they havent, because theres prolly something much more bigger than we all kno about...

12-11-2006, 01:21 PM
Alright, I don't really want to argue about this, because I will admit I don't know too much on the subject. I just wanted to say something about your friends that joined the Army. I totally agree with you about the non caring attitude toward human life, and I know that I would be totally devistated if any of my friends were killed, but personally I think that you can't be upset at the government or anyone else for that matter if someone you know gets injured. If you join the military not thinking in the back of your head that you may come out injured, then I think you're ignoring reality. The way I see it, the Army fights wars, that's what it does, so injuries can be expected.

I'm not saying this to you personally, but to people in general who always think it's the goverments fault for injured soldiers.

12-11-2006, 03:07 PM
Btw, senseless killing happens but not as much as you probably think. There are ROE's all soldiers must follow, and since the liberal media loves to film only the negative, commander's and nco's try and make sure ROE's are followed. The ISG was such a waste of money, those old fucks only stated the obvious and came up with the dumbest solutions. We are rebuilding Iraq and it's Govt, it's a painstaking task, but if the stupid insurgents would stop killing every new govt official that is voted in, we might have some progress. We cannot just leave now, that'd be like starting to put a turbo in your car and just stopping half way thru because you got tired or bored.

There are also Geneva Conventions being ignored by our own government with regards to prisoners. A lot of the dealings with terrorists fall into a grey area since they arent aligned with any nation in particular with regards to international law.

12-11-2006, 04:46 PM
There are also Geneva Conventions being ignored by our own government with regards to prisoners. A lot of the dealings with terrorists fall into a grey area since they arent aligned with any nation in particular with regards to international law.

Geneva Convention is a joke...the US is the only people who are punished and are governed by it. It wasnt really realistic when it was first written and the gay ass liberal media preaches it, but do insurgents worry about ROE's or Geneva Convention violations? hell no, that's why they cut off their prisoners heads. War is war...all bets are off, but the US is the only country that has to suffer because we have to be humane in war, but everyone else can do as they please.

12-11-2006, 06:36 PM

12-11-2006, 07:03 PM
I finally watched that load of crap, they call journalism. This "reporter" acts like he is the messiah on reporting the war in Iraq. In the first 5mins he is already gotten on his high horse, saying that we know nothing of violence and death in Iraq. CNN (liberal media) broadcasts the US human death toll everynight, and the latest attacks on civilian locations.

As a soldier, I personally think all media should not be allowed on the war fronts...because all they do is twist the story to make their ratings and show what they want to show...everyone on this video clip is talking nothing but bullshit, because they will report whatever the person who cuts their checks tells them to.

Civilians cannot handle or stomach what war actually is.

The marine who shot the insurgent in the head...where was the rest of the video of the whole battle before? how about showing the part where that insurgent was targeting US soldiers?

this video is stupid ass English/British journalists who think they are all whistleblowers and that they want to just show the "truth" about war...bullshit..they are out for their dollar....

if you wanna know what war is, you can sign the dotted line just like myself and millions of other americans have and see what really happens in war.

12-11-2006, 07:15 PM
Fuck the war in Iraq. It is easy to support a war when you haven't lost anyone close to you in it. Nothing good is coming out of the war in Iraq.

12-11-2006, 08:13 PM
Fuck the war in Iraq. It is easy to support a war when you haven't lost anyone close to you in it. Nothing good is coming out of the war in Iraq.

Who the fuck do you think you are talking too? You lost someone? I've lost more than a dozen...

Do I support the war? it's not my choice...it's my job, I do what has to be done, those who have lost their lives in the war, signed the same papers as me...and we were not forced to join, they did and served with what they thought was right.

12-11-2006, 08:22 PM
informationclearinghouse has always been a liberal quack site full of conspiracy theorists.
As for your "fuck the US military", the troops would like to extend a big "Fuck You" to you - learn how to spell it first, and second, what have you done in public service?

And you did say, "fuck anyone else who's pulls the trigger of a gun, without enormously just reason" - think about what you said.

If you hate the US so much, move your ass to Russia, Canada, or Cuba.
x2 fuck you and god bless the U.S. Military :goodjob:

12-11-2006, 08:24 PM
Who the fuck do you think you are talking too? You lost someone? I've lost more than a dozen...

Do I support the war? it's not my choice...it's my job, I do what has to be done, those who have lost their lives in the war, signed the same papers as me...and we were not forced to join, they did and served with what they thought was right.

When i said you, I wasn't pointing you out. I support you and anyone else in our armed forces. I fucking despise the war in Iraq.... period. I am sorry for your losses also, but don't talk down to me and make it a contest of who has lost the most loved ones in the war, that shit is weak.The bottom line is we shouldn't have lost them.

12-11-2006, 08:26 PM
No doubt about that, I just think it's a shame so many people have to loose their lives, to rebuild a country with so many people who don't appriciate what we're doing there.

I read an article in National Geographic the other day that was talking about how many U.S. Troops are maimed by I.E.D.s, and it bothers the shit out of me. Recently a few of my friends enlisted, and were deployed; and I would absoultely fucking hate to see them come back from their tour, paralyzed, permantely disfigured, or worse dead, all over something that nobody could really agree on.

I don't have a problem with guns at all. I just can't believe how little emphasis is placed on the overall value of human life.

As for my "Fuck the U.S. Militairy" statement, I'd like to retract it. That was an ignorant, and extreme thing to say.
I don't have a problem with our country's militairy, and I respect them for the job they do, and the risks they take to protect all of us. But I have nothing but distaste for the way both sides can go about senselessly killing, and injuring one another without remorse.

haha i'm a fucking moron who did'nt read the whole thread, by the way eatus featus i like your car, oh and if we pull out in iraq the whole place will be flooded with insurgents, we need to stay the course and work as hard as possible building up the iraqi gov

12-11-2006, 08:35 PM
As for my "Fuck the U.S. Militairy" statement, I'd like to retract it. That was an ignorant, and extreme thing to say.
I don't have a problem with our country's militairy, and I respect them for the job they do, and the risks they take to protect all of us. But I have nothing but distaste for the way both sides can go about senselessly killing, and injuring one another without remorse.

Well said. My biggest problem with your earlier statement was the part against the troops. They are just doing the job that they are ordered to do. I support them.

You definately do not have to agree with the government or it's commanders.

Here is a thought however. If we were to pull our troops out of Iraq tomorrow and bring them home, do you think that they enemy would stay over there - or follow us here? Where would you prefer to fit the enemy, halfway around the world in another country, or in your own Gwinnett county schools, churches, malls, etc? What would you say if we had suicide bombers blowing up the schools, malls, etc - here? Would you be outraged if a terrorist blew himslef up and took out you mother or sister while they were buying grogeries at Kroger, or praying in church, or shot you father while he was working his job? If we do not finish this, that is what we will be doing. These Islamic fundamentalists have vowed to make this a world ruled by Islamic law. That means that you would be given a choice: convert to Islam or be executed (usually by beheading with these guys). There is no gray area, no compromise, no respect for others beliefs. These are not your typical Muslims that live normal everyday lives here in America. These people believe that if they kill themselves and take you with them, that they will go to Heaven (remember their motto - Death to America). There is no rational thought there, and they cannot be reasoned or negotiated with. With that information, how would you suggest we end the fight and exit Iraq now?

12-11-2006, 08:40 PM
When i said you, I wasn't pointing you out. I support you and anyone else in our armed forces. I fucking despise the war in Iraq.... period. I am sorry for your losses also, but don't talk down to me and make it a contest of who has lost the most loved ones in the war, that shit is weak.The bottom line is we shouldn't have lost them.

your original comment looked directed at me, and I'm just really tired of liberal media and their blasting of our troops, and I'm done with everyone who doesnt know a damn thing saying fuck the troops, and fuck the govt, and all that jazz.

At this point, we've all lost someone...but everyone is really quick to place blame. You know, I get upset when I hear about one of my buddies dying, but what gets me more upset is when I have to see my other buddies having to go back for the 2nd or 3rd time...but what makes me proud to be a soldier, and proud to know that they are truly good people, they go back and they dont complain, they suck it up and know their role in the war is just another stepping stone in restoring somekind of order in the middle east.

I dont want to get into a debate about how many people we know over there or who we know has passed. So I apologize for talking down to you.

I wish all people would understand this...you do not have to like what the troops are doing, but support them because they are American's just like you and me, and they have families and loved ones too who they left behind to fight a war, it's their sacrifice and nothing is worse to a soldier than to be ashamed when they come home after a year long deployment to think everything they have done is pointless.

12-11-2006, 08:47 PM
your original comment looked directed at me, and I'm just really tired of liberal media and their blasting of our troops, and I'm done with everyone who doesnt know a damn thing saying fuck the troops, and fuck the govt, and all that jazz.

At this point, we've all lost someone...but everyone is really quick to place blame. You know, I get upset when I hear about one of my buddies dying, but what gets me more upset is when I have to see my other buddies having to go back for the 2nd or 3rd time...but what makes me proud to be a soldier, and proud to know that they are truly good people, they go back and they dont complain, they suck it up and know their role in the war is just another stepping stone in restoring somekind of order in the middle east.

I dont want to get into a debate about how many people we know over there or who we know has passed. So I apologize for talking down to you.

I wish all people would understand this...you do not have to like what the troops are doing, but support them because they are American's just like you and me, and they have families and loved ones too who they left behind to fight a war, it's their sacrifice and nothing is worse to a soldier than to be ashamed when they come home after a year long deployment to think everything they have done is pointless.

Like I said, I have nothing but respect and support for our armed forces. My hat is off to everyone serving our country. I just don't agree that our military should still be in Iraq. Simply put. It's been a long war and it is time to bring them home.

12-12-2006, 12:05 AM
Woah guys, gotta quit jumping the gun on the trying to bite my head off. I just really want to know as much about all this as I can, but it seems like it's impossible to get any unbiased information, muchless have a discussion without people chewing eachother's heads off.

As for our staying in Iraq. I can see why we have to stay there now, because if we left the place would be a total disaster. But why did we go charging in there in the first place? Weren't we susposed to be looking for the people behind 9-11?

In reagards to the media, why leave them out? They're taking just as big a risk being there, as the soldiers are, if not more so because not only are they not adaquately able to defend themselves. Not all the media is there to "twist" a story into something it's not. Some people simply want to document the carnage of the war for the sake of documentation, perhaps to later show people could learn from it in the future. As people have done with previous wars.

I honestly think Saddam got exactly what he deserved. Using Mustard Gas on civilians is a pretty awful thing to do, but whatever happend to Bin Laden? I thought we were susposed to be relentlessly tracking him down for the most recent, and devistating terrorist attack on the U.S. ?

I myself come from a family of military serving men. My grandfather was a military man (Sgt Major U.S. Air Force), as was my father (started as Infantry then became a Ranger). So don't go accusing me of being so anti-military, I have no probelm with the men and women that serve this country, but I think a few of them, can get a little carried away with violence sometimes, considering we're trying to look bigger than that as a nation. But I'm aware that that's a part of war, especially when the enemy doesn't abide by your code of ethics, and rules of engagement.