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12-08-2006, 05:21 AM
Wife goes to court to stop hubby's ghost stories

A Taiwanese woman has taken out an injunction against her husband to stop him telling her ghost stories.

The woman, named only as Mrs Chen, complained he was giving her nightmares, reports the Apple Daily Taiwan newspaper.

She first filed a complaint with police, then applied for a personal protection order which was approved by a district court in Taichung.

The couple have been married for 20 years and have two daughters. They separated a few years ago but never divorced.

Mr Chen found work away from home, at an orchard, but returned every few months to visit his daughters for a few days.

In her complaint, Mrs Chen claimed her estranged husband often returned home in the dead of the night in a drunken stupor.

He would then go on to tell her ghost stories for at least an hour, despite her repeated pleas for him to stop.

He would tell her stories of seeing 'figures clothed in white floating around in the orchard', of people hanging themselves, and of the discovery of human bones near the orchard.

In his defence, Mr Chen claimed he was only sharing work stories with his wife.

But his daughters told the judge their father frequently traumatised their mother with his macabre tales.

AE86 Dorifto
12-08-2006, 06:55 AM
That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard.