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11-17-2006, 04:37 AM
serious i was in the middle of a game and the thing shut down and will not power back up or eject my game...i was about 5 hours into a game...WTF!!! hopefully i am the first to blow up the PS3...


11-17-2006, 04:39 AM
wow dude...that sucks...but how is it for the first 5 hours?

11-17-2006, 04:41 AM
wow dude...that sucks...but how is it for the first 5 hours?

FUCK AWESOME...the PS3 Rocks...except it blew up...

11-17-2006, 04:45 AM
damn that is shitty, how long did you wait?

11-17-2006, 04:46 AM
well are you gonna bring it back?!?!
hopefully they will even have on left to give you in exchange... that will suck if they dont.

11-17-2006, 04:51 AM
there is no way they kept any for exchange, its up to sony to fix it anyway.

11-17-2006, 04:53 AM
that sucks

11-17-2006, 04:57 AM
all i have to say...sony is going to get an ear full for this shit

11-17-2006, 05:20 AM
you knew it was coming, all the first wave of new systems have problems, my 360 stopped reading games, it still read dvds but not games, microsoft sent me a coupon to get a new one for free from best buy though, good luck getting that from sony on their first day of production though.

11-17-2006, 05:26 AM

11-17-2006, 05:30 AM
1st gen of EVERYTHING has problems/glitches...

11-17-2006, 05:33 AM
shoulda known...

11-17-2006, 05:47 AM
LoL that sucks...

11-17-2006, 06:09 AM

pictures of what a ps3??? never seen one before...google it

11-17-2006, 06:09 AM
LOL at u for payin 600 bucks for a gaming system.. and it tearing up w/ no chance of gettin a new one anytime soon :)

11-17-2006, 07:26 AM
thats sucks i'll get on sometime when all the hype comes down

11-17-2006, 07:29 AM
:stupid: yea...$600 is pretty steep...

11-17-2006, 07:37 AM
Im sure both you fuckin noobs have spent more on dumber shit and if you havent its probably because your too broke. Its not a waste if thats what he wanted, I wish I had been in the states to stand in line and drop 600 bucks too.

11-17-2006, 07:40 AM
damn I love handing out negative reps, Ive given them to three people already this morning.

11-17-2006, 07:42 AM
I never said it was a waste of money.. just that everyone tryin to get one and u get one the day it comes out and it tears up.. should have sold it on ebay and made some money and then bought another once the hype went down

11-17-2006, 08:03 AM
WOW you all are going to hate to hear this. But the next release date for the PS3 is still up in the air...right now its set for Dec. 29th, but there are rumors going around that they might push it back to sometime in March. Also to all you idiots that waited over 36 hours for that paper wait, when it realesed in japan last week only every 1-4 worked! :goodjob:

11-17-2006, 08:53 AM
Yeah I heard 1/5 but I bought a replacement plan. That doesn't help with the small numbers they are sending the US. Even if you get one, it will be pretty hard to get another one to replace it. So I will sell mine. GL man.

11-17-2006, 10:02 AM
well all i have to say is that i had to wait in line just long enough to purchase the console...i'm not mad that it burnt up...i think its funny...big wow...600 bucks, not that big of a deal...and to all the little boys talking shit and like hiding behind there computer...watch yourselves and take a deep breath before you type...

11-17-2006, 10:07 AM
This is why you never buy the first production run of anything. Sorry man, hope you get it fixed soon.

Also, before anyone thrashes on me buying the first model year of my Yaris, do know that the powerplant has been used in the Scion xB and xA for a while now and that the Yaris platform has been in Japan for quite a while. :goodjob:

11-17-2006, 10:08 AM
wow dude...that sucks...but how is it for the first 5 hours?


11-17-2006, 10:12 AM
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

glad i didnt get one, sorry to hear about that homie

11-17-2006, 10:17 AM
all i have to say...sony is going to get an ear full for this shit

You didnt expect this? LOL. Just like when the 360's came out, The first batch will fuck up, and over heat, etc.

11-17-2006, 10:55 AM
Hey you should have know it was coming. We called it (a couple of other IA members and myself). It always happens. Everyone so hyped to be the first to get the game system and they end up getting the systems that still have glitches in them. So pretty much you just paid a shit load of money for nothing. Now your're going to have to wait til they come out again anyway. Sorry, but I don't feel sorry for you. Some people should just be wiser about certain purchases. Let this be a lesson well learned

11-17-2006, 11:04 AM
well all i have to say is that i had to wait in line just long enough to purchase the console...i'm not mad that it burnt up...i think its funny...big wow...600 bucks, not that big of a deal...and to all the little boys talking shit and like hiding behind there computer...watch yourselves and take a deep breath before you type...

*Takes a deep breath* This makes you look stupid hwen you say 600 is no big deal, think of all the other things you coul dhave bought with that money. Now had you been doing some homework you coul dhave forseen that they had very very good odds of breaking, and found out that if they do you are so far up shit creek with no paddles and a hole in your boat!

11-17-2006, 11:09 AM
^^^ true :yes:

11-17-2006, 12:30 PM
i knew thay were gointg to have a problem...but i didn't think it was goiong to be with in the first 24 hrs of ownership...haha oh well...plus its not like 600 bucks broke me like some people...i was going to blow it anyways tonite if i went out drinking...well guess i'm still going to blow it drinking tonite in atlanta since i don't have a ps3 anymore...haha oh well

11-17-2006, 12:49 PM
serious i was in the middle of a game and the thing shut down and will not power back up or eject my game...i was about 5 hours into a game...WTF!!! hopefully i am the first to blow up the PS3...


should have sold it on ebay for average price of 2,500
or waited out for the 2nd batch with fixed problems, glitches. and bugs.

11-17-2006, 12:50 PM
Call the Sony playstation Hotline toll free number and send it in but u gotta wait 7 says before they send you a new or. fix it for u

11-17-2006, 03:22 PM
what a waste.

11-17-2006, 03:24 PM

11-17-2006, 03:25 PM
Look on the bright side, you only paid $600. Think of all the parents paying $2,500+. Sorry to hear man, good luck getting it resolved.

11-17-2006, 03:34 PM
ill give you $200 FOR IT, so i can just sell it on ebay to some other sap for $2500, then buy a new one in March for $600

11-17-2006, 03:36 PM
the spelling in this thread is horrible

11-17-2006, 03:46 PM

11-17-2006, 03:46 PM

11-17-2006, 04:00 PM
i wouldnt have got the first wave, i would have waited until like march or so, when the hype dies down, and they get to be in stock.

im planning on getting one then, but not in a hurry, im not a huge gamer, i just like having stuff lol

11-18-2006, 07:55 AM
dude if you got it from bestbuy just take it up there today and say hey this blew up it no longer works i think they will hold one for you on thenext shipment or any store should do that call them up. but sorry dude that is funny atleast the 360 just got a blue screen of death senario in there glitches. good luck man lol

11-18-2006, 08:06 AM
i think u might have to mail it off to sony....my ps2 that first year it came out messed up and deleted everything on my mem card then wouldnt read any disks...come to find out sony in PA had it for months, i got it back and it still fucked up, i ended up buyin another one...just wait till next year!

11-18-2006, 09:20 AM
sony said i was the first one in north america to blow one up so thats pretty cool...the rep is taking care of it and will be sending me another one next week...

11-18-2006, 09:27 AM
well Im glad they are gonna fix it for you, Im not bashing the fact that you waited in line and paid 300 for a game system, I would have done the same fuckin thing if I had been in the states.

11-18-2006, 01:40 PM
sony said i was the first one in north america to blow one up so thats pretty cool...the rep is taking care of it and will be sending me another one next week...

that's interesting..you should get another ps3 free at charge witout sending that crap in..

11-18-2006, 04:24 PM
that's interesting..you should get another ps3 free at charge witout sending that crap in..

well sony is giving me a bunch of stuff like games, movies, extra controller, and the blue tooth head sets...maybe some other stuff

11-18-2006, 04:27 PM
Damn, thats fucked up!

11-19-2006, 01:21 AM
sony said i was the first one in north america to blow one up so thats pretty cool...the rep is taking care of it and will be sending me another one next week...

Come on bro the first one! Man you know sony is telling you and the other PS3 owners the same shit. Look I'm not hating on you nor do I think it's funny that your system blew up but come on you KNEW this was going to happen because of Sony's history with there systems. The first batch ALWAYS ALWAYS have a LOT of problems and most likely will need replacing. Hope you had fun your first 5hours though. But seriously go get a X-box 360(if you don't have one already). It's the same!!! Man my friend has a PS3 too(only he knows and expects his system to fuck up) and even he said the same thing when playing it....IT'S NO DIFFERENT THAN THE 360!!

And no I'm not a sony hater, I have the PS2 and X-360, Gamecube(getting Wii) etc,etc. All around gamer and I just don't see the difference either when playing it at my friends house and gamestop. And people without HDTV's will not either. Hell even with HDTV's you won't know. But anyway I'm sure you're getting another one so hopefully this one will be ok. Good Luck.

11-19-2006, 01:28 AM
^^saying the PS3 and the 360 are the same is like saying Pepsi and Coke are the same, its just not possible.

11-19-2006, 01:39 AM
^^saying the PS3 and the 360 are the same is like saying Pepsi and Coke are the same, its just not possible.

ahhh..... and remember that coke and pepsi commercial where they blinded the guy and gave him both drinks :D yes he knew the difference. but lets say you walk into a gamestop and the have the 360 and PS3 side by side covered up with one screen overhead playing a game that's on both systems and they ask "what system is this game being displayed from" could you tell???

NBA live for both system will show in 720p and higher(depending if you HDMI connections for higher resolution)..... I seriously doubt you'll notice a difference. but then again "bdydrpdmazda" what do you think?????

11-19-2006, 02:09 AM
I think there will be similarities, I havent played the PS3 yet but Im gonna as soon as I get a chance, they are two different systems though. Im sure they both have tremendous graphics but the engines they opperate on are soo much different that to say that the PS3 is so much like the 360 that the PS3 isnt worth buying is crazy. The PS2 and original XBOX were also compared in the same way but anybody who has ever played both will tell you that they are nothing alike. Maybe you have only played third party games or something where the game is available for both systems and if thats the case then I could understand how you could reach this conclusion but after sonys first party games start getting hot then I think owning both systems will be a must. Plasma and LCD tvs are already a must if you own either system but thats a totally different thread.

11-19-2006, 02:23 AM
I think there will be similarities, I havent played the PS3 yet but Im gonna as soon as I get a chance, they are two different systems though. Im sure they both have tremendous graphics but the engines they opperate on are soo much different that to say that the PS3 is so much like the 360 that the PS3 isnt worth buying is crazy. The PS2 and original XBOX were also compared in the same way but anybody who has ever played both will tell you that they are nothing alike. Maybe you have only played third party games or something where the game is available for both systems and if thats the case then I could understand how you could reach this conclusion but after sonys first party games start getting hot then I think owning both systems will be a must. Plasma and LCD tvs are already a must if you own either system but thats a totally different thread.

I agree with this and yes the same games on both systems will be no different so we will have to wait to see other first party games on the PS3. I'm sure the PS3 will represent on that part, but the 360 does also.

The LCD and Plasma thing is definetly a whole different thread, but which one do you have?? I have a 2004 model Zenith(LG; Lg ownes Zenith) 17" LCD HDTV Ready tv w/ built in DVD player that shows in 480i,480p,720 and 1080i resolutions via componet inputs, S-video, 2 other sets of video/audio inuts, optical sound etc,etc. Yeah it's just a 17" but plenty for my small room here and when it first came out it was $1500!! Of course I got it for cheaper than that ;) So the PS3 and 360 will look it's best on my tv(except for the 1080p which is not on my tv)

11-19-2006, 04:08 AM
LOL at u for payin 600 bucks for a gaming system.. and it tearing up w/ no chance of gettin a new one anytime soon :)
Yea thats gotta fuckin suck..

11-19-2006, 10:58 AM
I agree with this and yes the same games on both systems will be no different so we will have to wait to see other first party games on the PS3. I'm sure the PS3 will represent on that part, but the 360 does also.

The LCD and Plasma thing is definetly a whole different thread, but which one do you have?? I have a 2004 model Zenith(LG; Lg ownes Zenith) 17" LCD HDTV Ready tv w/ built in DVD player that shows in 480i,480p,720 and 1080i resolutions via componet inputs, S-video, 2 other sets of video/audio inuts, optical sound etc,etc. Yeah it's just a 17" but plenty for my small room here and when it first came out it was $1500!! Of course I got it for cheaper than that ;) So the PS3 and 360 will look it's best on my tv(except for the 1080p which is not on my tv)

I have a 42 inch LG plasma, not sure what the resolution is, my wife bought it for me as a welcome home gift, I havent even gotten a chance to watch it yet.

11-19-2006, 11:44 AM
sucks.. i cant wait to get one, i got the 360 when it first came out and had no problems.. i wonder how many ps3 are going to blow up b4 christmas? bet is a bigger number than microsofts

11-19-2006, 12:14 PM
Damn man sorry to hear your luck. I'm going to wait until they get them back in stock for the most part and get some of the bugs worked out... No point in spending 600 bucks on something thats going to tear up..

11-19-2006, 12:19 PM
Its one of the risks you take when you buy the first wave but they have a warranty so its not like its a waste of money, it will just be a bitch to get a new one with the shortage.

11-19-2006, 12:27 PM
did you guys not read the part where he said sony is shipping him one next week with games, and other accessories?

hopefully he's not joking, because that would be awesome if Sony is really doing this

11-19-2006, 12:31 PM
did you guys not read the part where he said sony is shipping him one next week with games, and other accessories?

hopefully he's not joking, because that would be awesome if Sony is really doing this

Yeah I read every post in this thread, others might not be so lucky though, maybe he just got in touch with the right rep.

11-19-2006, 12:57 PM
Well thats cool, atleast he got out lucky of the whole deal. my luck Sony would be like Fuck youuuu buddy!

11-19-2006, 12:59 PM
But just out of curiousity, I wonder with the new shipments and later shipments if in the mean time Sony will continue to release bad PS3's or put a hold on production until they can completely fix the problem?

11-19-2006, 02:09 PM
Not all of them are bad and the demand is so high that they are gonna put every PS3 on the shelves that they can. They will just continue to replace the deffective ones.

11-19-2006, 02:24 PM

11-19-2006, 11:01 PM
They should have issued the ps3 to the troops in iraq before they did anything. I would make thier stay a little bit better.

11-20-2006, 12:05 AM
They should have issued the ps3 to the troops in iraq before they did anything. I would make thier stay a little bit better.

hell yeah they should have but there are about 150,000 of us so that would have been almost half of the consoles they had for launch.

Evil Goat
11-20-2006, 12:06 AM
hell yeah they should have but there are about 150,000 of us so that would have been almost half of the consoles they had for launch.

worldwide launch that is, the us got less than 150k units

11-20-2006, 01:04 AM
fuck sony, i hate how they raised the price on gaming.. games are 100 buxs and i heard that for Grand turismo, you will have to buy track and cars with money to download them to you system..

11-20-2006, 01:25 AM
worldwide launch that is, the us got less than 150k units

The US got close to 400K units.