View Full Version : what are your rules of engagement??

06-05-2005, 01:44 AM
wussup people just had a little probe i was wanting to run since i'm still friggin up.

what steps would you take in the event someone had beef with you ?
how do you handle aggressive situations. be honest.

are you the :
A) i'm the O-DAWG of atlanta type?
B) even if i dont know what he beefin about imma hit him type?
C) lemme find out what this dude problem is peacefully type?
D) this guy scares me type?

i'm just asking this cause it seems these days alot of people i've been seeing in the streets are tryin to play the thuggish role. plus the amouynt of people getting killed and the reasons for shootings are getting more unbelieveable. and it's annoying to see cause about 90% of the people acting that way are filler.

06-05-2005, 01:59 AM
As a general rule, I'll let a dumbass talk all the trash they want. But if they come at me in a threatening manner, or mess with my car, then I'll go. I was brought up, like most kids are, being told "Dont start it, but you better finish it". I've never thrown the first punch that I can remember.

06-05-2005, 02:14 AM
D) this guy scares me

06-05-2005, 02:31 AM
i feel you, my parents brought me up with that same mentality HyPer50. i'd get my ass kicked by my parents if i started a fight, but if i got into i had to make sure i won. but i realized as i got older the majority of confrontations i ran into were from misunderstandings or he say/ she say, then i had to track down the source of the issue and str8ten it with dude that wanted to beef right there.

06-05-2005, 03:02 AM
I'd see how big the bitch was first before deciding what id do.

06-05-2005, 03:38 AM

it depends on what it's over really. I had someone come up and try to start a fight because he saw me laughing at his neon while he drove be...wtf, I didn't know this kid, but he drove a ricey car, I'll laugh at it but I'm not gonna get into a fight over it. Now if someone fucks with my girl, my family, or my car....their ass is getting a beat down.

06-05-2005, 04:28 AM
I'd see how big the bitch was first before deciding what id do.

pretty funny but from what i've learned is that if a fight with a bigger person can't be avoided....get all the hits you can in and dont let them get your hands on you !!! if you get cought up in a wrestling match with someon let's say of my build(5'11" 230lbs.solid, ex-military, fullback since pee-wee league-high school) :smileowne could very well be the end result!!

not that what is mentioned says much 'cause honestly the one fight i could'nt avoid and did lose(if your counting connecting punches) was one with 2 slimmer more agile cats at the same time! thinking about it now, it was funny as hell cause though they were peppering me with punches, they didnt leave marks nor did the hits affect me much.
it was kinda like standing naked in a mosquito pit. one would bite your cheek, you swat it and as soon as you swat that one here comes another one, on the other cheek, so on and so forth. when that fight was over i stood there and was so annoyed that they were faster than me. plus it was 2 of them.

on the flip side i've fought cats bigger than me too and the effect surprisingly was the same, i was smaller, more agile, and knew to stay out of his grasp, one dude like that was 6'3" about 260lbs easy. DUCK AND MOVE!!

06-05-2005, 05:24 AM
I have to say it all depends on the fight. If its over something childish and stupid i'll talk my way out of it. But like most people say, if its over my car, family, and sometimes my girl (not all the time cause mostly its just drama that can be avoided) then i would take care of what needs to be done. Normally I won't throw the first punch cause i was always told not to start but finish. BUT, if the guy is bigger than me and i know i can't avoid the fight, damn right i'll throw the first punch and try to get a head start on it.


06-05-2005, 09:41 AM
Don't Start no shit, WON't be no SHIT!!!

Big Baller
06-05-2005, 11:13 AM
Yo can talk all the shit you want but dont touch me. You get one warning, after that your getting your ass beat.


06-05-2005, 11:16 AM
Im usually the stay calm and dont get mad, bc if i do really get mad someone would get hurt and id be in cuffs. But it also take alot to make me angry, and i CANT for some reason hit someone i know.

06-05-2005, 11:28 AM
I throw first. Fuck the talk. If the person has beef with me over something fuck the bullshit. Im swinging as soon as he opens his mouth.Not trying to be hard but thats the way i think. If you mess with anything that belongs to me its on like donkey kong.

06-05-2005, 03:14 PM
I have grown up the son of a judge. Thankfully, my father decided to give that up last year. Granted, I am 29 years old, so I am my own man. I know the laws and rules of the State of Georgia inside and out. I know what I can and can't get away with and what I am allowed to do in most hostile cases. With that said, I carry one of my Glocks on me in most situations (legally) because of what I have experienced in my past (having a hit put out on your head is not a fun thing).

Talk all that you want. Words are words; they do not hurt. People can make fools out of themselves by just opening their mouths. I enjoy watching idiots do that. I will try to keep the peace in all situations (I'll walk away, leave you alone, etc.), but if it comes down to it, you are going down if I feel that my life/safety is threatened. Come after me, throw the first punch, etc, and it will not be good fro you. Use your head, make good decisions, obey the law, and you might just live a long life.

Many people in this thread are willing to "throw fists" w/o thought of what will happen to them. That is a very dangerous way to live life. You might not live long if you fuck around with the wrong person and they LEGALLY shoot and kill you. I would suggest that you read the real GA laws in respect to self defense. They are rather eye-opening. :)

06-05-2005, 03:18 PM
I throw first. Fuck the talk. If the person has beef with me over something fuck the bullshit. Im swinging as soon as he opens his mouth.Not trying to be hard but thats the way i think. If you mess with anything that belongs to me its on like donkey kong.

Interesting. That's a very dangerous way to live, you realize that, correct? Throwing first will eventually get you killed.

06-05-2005, 03:26 PM
I got in my fair share of fights/brawls... really dumb when I think back. Is better to try to solve the issue 1st.... but some people sometimes are just to hard headed to talk or try to fix the problem.
In most cases the people who talk the most shit get there ass kicked anyways... and when they do beat someone up is either they faught a puss or had a few more friends help.
Like Kevy Kev said, sometimes is better to keep your mouth shut or walk away from the situation... I've done it before, yeah, I got called a pussy and blaze blaze but shit, sometimes you have to do it... of course if you think 1st.

06-05-2005, 03:30 PM
I'd just ignore them like while dogs trying to bark at me and walk away. If the dog tries to bite. I'll kick it in the nut then bring it home to its owner. If the dog is too big. I ran :D then come to its owner's place with a letter of complaint from my lawyer or with an authority.

I try to play it smart. Most of the time, when I turned around and let the dog barks all he wants. He'd just feel that he's so inferior and dumb.

06-05-2005, 03:43 PM
i would try to find outwhy the person has beef an if its something worth doin ill go for it

06-05-2005, 06:38 PM
I just let them talk all they want to. Cause if it's a real beef then it's never gonna end until A) someone is hurt to bad to keep it going or B)someone gets killed over it. I never let words get to me. But if you keep running your mouth I will see what you wanna do about the problem. If your not ready to die over it then don't do it. That's my moto these days.

06-05-2005, 07:16 PM
i prettty much wont do anything..unless myself, my family, my friends, my car/personal properties has been violated...you can talk all the shit you want and ill ignore you till you appear a physical threat to one of those things listed...then your gonna be praying you didnt...