View Full Version : Premenitions (sp?) anyone ever have these....

06-03-2005, 08:04 AM
i was driving a different way to work this morning... noticed one of those "speed dectected by device" signs, so i roll in my mind me getting pulled over, w/ in 3 secs around the bend 2 motorcycle cops off in the grass tagging people... i got a 65 in 45 ticket this morning...

personlly i think its funny b/c i don't give a shit i'm going to Cancun in two days... nothing going to dampen my spirit :goodjob:

06-03-2005, 08:05 AM
Thats what Im talking about Paul...get out in the ride and do 150 down 85..fuck everything your going to Cancun in 2 days my friend!!!!!

06-03-2005, 08:11 AM
Thats what Im talking about Paul...get out in the ride and do 150 down 85..fuck everything your going to Cancun in 2 days my friend!!!!! damn straight 150 down 85 got pick up some angel dust & prostitutes, make it a good night b/c sunday i'm going to cancun :idb:

com'on atif you can ride copilot, i man need ya to bail me out :D

06-03-2005, 08:55 AM
lets do it...

06-03-2005, 09:34 AM
where was this paul?

06-03-2005, 09:39 AM
you want to go for a ride down 85 Eli?

06-03-2005, 09:49 AM
l'ville/suwannee rd by gwinnett hosp

06-03-2005, 09:52 AM
I had a Premenition of paul having a Premenition getting a ticket this morning!

06-03-2005, 09:59 AM
that sucks - but it could have been a bigger ticket. have fun in cancun!

06-03-2005, 12:29 PM
yea, no shit.. i'm jealous of the cancun trip. i went there for my senior trip.. lots of fun! make sure you go to fat tuesdays and senior frogs... they are Awesome!!!

06-03-2005, 12:34 PM
That sucks...:(

06-03-2005, 12:36 PM
damn , how many speeding tickets you got?


06-03-2005, 01:39 PM
haha, sorry to hear about the ticket, HAVE FUN IN CANCUN though. i saw you out driving yesterday turning across from Best Buy on Pleasnt Hill. Your grill must have fallen out, haha, j/k

speaking of premenitions - we were all just screwing around at school today and this idiot in out class asked the teacher if he could play with the plasma cutter. none of us really like the kid, he's always sleeping in class and acts like he knows everything (which he has no idea what he's talking about). my friend was there when he asked and told the teacher just jokingly "you're gonna let that idiot use that thing, he's gonna break it"...about 30 minutes later you hear this big crash and bang, we peak around the corner to see an air hose flying all around and him picking up the plasma cutter after it bounced on the ground. he broke the filter right off the unit and broke some other thing...anyway, our teacher calls to see how much the part is - - $1000. haha, my friend walks by the teacher by the time everyone is kinda laughing about it and jokingly under his breath says "told ya so"

06-03-2005, 01:41 PM
^ bahh nice

06-03-2005, 02:24 PM
I have a couple times before. I never quite get that detailed, but I just get feelings that something bad is going to happen.

The most detailed was one day it was raining, and I kept having this feeling driving to work that I was going to get in a wreck. And sure enough, some bozo rear ended me.

06-03-2005, 04:17 PM
My dad told me about a dream he had one morning. This has been about five years ago. In his dream he had gone to his old elementary school, Fort Hawkins in Macon, he was outside the building and it was boarded up but he found a way in. He was walking through the main hall and dust started trickling down from the ceiling, then the roof caved in and covered him in rubble. He awoke shortly after and told me about it that morning over breakfast. About a month later we were at a funeral in Macon and dad wanted to ride by and see ol' Fort Hawkins. There was a fence around it as the building is no longer used but there was an open gate towards the back. We pulled in and the first thing we saw through an oen door into the building was the roof caved in. That was a very eery feeling.

06-03-2005, 05:12 PM

senior year in high school. i used to work at burlington coat factory at greenbriar mall and i used to catch the bus home nightly. i used to hang out at 5 points and little 5 whenever i had free time(mostly on the weekends) and one night i bought a silver ring with a black onyx stone set in the center. wearing the ring on the right hand, third finger i had a habit of rubbing on the ring whenever i got bored.

after i bought this ring i began having the same dream nearly every night. in the dream i was riding the bus home sitting in a particular seat which was behind the rear door. i had the window seat. i'm sitting with my head against the window looking outside and i'm rubbing the stone in the center of the ring. i get off the bus, transfer onto the train taking it to college park for my last bus. on the last bus home i get the same seat, by the window and i'm rubbing the ring while looking at the window again. just before my stop while i'm rubbing the ring, the stone sinks into the ring. in the dream i look at the sunken stone, stand up to get off at my stop and while walking to my house i got shot.
that dream happened to me for weeks.
so one night i'm getting off work(typical night). while i'm riding the last bus home i remember the dream and realize that i'm in the same seat that i was in #1 in the dream and #2 even though both buses were full, i was able to get the exact same seating as in the dreams on both buses! i'm at the window seat behind the rear door while rubbing the silver ring. as soon as i realized where i recognized this as a premonition the stone in the center of the ring fell in! i look up, the bus was stopped at my stop and the bus driver was looking in the rear view mirror waiting for me to get off , since he and i get to know eachother and he knew i lived right by the stop. scared as hell 'cause i know what happened in the dream when i walked off the bus i told him to go to the next stop. i get off at the next stop which was about a mile from my stop, take the ring off and walk back down the street to my house.
needless to say i never wore that ring again.

06-03-2005, 05:21 PM
^^Are you familiar with the Masons?
Do you have a picture of that ring?

06-03-2005, 05:34 PM
i am familiar with the masons and masonry. i'm uploading a photo of the ring now though.

06-03-2005, 05:48 PM
Well I don't think that is one, but I don't know a whole lot about them so it might be. I was just curious more than anything

06-03-2005, 05:50 PM
"The purpose of Masonry is to train a human being so that he will reconstuct, through the body of change and death which he now has, a perfect physical body which shall not be subject to death. The plan is to build this deathless body, called by modern masons Solomon's Temple, out of material in the physical body, which is called the ruins of Solomon's Temple."

06-03-2005, 05:53 PM
sounds like somthing i need to get into.