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View Full Version : A kill vid for everyone

06-03-2005, 02:45 AM
I know that this isn't the vid forum, but I figured the everyone here would enjoy this vid that I got off of svt performance. Its a big download, but it is well worth it! :goodjob:
Right click save as
I didn't make the vid, but tell me what you think.

06-03-2005, 09:27 AM
The link doesn't work.

06-03-2005, 12:41 PM
Link fixed, But I don't know for how long.

06-03-2005, 06:48 PM
SWEET vid, Eric!! Good to see the H-town boys doin it up!!! I dont have to tell you what my favorite cars were.... but the VR4 and that blue SRT-4 were pretty kickass!!! Lotsa fast cars!!! Pretty soon, our meets will be right up there with them, vids and all ;)

Props for the vid - long dl, but well worth it!!!

06-03-2005, 08:24 PM
That is one of the best videos i have seen. That vr4 was damn fast on the highway! Good looking supras there as well.

06-03-2005, 09:37 PM
We should try to get one going for next weekend or the week after that...

06-05-2005, 10:59 AM
I believe next weekend is going to be the next one.... if you PM'd me, youll be getting a call as soon as this is confirmed.... two vipers are supposed to show up as well!!!! One of them is SC'd!!!

06-05-2005, 09:58 PM
tyte vid!!! dat SRT iz mah fav!!! he stuck wit dat bike!!! 1

Repost Squintz
06-05-2005, 10:15 PM
that was a nicely done video of those races. lol they say that they didnt brake any laws in the beginning of the vid, but i saw in the vid there were ppl pulled over kinda funny ...

06-05-2005, 10:29 PM

06-06-2005, 01:48 PM
I loved the vid. I may not have a fast car, but I do have fast DL times. Love the cars; one should be made in Atlanta.

06-06-2005, 03:21 PM
uhh 56k here this is gonna take 4hrs n 20min dude got to get faster internet

06-06-2005, 04:01 PM
nice vid one of the best I've seen in awhile

06-07-2005, 08:28 PM
Good video, but those guys are idiots for racing on the road while having to "split" around the other cars that are driving in the center highway lanes. That is VERY dangerous and clearly stupid. If you are going to race like that, make sure that the roads are clear ahead of you. Race all you want, that's fine. I am not against the highway punches at all. Just make sure that if you fuck up, you don't take anyone else out but yourself.

06-07-2005, 08:53 PM
thats true. I was in the middle of too many ricer flybys with 3-6 cars tryin to cause an accident. bitches.

06-07-2005, 09:36 PM
Hey Eric, whats the link to that thread on SVTP????

06-08-2005, 12:09 AM
sweet video like it

06-08-2005, 02:23 AM
Hey Eric, whats the link to that thread on SVTP????

06-08-2005, 02:53 AM

TY..... up late???

06-08-2005, 03:09 AM
I work nights, so I guess that makes me a vampire.

06-13-2005, 09:53 AM
Bad ass video.. Some of those guys/cars are becoming quite the celebs around the web with their videos, etc.. Deffinitely a good post.