View Full Version : Fox 5 at the mountains

11-05-2006, 10:15 PM
Damn, 153mph. Thats just insane
part 1

part 2

11-05-2006, 10:16 PM
i saw this when they aired it, pretty crazy

11-05-2006, 10:26 PM
pure speculation.............

+1 for personally receiving a 10 minute lecture from Sheriff McClure due to some non-road sharing old bats............

11-05-2006, 10:49 PM
Yeah I saw the first part on tv. All I can say is people are stupid!

Grimm Reeper
11-06-2006, 12:55 AM
I've only heard about it I work at nights, but thanx for the show...

11-06-2006, 01:57 AM
pure speculation.............

+1 for personally receiving a 10 minute lecture from Sheriff McClure due to some non-road sharing old bats............
I was with you that day :D Thats when Justin got in trouble for his tag right?

11-06-2006, 06:46 AM
I was with you that day :D Thats when Justin got in trouble for his tag right?

that be the day :lmfao:

11-06-2006, 08:19 AM
Yeah I saw the first part on tv. All I can say is people are stupid!

mostly the media in this case ;). all of the stats are skewed, everything is sensationalized to make for a better story.

-two of the counties they used for their stats have nothing to do with "the loop"
-they do not define who/what/where/when with their accident stats
-white county hosts the biggest drunkfest in the state every october, and it draws lots of cruiser traffic. beer+bikes=deaths... as shown in their statistics (but blame it on the sportbikes anyway)
-there are a few locals that are known to dump diesel fuel and gravel all over blind corners to deter motorcycles, i'd like to see how many accidents are caused by this alone.
-they complain of noise, it's funny they don't mention the harleys with open pipes up there that make just as much if not more noise than most sportbikes.

it's been discussed to death on all of the local bike forums. yes there are laws being broken, and wrecks happening; but it's nothing like what they are making it out to be.

11-06-2006, 09:23 AM

Be careful for there will be a media induced rash of unlawful, disrespectful asshole cops that will see this as an excuse to harass people on bikes.

lets face it though, we need people to have more self respect and control of their right wrist. people go out and buy liter bikes that have never riden in their life.
there is alot to be said about the rules in europe, where you have a step-up process for riders. that would help to curtail the number of squid deaths.

Big Baller
11-06-2006, 09:42 AM
Stats are funny thing they can either prove or disprove something depending on how you twist them.

They said that they average 1 motor cycle every 2 days, over 4 counties. Did you know that Cobb County averages 1 motorcycle accident per day. Wow so that 1 every 2 days for 4 counties isn't really that alarming.

Now the other thing you should know is that 97 percent of people believe that any statistic that they hear is true.

Learn to think.

11-06-2006, 11:34 AM

View Of The Fox Report From Nonrider
This will probably get deleted as I don't ride and don't really have the desire to. I get my thrills from doing things that would probably scare the hell out of y'all. I do have the knowledge to voice an opinion though as I am one of the guys that shows up to package and load you on a bird for the expensive trip back to Atlanta after you wreck.

I have seen comments about 300 wrecks in the 4 counties they mentioned being high. To me it seemed low. Way low. That sounds more like the total for my county alone. I can't tell you how many weekends we have been paged out to 5 or more in one day, just bounce back and forth between 60 and 129. And those are just the ones we get sent to because of injuries. And no it is not as I have seen a few comments here that it is mostly cruisers. For every one cruiser bike that wrecks I have probably been to 15 sport bikes.

Some of the things I have seen sport bikers doing make the stuff on the news report look tame. I have been passed while running lights and sirens headed to a motorcycle wreck by a pack of sport bikes on one wheel. We have had ambulances passed on the mountain going to a call. There have been more than one instance that I ran a car wreck either head on into other vehicles or into trees because someone on a bike was passing on a double yellow and they did not want to hit him. I'll tell you right now that you come across the yellow in front of me, I am not going to swerve into traffic or hit a tree to miss you, I know from experience that the car usually wins and you make that choice to come across the line, hope you have things right with your maker.

Saw someone make the comment that we are volunteer firefighters around these parts. Thats right, and it does get a bit old going to wreck after wreck because of people doing stupid things. I can assure you that we can find better things to with our families than leave them constantly to pick you guys up.

And another thing. While you are up on the mountain having your fun and thrills riding like that, keep this in the back of your mind. You wreck and get hurt, you are going to lay there in pain for better part of 30 minutes before an ambulance gets there. Should you have managed to go down the embankment, tack on some more time while we wait in the fire truck to get there so we can set up ropes to drag you back up. And I assure you , our trucks do go up the mountain very fast. After we get you up, odds are we are going to fly you out on life flight. Ever seen one of those bills? That ride is going to cost more than your bike does. And lets not forget that the expensive riding suit you are wearing is going to be cut off you.

So y'all have your fun, whine that everyone is against you and what not. But as long as we are making multiple runs up the mountain every weekend , our opinion will be hard to change.

11-06-2006, 02:53 PM
Guy on orange bike in orange leather jacket it was me,that was on 129, that was the day i wreck,they were sayin that i was doin 96Mph on 45.I remember that day people was stain over there with radars there was a bunch of people.Its funny

11-06-2006, 10:58 PM
Guy on orange bike in orange leather jacket it was me,that was on 129, that was the day i wreck,they were sayin that i was doin 96Mph on 45.I remember that day people was stain over there with radars there was a bunch of people.Its funny
so did you really get up to 153 in that 20mph curve-lol

11-06-2006, 11:51 PM
im not a rider but know a couple of people who are and this shit pisses me the fuck off, fox5 is a bunch of fucktards

11-07-2006, 10:04 AM
so did you really get up to 153 in that 20mph curve-lol
i don't remember gettin to 153mph cus i got 636cc it would take me a little while.so i dont know why they were showin me and sayin that i was doin 153mph

11-07-2006, 10:44 AM
Its a lie for the media attention..

11-07-2006, 10:53 AM
Ever time i've run the loop it seems people are pretty cool about it. they even sometimes pull over so i can pass...

11-07-2006, 05:30 PM
Gotta remember that everyones not the same. I almost got ran over a couple weeks ago by a Truck. I was riding along 285 in the fast lane with my hi beams on and this Dickhead comes right out infront of me I had to drop 2 gears and squeeze those breaks not to end up a bumper sticker. Thats why you have to watch all those assholes out there when your riding.

11-07-2006, 06:59 PM
when ever i go up to do a mountain run with or without other people i do it when there won't be much traffic at all and if there is they usually do just pull over for a second or slow up to let you pass them is possible...

11-07-2006, 07:38 PM
im guessing some of yall go there dont yall lmao when i saw that on tv i was like hmmmm

11-07-2006, 08:03 PM
when ever i go up to do a mountain run with or without other people i do it when there won't be much traffic at all and if there is they usually do just pull over for a second or slow up to let you pass them is possible...
It will be in your best interest to go to the Mt's with someone. Heard numerous situations where one would go alone, crash and no body notice until.. its too late. Hell, the same shit happened at the TRACK even with officials and other riders were there..

11-07-2006, 08:37 PM
lol i know...but some times at 2 in the morning it's hard to find some one wanting to go do a mountain run...:D

11-07-2006, 09:07 PM
lol i know...but some times at 2 in the morning it's hard to find some one wanting to go do a mountain run...:D
What?! Two in the morning?! :screwy: I had a hard time visualy at the Gap when the sun went down.. Be careful man lol

11-07-2006, 10:08 PM
lol i have been on just about every good mountain at night

11-07-2006, 10:23 PM
Guy on orange bike in orange leather jacket it was me,that was on 129, that was the day i wreck,they were sayin that i was doin 96Mph on 45.I remember that day people was stain over there with radars there was a bunch of people.Its funny

Alex, your'e CRAAAAAZZYY! :eek:

Sell the bike and turbo the lude. :D

11-07-2006, 10:28 PM
lol i have been on just about every good mountain at night
I want to come up with you one day :goodjob:

11-08-2006, 09:22 AM
what day?thurs or fri?

11-09-2006, 06:35 AM
I was at the wreck where the guy hit the green Dodge truck - head on. I was there in less than 2 min after it happened. Dale Russell and the Lumpkin Sheriff said that it was a sportbike that hit it - bullshit. It was an old guy on a Harley. He did not survive. He hit it so hard he and the bike flew over the truck. The driver of the truck was not hurt. The rider went into the turn a little too fast, then got scared and hit the brakes. It was NOT on the loop. It was near 400 actually.

11-09-2006, 07:43 AM
It was an old guy on a Harley. He did not survive. He hit it so hard he and the bike flew over the truck. It was NOT on the loop. It was near 400 actually.

now ain't that some shiat. not even law enforcement can stick to the facts :no: