View Full Version : seeking clearification on my Laying drags ticket

10-29-2006, 01:17 AM
Alright, I'm sticking my head out there by asking advice from people who have had past experiences with a laying drag ticket. well.....here's the story, I was taking it sideways in my S13 in one of the Southern Poly parking lots. I had been doing it for about 2 weeks, I only took about 2 passes each time and I got the hell out of there. I was bound to get caught since I live on campus and all.....

I am 19 years old with 7 points on my liscence. I had just gotten my liscence back a few months ago from a 78 in a 55 and a 70 in a 45 almost a year and a half ago.

I did a search about this ticket and I came to the conclusion that this is a 3 point offense and about a $200-300 fine. I had recently received a notice for an appearance to court. Last time I got one, I lost my liscence, so I'm extremely paranoid that the information I had gathered is wrong and I need some further clarification on this. this is Cobb county btw.

Now, I'm more than positive that few if not many people on this forum will flame me for being stupid and what not. I expected to get caught sooner or later, but wasn't sure what would happen as I know the cops on campus. The way I see it, I paid to play, and I needed a place to practice.

....how I got caught....

well, I was having a marry old time doing my thing in large parking lot way deep in the woods of southern poly. That night I was there a bit longer than usual....well, I was there at least 20 min.... I was progressing quite well that night, I was continuously improving my transition during Manji's....and well....I was trying new techniques seeing what worked and what didn't, which led to the "lets do it one more time" state of mind. I think I might have said that at least 6 or 7 times to my room mate who was in the car with me.

The last run I had blown an IC pipe off, so I was sputtering like a mo fo and at that time it finally hit me that I need to get the hell out of there. So I tried to sputter my way out of the parking lot. the SPSU cop comes driving down the hill and he stops. So i decided to stop next to him since it was more than obvious it was me especially with the racket my SR was making while it was fighting to stay on, and there's no point in trying to get out of it. I also didn't think I would have made it up the hill.

we had this conversation....

cop: Mr Tran....was that you?
cop: [looking at me like I'm an idiot] Why would you do that?
me:uh....because you weren't here?
Cop:....don't move

he makes a U turn and gets behind me, long story short we talked briefly about school and what not. He took my liscence and wrote me a ticket for laying drags since I was honest with him. He then warned me that he will take me to jail next time I do it, blah blah blah

I want to reiterate this again.... I am not in any shape or form trying to fight this ticket. It was clearly my fault, It could have been WAY worse, and I had it coming to me. Like I said before, "I paid to play". Just wanted to make that clear for that moron that will talk shit.

My court date is on Dec. 13, I plan on requesting a continuance till Jan since it'll be the holiday season and I need to use the money for holiday crap. Then come Jan. I plan on pleading No lo Contendre, pay what ever fine, find a more discreet parking lot, and hope to god I don't lose my liscence and/or my insurance doesn't drop me like a bad habit. From my understanding no lo means no points?

any comments, suggestions, clarifications, and funny stories are highly welcomed and encourage.


10-29-2006, 01:41 AM
no i think u get the points with a no lo. yeah the cop could have given u wreckless driving.

10-29-2006, 01:43 AM
Get a lawyer. The state will ass rape you in ways you cant imagine (no seriously). Even though it is your fault just getting a consultation with a lawyer will help you understand what options you have (yes you do have some options). In some cases the lawyer may be friends with the judges and could probably get you out with just some court fees and the case thrown out. I know it sounds out there but trust me dont go into this stuff alone.

Im half asleep right know so my argument may not be too convincing but ask other people who have been through this stuff and they'll agree with me. I had a 6 month suspension when I was 18 for speeding so trust me I understand the feeling you have.

10-29-2006, 01:45 AM
no i think u get the points with a no lo. yeah the cop could have given u wreckless driving.

with a no lo you dont get any points but it will go on your record.

10-29-2006, 01:46 AM
and against yer insurance.

ct9a gsr
10-29-2006, 01:53 AM
Pleading no-lo to laying drags will give you no points and it's like a $100 ticket. You're getting all hyped up over nothing.

HeLLo iM iZzY
10-29-2006, 01:18 AM
You said you have 7 pts allready? Well go sign up for a defensive driving class and it will automatically take 7 pts off and keep the certificate and show it to the judge when court time comes. Also GET a lawyer, it will help you in the end. And if it said on the ticket that your court is in Dec it will most likely be 2 months from that date, that just how it always works. But g/l with this tho.

10-29-2006, 01:22 AM
I dont think you get points for laying drags, iv'e gotten one before

HeLLo iM iZzY
10-29-2006, 01:24 AM
^ That man is a lier and he will do everything in his power to lie to you so you can act like this ticket is nothing UNTIL BAM ! 3 POINTS on your damn license.....Dont trust bikers, they are just a bunch of liars.

10-29-2006, 01:24 AM
1. make sure you are even able to re-schedule your court date. i've been able to do it in fulton county before, but last time i tried, fayette co. said that they don't re-sched court dates. so just make sure.

2. i have heard both stories, but, i was told by a solicitor in court that if you plead no-lo, the points will NOT count, but the ticket will still be on your record.


10-29-2006, 01:27 AM
^ That man is a lier and he will do everything in his power to lie to you so you can act like this ticket is nothing UNTIL BAM ! 3 POINTS on your damn license.....Dont trust bikers, they are just a bunch of liars.
I really dont recall getting any points for my laying drags ticket, then again this was 4 years ago. Maybe things have changed.

HeLLo iM iZzY
10-29-2006, 01:33 AM
Im jus fuckin withcha lol

10-29-2006, 07:59 AM
any comments, suggestions, clarifications, are highly welcomed and encourage.

Comments: You're an idiot who deserves all the repercussions the court gives you.

Suggestions: Maybe you could go and fuck yourself and realize if you want to do stupid shit, then you need to take the "rewards" like a man.

Clarifications: After reading your babble, it is clear that you are a fucking dumbass.

Just wanted to make that clear for that moron that will talk shit.

Since I am talking shit, I guess I would be "that moron." Funny. I'm not the one sitting around with a ticket in my hand. Later, QD.

10-29-2006, 08:01 AM

10-29-2006, 08:44 AM
Dude if you knew the cops would come sooner or later, why in the hell would you keep going to the same place and staying so long. Your a fucking idiot dude, you deserve the ticket and consequences that you asked for.

And if you "pay to play" then what exactly are you trying to do getting out of points on a ticket? I have a similar analogy for you. "dont do the crime...if you cant do the time". Maybe you should use that one from now on.

10-29-2006, 09:30 AM
the thing with no lo is that only some judges will accept it.....like when i went to court the only way he would accept a plea of no lo contendere was if i took a defensive driving course along with it

10-29-2006, 10:43 AM
I really dont recall getting any points for my laying drags ticket, then again this was 4 years ago. Maybe things have changed.

All other moving traffic violations which are not speed limit
violations........................................ .................................................. ..................3 points

(a) No driver of any motor vehicle shall operate the vehicle upon the public streets, highways, public or private driveways, airport runways, or parking lots in such a manner as to create a danger to persons or property by intentionally and unnecessarily causing the vehicle to move in a zigzag or circular course or to gyrate or spin around, except to avoid a collision or injury or damage.
(b) The offenses described in this Code section shall be sufficiently identified on any traffic ticket, warrant, accusation, or indictment when referred to as 'laying drags.'
(c) This Code section shall not apply to drivers operating vehicles in or on any raceway, drag strip, or similar place customarily and lawfully used for such purposes.
(d) Any person violating subsection (a) of this Code section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

10-29-2006, 11:05 AM
Dude if you knew the cops would come sooner or later, why in the hell would you keep going to the same place and staying so long. Your a fucking idiot dude, you deserve the ticket and consequences that you asked for.

And if you "pay to play" then what exactly are you trying to do getting out of points on a ticket? I have a similar analogy for you. "dont do the crime...if you cant do the time". Maybe you should use that one from now on.

did you even read his post? he said it was his fault. he knows its his fault. he knows he will have to pay a fine. im pretty sure he was just try to get clarification on laws, the best way to handle it and what points he could get and what kind of fine it is. or if he'll loose his liscence.

10-29-2006, 11:22 AM
did you even read his post? he said it was his fault. he knows its his fault. he knows he will have to pay a fine. im pretty sure he was just try to get clarification on laws, the best way to handle it and what points he could get and what kind of fine it is. or if he'll loose his liscence.

I hate to say it, but the court will probably look at his record and not be too pleased. It wouldn't surprise me if they come down hard on him because of his previous record in all honesty. No judge wants to be mocked by some kid that has a history of bad driving with a please of no lo, ya know? He might accept it, but he might not. In a situation such as this, I would not go in w/o a lawyer, that's for sure.

10-29-2006, 11:48 AM
I was bound to get caught since I live on campus and all.....

He knew that he was going to get caught and yet at the same time went back to the same spot again and again.

I expected to get caught sooner or later, but wasn't sure what would happen as I know the cops on campus. The way I see it, I paid to play, and I needed a place to practice.

Once again knew that he would get caught and went to same place over and over again. He knew it would happen but just figured he would waste money on a ticket he could avoid by not going back to the same place.

cop: Mr Tran....was that you?
cop: [looking at me like I'm an idiot] Why would you do that?
me:uh....because you weren't here?
Cop:....don't move

Smarting off to cops dosent help either.

It was clearly my fault, It could have been WAY worse, and I had it coming to me. Like I said before, "I paid to play".

He knows it was his fault, and once again uses the same term "i paid to play"

and hope to god I don't lose my liscence and/or my insurance doesn't drop me like a bad habit.

He know that this could also happen but at the same time knows that he "was bound to get caught sooner or later" in fact he also "expected to get caught"

any comments, suggestions, clarifications, and funny stories are highly welcomed and encourage.

My comments are that if you "expect to get caught" and when you do get a ticket "that could have been way worse". You deserve to get the punishment you get. He knows that he is going to get caught but dosent really care that he will, or else he would not have gone back after he knew he would be "bound to get caught sooner or later". So if he dosent care that he would get caught then why does he care that he will get points. Thats like killing someone and not caring about the consequences at the time, but when you get caught decide that you are going to try and pay it off and not get jail time or death sentence. What im saying is he knew the consequences but at the same time dilebrately decided to get caught and therefore deserves the punishment he gets. He should have worried about getting points or his insurance dropping him and all that shit when he decidd to get caught.

10-29-2006, 01:20 PM

10-29-2006, 04:18 PM
Do not pass go do not collect $200 dollars

10-29-2006, 04:50 PM
we had this conversation....

cop: Mr Tran....was that you?
cop: [looking at me like I'm an idiot] Why would you do that?
me:uh....because you weren't here?
Cop:....don't move

Dude ur a dumbass... first why woulld u fess' up he didnt see u. second why smart off that just leads to getting fucked . even if u had fess'ed up but hadnt tried to be an asshole he might have given u just a written warning or even let u go.

10-29-2006, 07:31 PM
i should know alot about this considering i have amost one of every ticket for driving...:D

10-29-2006, 07:35 PM
Pleading no-lo to laying drags will give you no points and it's like a $100 ticket. You're getting all hyped up over nothing.

Yep, i got this ticket for laying drags in traffic... i coudl have goten arrested for road rage and rekless driving but i didn't. (a dump truck ran me completely off of the road and i was pissed...) The ticket was about 100$ as stated... Its not taht big of a deal...

10-29-2006, 09:30 PM
Dude ur a dumbass... first why woulld u fess' up he didnt see u. second why smart off that just leads to getting fucked . even if u had fess'ed up but hadnt tried to be an asshole he might have given u just a written warning or even let u go.

Thats what i was thinking. I think if he would have been like. "well officer I like to drift and I thought since this parking is somewhat succluded (sp) in the woods and nobody was around to be hurt. Nobody would mind if I practiced a little in this empty parking lot." You might have gotten the same punishment but i think there would be a better chance of him going more lighter on you with this response then with the, "cause you werent here" one. :2cents:

10-29-2006, 09:46 PM
If you own the strip mall and you practice drifting or autocrossing in that parking lot, can they give you a ticket?

10-29-2006, 10:17 PM
Dude if you knew the cops would come sooner or later, why in the hell would you keep going to the same place and staying so long. Your a fucking idiot dude, you deserve the ticket and consequences that you asked for.

Well, I’m pretty active on my campus and because of that, I’ve gotten to know many officials at southern poly. i.e. The dean of students, department heads, and especially the SPSU cops. Therefore, I really didn’t think anything would have happened if I had been caught. I knew I wasn’t going to jail, I had just assumed that I would have just gotten a slap on the hand. That’s why I openly smarted off and admitted so willingly. I guess I was wrong to a pretty big extent since I did get a ticket, but I definitely didn’t go to jail.

Also, last time I checked, I didn’t say I didn’t deserve this ticket? Hmmmm, weird. Yea, it was stupid, again, I never said it wasn’t. I’m not trying to justify it, but if you know that you’re going to get caught by cops that do not give tickets to people who don’t care to give people tickets who speed through campus, run stop signs, do wheelies on bikes, and drink underage; would you be worried about getting arrested either? And you’re right, I should have thought about my insurance at the time, but there’s nothing I can do about it now. And Jesus, hell no I wasn’t trying to get caught; I got carried away, I’m sure everyone here has gotten carried away with something in their life.

Sorry guys I’m not perfect like everyone else

I hate to say it, but the court will probably look at his record and not be too pleased. It wouldn't surprise me if they come down hard on him because of his previous record in all honesty. No judge wants to be mocked by some kid that has a history of bad driving with a please of no lo, ya know? He might accept it, but he might not. In a situation such as this, I would not go in w/o a lawyer, that's for sure.

I have judge Bridgette Campbell, anyone dealt with her before? I had Nancy Campbell on my other tickets and she had a field day with me…..

Dude ur a dumbass... first why woulld u fess' up he didnt see u. second why smart off that just leads to getting fucked . even if u had fess'ed up but hadnt tried to be an asshole he might have given u just a written warning or even let u go.

I knew him

It was clearly obvious it was me. I mean, my tires were still smoking when he got out of the car. “shrug” I’m not the person that would lie like that, it’d be an insult to his intelligence and I sure as hell hate it when people insult mine. Although, adding insult to injury, right now after all this, I feel pretty damn stupid.

Thats what i was thinking. I think if he would have been like. "well officer I like to drift and I thought since this parking is somewhat succluded (sp) in the woods and nobody was around to be hurt. Nobody would mind if I practiced a little in this empty parking lot." You might have gotten the same punishment but i think there would be a better chance of him going more lighter on you with this response then with the, "cause you werent here" one. :2cents:

You’re right, that would have been a good idea, but…..

this is what he wrote on my ticket…..

“Tires were smoking, Stopped and honestly admitted to laying drags. Stated that he thought it would be ok since there was no one around in an empty parking lot”


I ran into the cop today on campus, I told him I got a court order and what not. He said that too many people had been cutting up in the same parking lot. There had been reports of a hachi and a few 240’s including mine had been “doing burnouts”, so the chief was fed up and well….I was the 1st one caught so….I had to get something.

Good news though, he said it wasn’t a big deal and he told me to call and see if I can just pay it off, but I’ve been getting mixed responses from everyone so, I’m still unsure what to expect except 3 points.

Also, he told me that if I started an organizing that involved motorsports on campus, I can sign a waiver and as he said “play around till my tires pop”. This would include not only drift, but autoX. I just need to meet the minimum requirements of a registered organization at school, such as minimum of 10 people, organization fees, blah blah blah. If I can get this rolling, anyone is welcome to come out with us. So who knows, maybe something good is going to come out of this. Wish I had thought of it sooner….

Well, Thanks to the people who gave me advice and what not. I think I’m going to try and call tomorrow and see what they say. If I have to go to court, I’ll see what the solicitor will say and decided to take a continuance or not and get a lawyer if I have to. And I’m going to take defensive driving to drop the remaining points on my liscence.

To everyone else……well, only real men are “ghost hunters” lol, what a joke.

Lol, I don’t think I have ever gotten this much response in thread before.

10-29-2006, 10:40 PM
hey, i had the exact ticket you had about 2 months ago but i was on a test drive and it shure as hell was a test drive (you can ask 5thgencelica)... but you better take a defensive driving class... just fyi, i got mine in gainesville at the lanier tech campus and i got a $350 fine, 3 points on my liscense... o and i just paid it before time, they said if i pled no-lo and go to court... it would be alot worse. the best thing is to try to call the solicitior and see if you can settle it out of court. o, and that was my fine, and before that i had a clean driving record with nothing ever... noteven a seatbelt ticket. so good luck

10-29-2006, 10:52 PM
YEAH! fuckin right. lol. that shit dug a hole in the pavement. lol.

10-29-2006, 10:54 PM
^^^ i told you he'd bout for me...lol, but serrious, try to settle it out of court, you'll end up alot easier.

o and that pic is 1 of the 3 marks i made... o, and it was a 2003 ford lightning that i was in. and no, i didnt buy the truck either... i still got my civic that cant even do a one wheel wonder

10-29-2006, 11:06 PM
If you own the strip mall and you practice drifting or autocrossing in that parking lot, can they give you a ticket?

because it endangers the public, yet if you owned a shopping center that had no stores then that would be a different story i think

10-29-2006, 11:43 PM
The way I see it, I paid to play, and I needed a place to practice.

Atlanta has plenty of practice events, thats a crap excuse.

I only took about 2 passes each time and I got the hell out of there.

well, I was there at least 20 min.

You could have just spent $70 (or less) and had an entire day of practice on a set course with instructors. But now you are looking at fines and points. I think you need to re-think how you "practice".

10-30-2006, 12:05 AM
Atlanta has plenty of practice events, thats a crap excuse.

You could have just spent $70 (or less) and had an entire day of practice on a set course with instructors. But now you are looking at fines and points. I think you need to re-think how you "practice".

yea this is very true, but I have to work on the weekends. I know there are alot of practice days at Black hills, but that track is way too risky for me since I'm not that experienced. The next event I'm aware of is Drift Fury and the one before that was Ocala. There is a good month in between those 2 events. You must be talking about private events that I do not know about and that I'm not invited to. I'm not complaining, but there is so much time between the events I'm aware of that its hard to effectively build upon things I'm improving on in the last event. Also, why lose 100 bucks of work and 70 for an event every sat, when I can make a few passes in a parking lot 2-3 times a week and get a $300 ticket and go to defensive driving. both choices have serious downsides financial wise....so I see it as a lose lose situation anyways.

10-30-2006, 03:14 AM
To everyone else……well, only real men are “ghost hunters” lol, what a joke.

Ahhhh. Yup. But I guess the real joke is you......right? Knowing you were doing something stupid but you did it anyway? Yeah. Kind of makes you the dumbass in here. Not me. Again, I'm not the "joke" sitting around wondering how much my ticket is wondering what's going to happen to me. Lolol. Fucking idiot. Later, QD.

10-30-2006, 03:31 AM
cop: [looking at me like I'm an idiot] Why would you do that?
me:uh....because you weren't here?

actually laughed out loud on that one, +1 to you

10-30-2006, 03:51 AM
fuckign retard

10-30-2006, 07:40 AM
Been there, done that.

10-30-2006, 08:50 AM

10-30-2006, 09:14 AM
if ur 19, how the hell do u have 7 pts and STILL have ur license? :thinking:

10-30-2006, 09:19 AM
... Also, why lose 100 bucks of work and 70 for an event every sat, when I can make a few passes in a parking lot 2-3 times a week and get a $300 ticket and go to defensive driving. both choices have serious downsides financial wise....so I see it as a lose lose situation anyways.

Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

10-30-2006, 04:37 PM
Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

Do you have to ask? Later, QD.

The Golden Child
10-30-2006, 04:43 PM
what an idiot ..

10-30-2006, 04:45 PM
Did you eat paint chips as a kid?
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

Do you have to ask? Later, QD.
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: