View Full Version : Black folks make me laugh when they get mad and can't do shit about it...

10-26-2006, 06:12 PM
Motherfucker was riding my ass so close down the road here so I decided to slow down a bit for him. Of course he gets impatient and stays right on me. We get down the road and I move into the left turn lane to turn off and he pulls up beside me yelling and shit. I roill down my window and tel him to stay the fuck back. So he goes to telling me he'll kick my ass and shit. Now at this point, there is NO name calling. I say let's go and his girl tells him to go on and get out of there. Finally he listens to her and drives off hollering at me that I'm a "cracker" and a "redneck." That happens on a lot of occasions when someone gets mad at me out there. When nothing is going to happen, they leave yelling at me racial slurs. I LOVE IT!!! Later, QD.

BTW jackass.....I'm NOT a goddamn redneck.

10-26-2006, 07:12 PM
errrrrr....peanut butter?

10-26-2006, 07:16 PM
They must have been like 90 years old b/c younger african americans rarely say the that racial ephitet.....

This title, for the lose!

10-26-2006, 07:37 PM
Motherfucker was riding my ass so close down the road here so I decided to slow down a bit for him. Of course he gets impatient and stays right on me. We get down the road and I move into the left turn lane to turn off and he pulls up beside me yelling and shit. I roill down my window and tel him to stay the fuck back. So he goes to telling me he'll kick my ass and shit. Now at this point, there is NO name calling. I say let's go and his girl tells him to go on and get out of there. Finally he listens to her and drives off hollering at me that I'm a "cracker" and a "redneck." That happens on a lot of occasions when someone gets mad at me out there. When nothing is going to happen, they leave yelling at me racial slurs. I LOVE IT!!! Later, QD.

BTW jackass.....I'm NOT a goddamn redneck.

U SHOULD let me be your passenger one day, b/c I love yelling racial slurs at blk ppl

10-26-2006, 07:40 PM
U SHOULD let me be your passenger one day, b/c I love yelling racial slurs at blk ppl so do i lol:goodjob::goodjob::goodjob::goodjob:

10-26-2006, 07:45 PM
lol QD.... shoulda kicked his ass. or pulled a 45(or whatever it is that you have) on him.... thats the fastest way to shut stupid asses up

10-26-2006, 07:46 PM
so do i lol:goodjob::goodjob::goodjob::goodjob:

die whitey :D

I am starting to see it a lot more with blk ppl. For some reason they think it is all right to say cracker, by the way I am blk and I dont use that word.

10-26-2006, 07:49 PM

10-26-2006, 07:56 PM
you dont see white people calling eachother honky and cracker all day.... but go stand next to almost ANY two black people tralking and youre GUARANTEED to hear ni**er AT LEAST once...... and then when a white person says it, its all of a sudden a "bad, racial, discriminating" word.

10-26-2006, 07:58 PM
you dont see white people calling eachother honky and cracker all day.... but go stand next to almost ANY two black people tralking and youre GUARANTEED to hear ni**er AT LEAST once...... and then when a white person says it, its all of a sudden a "bad, racial, discriminating" word.
That is a ridiculous statment...go stand to almost ANY 2 black people...
By that post
1. Your have a poster of Paul Wall in your bedroom
2. MTV is your favorite channel and life=MTV
3. You have Dave Chapelle seasons 1 and 2 and think you know black people

10-26-2006, 08:01 PM
They must have been like 90 years old b/c younger african americans rarely say the that racial ephitet.....

This title, for the lose!

Nah. Dude was about in his late 20's maybe 30's. Lolol. Later, QD.

10-26-2006, 08:03 PM
That is a ridiculous statment...go stand to almost ANY 2 black people...
By that post
1. Your have a poster of Paul Wall in your bedroom
2. MTV is your favorite channel and life=MTV
3. You have Dave Chapelle seasons 1 and 2 and think you know black people

I don't have a .gif or anything to show how hard I'm laughing right now

10-26-2006, 08:05 PM
lolol @ title

10-26-2006, 08:09 PM
BTW jackass.....I'm NOT a goddamn redneck.

Your Racise!!! :D

10-26-2006, 08:17 PM
That is a ridiculous statment...go stand to almost ANY 2 black people...
By that post
1. Your have a poster of Paul Wall in your bedroom
2. MTV is your favorite channel and life=MTV
3. You have Dave Chapelle seasons 1 and 2 and think you know black people

:no: none of those....

1) dont like rap enough to have any posters
2) dont watch much tv. i work ad go to school... and when im not doing that im w/ my girl
3) dont watch dave chapelle.

are you telling me that im wrong? are you saying that people dont say nigga this, nigga that.(not all of them i know, some actually know what the word resembles and what it stands for--and care about it--...blah blah blah) i know im not deaf.....

10-26-2006, 08:18 PM
ahh.. Conyers.... its not even "country" out there

10-26-2006, 08:41 PM
fucken cracka

10-26-2006, 08:48 PM
I just became the Grand Wizard of the Alpharetta Clan!! :lmfao:

10-26-2006, 08:49 PM
:no: none of those....

1) dont like rap enough to have any posters
2) dont watch much tv. i work ad go to school... and when im not doing that im w/ my girl
3) dont watch dave chapelle.

are you telling me that im wrong? are you saying that people dont say nigga this, nigga that.(not all of them i know, some actually know what the word resembles and what it stands for--and care about it--...blah blah blah) i know im not deaf.....
I am not saying people don't use that term and beat it to death. Hell I used to and as I got older I realized its just ignorant. Older blacks never say it.

THe guys younger than me (I am 28) use the word like its some sort of got damn point system and the more points you get, wins you a prize.

So no, I am not saying people don't use it but it sure as hell ain't "Any" 2 black people.

10-26-2006, 08:50 PM
least this shit didn't end up on the news. Sometimes shit does get blown out of proportion.

10-26-2006, 08:57 PM
I am not saying people don't use that term and beat it to death. Hell I used to and as I got older I realized its just ignorant. Older blacks never say it.

THe guys younger than me (I am 28) use the word like its some sort of got damn point system and the more points you get, wins you a prize.

So no, I am not saying people don't use it but it sure as hell ain't "Any" 2 black people.

ok well i guess i should have specified the -younger- generation. i know the older people do not use it.

10-26-2006, 09:00 PM
Yes, you can pretty much have most of the younger generation with their skirt long t-shirts, hats bigger than a planet and nothing resembling pronunciation...just listen to the new rap music they like, the radio is filled with CRAP.

MLK is turning in his grave with the new generation....sad....

10-26-2006, 09:00 PM
The bottom line is that blacks shouldn't call whites "crackers" and whites shouldn't call blacks "nigger". Does this shit ever go away! It's like we are in pre-school or some shit! Yea...the black guy was wrong for saying racial slurs. I'm black and have plenty of black friends and white friends. Getting along with both races and knowing what to say and what not to say can get you a long way in life. Those that get all caught up in the color of someone's skin will be the ones who will get left back in life while the rest of us prosper.

10-26-2006, 09:11 PM
I can only picture what BTLFED would have done. It wouldn’t surprise me if he crawled across the passenger seat and out the window, biting the dude in the arm then spitting out a chunk of bicep back into their car. 4 seconds of his rage is = to 30min of an average persons.

10-26-2006, 09:52 PM
I just became the Grand Wizard of the Alpharetta Clan!! :lmfao:

Must be a Scottish thing because if it was the racial group, it would have been the Klan. Later, QD.

Fast Shadow
10-26-2006, 09:59 PM

10-27-2006, 01:14 PM

10-27-2006, 01:49 PM
I dont give a *@!^ if your green, yellow, or brown, black, white or other.
If yo azz was in an ambulance in route to a hospital or had to take a shyt like Mr. Jones in the movie "Friday after Next", I bet you money the last thing you would want is some jack ass driving in the left lane like he's in a dam asscar pacecar. This is one reason why Atl traffic is horrible.
Check this site out. REMAAAAAAARKABLE! Get a clue!


If you were in the right lane to begin with and he could have went around than disregard. :)

The Golden Child
10-27-2006, 02:06 PM
Must be a Scottish thing because if it was the racial group, it would have been the Klan. Later, QD.

LOLZ !!!

kelly marie
10-27-2006, 02:26 PM
Motherfucker was riding my ass so close down the road here so I decided to slow down a bit for him. Of course he gets impatient and stays right on me. We get down the road and I move into the left turn lane to turn off and he pulls up beside me yelling and shit. I roill down my window and tel him to stay the fuck back. So he goes to telling me he'll kick my ass and shit. Now at this point, there is NO name calling. I say let's go and his girl tells him to go on and get out of there. Finally he listens to her and drives off hollering at me that I'm a "cracker" and a "redneck." That happens on a lot of occasions when someone gets mad at me out there. When nothing is going to happen, they leave yelling at me racial slurs. I LOVE IT!!! Later, QD.

BTW jackass.....I'm NOT a goddamn redneck.you should have told that fuckass to shut up and called him a funny looking midget.. :yes: that would have kept him quite im sure!

10-27-2006, 02:34 PM
one time I was driving down Jimmy Carter heading towards the ghetto part of town where it turns into Mtn Ind then to some other road. The guy in front of me decides to slam on his brakes and make a right turn with no signal. I had to change lanes quick before I slam into the back of him and I ended up cutting off these kids in like a beat up ol white neon. It's not like I ment to but it happened. I was going to apologize when they pulled up next to me but when they did they started cursing at me. I was like WTF....

So happens that day I had my convertible top down and I took a look at them, rolled my eyes and rolled my windows up to ignore them. I was laughing so hard... then I came to go into a right hand turn.. and the bitch in the passenger seat throws an apple at my car WTF LOL dumb ass I wanted to turn around and get there plate number so bad! They were so luck I was running late for work.

10-27-2006, 02:36 PM
I dont give a *@!^ if your green, yellow, or brown, black, white or other.
If yo azz was in an ambulance in route to a hospital or had to take a shyt like Mr. Jones in the movie "Friday after Next", I bet you money the last thing you would want is some jack ass driving in the left lane like he's in a dam asscar pacecar. This is one reason why Atl traffic is horrible.
Check this site out. REMAAAAAAARKABLE! Get a clue!


If you were in the right lane to begin with and he could have went around than disregard. :)

Who said he was on anything other than a 2 lane road?

10-27-2006, 03:07 PM
I'm 29 & wonder who decided "cracka" was an actual insult. LMAO I mean are you telling the guy he's good with soup or somethin? LMAO I am with the SELOC poster as to younger black guys using the n-bomb.

They do that shyt to me I just stare them down, then they talk to me like I they have some sense. I've always hated people talking to me like they know I'm gonna respond to being called " folk, n-bomb, SHAWTY ( MY ALL-TIME most hated to be called).

But in all honesty ya'll insult almost everyone by calling them " RICERS" lmao Hmm think about it. :goodjob: :lmfao: :lmfao: .....Vegeta

10-27-2006, 03:10 PM

10-27-2006, 03:49 PM
just listen to the new rap music they like, the radio is filled with CRAP.One in the same. k bye