View Full Version : Insurance/Credit Check Question

10-26-2006, 02:27 AM
Hey guys,

I did not really know who to ask on this being as I just moved out on my own this past summer and my parents live in Denver, CO, and I'm just some stupid 20 year old kid :D.

My question is, I have been wanting to shop around for insurance, but was not sure if when I do online quotes (progressive, esurance, etc. etc. etc.) whether it will hurt my credit, by having it run to much? I remember hearing some figure of like 6 times in a year is bad, or something to that extent. But my other question is though, is that even what they do? Does it affect your credit at all when they do an online personal quote?

Also, is there anybody you guys would reccomend for cheaper insurance rates? It sucks being a single, 20 year old male in the insurance world!

Sorry to sound so un-edumacated, but insurance and credit are two areas I am not strong in! Thanks again!

10-26-2006, 02:28 AM
I doubt it, do they ask for your social security number?

10-26-2006, 02:31 AM
shopping around for quotes online, you shouldnt have to submit your SSN...
usually doing a quote online isnt even a set-in-stone quote, it's just a general one.
but yeah, having your credit checked a lot hurts your credit score.

10-26-2006, 02:32 AM
Esurance does, I know for a fact.

I also think progressive does as well, they claim it is so they can "give you the most accurate quote possible blah blah blah" but that is why I got kind of sketched out.

10-26-2006, 02:35 AM
In fact, I just went to progressive's website, and here is there fine print at the bottom of the application, but so far they have not asked for my social:

Information Disclosure- To offer you an accurate quote in one of Progressive's underwriting companies (javascript:windowOpenMySizeScroll('AutoDisplayPag e.aspx?Page=PopUpHelpPage&language=en-US&QueryStringSetKey=HelpLink&question=disp_aff_comp&state=GA', '460', '430');), we will collect information from consumer reporting agencies, such as driving record, claims, and credit history (javascript:windowOpenMySizeScroll('http://www.progressivedirect.com/insider/credit.asp', '400', '755', '20', '35');) reports. Future reports may be used to update or renew your insurance. Please review our Privacy Policy (javascript:windowOpenMySizeScroll('http://www.progressivedirect.com//privacypolicy.asp?state=GA', '400', '755');).

What the fuck does that mean?! That is so vague to me!

10-26-2006, 02:38 AM
what i have found, is that smaller, more local privately-owned insurance companies usually offer you the best rates as opposed to geico, progressive, state farm etc...

look in your local yellow pages under insurance companies, and call around to some local ones tomorrow. they will be able to give you a pretty accurate quote just by asking your DOB, how many, if any, tickets you have, what year/make/model your car is, if you're in school, etc.

10-26-2006, 02:39 AM
Dude if your really that worried, just CALL and give them your DL number and go from there.

You can also check your credit reports for FREE online

10-26-2006, 02:44 AM
Oh okay, thanks for the input guys. Sounds like tom. I will be making some calls!

Thanks again!

Crazy Asian
10-26-2006, 02:52 AM
Wow something intellectual for a change. No "I got pulled over being a dumbass and all cops should die in hell."