View Full Version : NBA Players, Leave your guns at home

10-25-2006, 07:47 PM
Stern wants NBA players to leave the guns at home

By BRIAN MAHONEY, AP Basketball Writer
October 25, 2006

NEW YORK (AP) -- David Stern understands having a gun to protect your home. He's not convinced carrying one on the streets makes you any safer.

For that reason, the NBA commissioner said Wednesday that he would prefer his players leave their firearms behind when they go out.

"It's a pretty, I think, widely accepted statistic that if you carry a gun, your chances of being shot by one increase dramatically," Stern said during his preseason conference call. "We think this is an alarming subject, that although you'll read players saying how they feel safer with guns, in fact those guns actually make them less safe. And it's a real issue."

It's one that was raised recently when Indiana's Stephen Jackson shot a gun in the air at least five times outside an Indianapolis strip club on Oct. 6. He originally told police he fired in self-defense during a fight in which he was hit by a car.

The NBA's collective bargaining agreement allows players to own licensed guns, but they can't carry them on any league or team business. Asked what kind of firearm rule he would want if collective bargaining weren't involved, Stern said: "I would favor being able to have a firearm to protect your home. Period."


10-25-2006, 07:47 PM
this is why the NBA is fuckin worthless, if the commisioner needs to come out and tell his players not to carry guns on them in public. LOLOLOL


10-25-2006, 07:51 PM
Shut up and find something worthwhile to cry about. Later, QD.

10-25-2006, 07:52 PM
your just mad cause your one of those wannabe thugs too ;)

10-25-2006, 07:54 PM
Better than hanging out in Midtown wearing leotards and pretending to be gay only to be shunned by them, too. Later, QD.

10-25-2006, 07:56 PM
yea i agree, but we dont need to be talking about Bishop's lifestyle

10-25-2006, 09:30 PM
damn first a new ball, and now this, must suck ass to be in the nba

HeLLo iM iZzY
10-25-2006, 10:23 PM
I read something familiar to this in SI the other day. They were sayin how NFL is way better then the NBA b/c all you got at NBA is just "gangstas." Even tho NFL gets alot of arrests annualy even with the Bengals, but no one cares about that but when it happens in the NBA everyone is in shock and cant believe it, LOL.
FUCK DAVID STERN, can go EAD that dumb son of a bitch !