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View Full Version : Anyone thinkin bout the military?

03-09-2005, 09:48 PM
Just wonderin if any of yall were thinkin about joinin the military. In this time the different branches need so many people. It's crazy what they do to recruit you. Take the Army for example. Did you know you can get up to 20 grand just for signing your name? oh..and they have this Army college fund, and what you dont use on college, you can use on your car, your house, whatever! And thats up to $70,000! You can even complete some school while your in so that you can save more of that money. I just thought this was cool. I enlisted and I got my money. Anyone else doin like me?

03-09-2005, 09:51 PM
Actually im thinking about going navy. finish college and go officer. Looking for some excitement and a way to give back to my country.

03-09-2005, 09:54 PM
why the navy? jw

03-09-2005, 10:05 PM
Well im a pretty non-confrontational person, I don't like fighting and i think most anything can be resolved through other means then shooting someone. But since it seems to come to that so often. I'm going to do what i can to make sure my fellow american soldiers are in less danger. I plan to go the communications or opperations route, which in my opinion would be important in battles, bad information gets people killed. That and the fact the battleship warfare is basicly over. Lobbing missles from 10 miles away in the middle of a bunch of water seems safer than driving through atlanta traffic.

All ties into me not really wanting to be a foot soldier, but wanting to help in a more technical (guess you could say that) area.

03-09-2005, 10:19 PM
Nope. Staying my ass at home. But whatever makes you happy!

03-09-2005, 10:25 PM

03-10-2005, 12:06 AM
i was in the navy... USS Nassau for 3 yrs then worked with the seal team2 in va bch.
fun times!

03-10-2005, 12:11 AM
i would but if joining for the money and things afterwards to me i cant do it for those reasons... to join to help yeah thats what i would... but i cant :(

03-10-2005, 07:03 AM
And you can retire in 20 yrs, start another job, and get 2 paychecks (that's if you survive).

03-10-2005, 07:09 AM
Just wonderin if any of yall were thinkin about joinin the military. In this time the different branches need so many people. It's crazy what they do to recruit you. Take the Army for example. Did you know you can get up to 20 grand just for signing your name? oh..and they have this Army college fund, and what you dont use on college, you can use on your car, your house, whatever! And thats up to $70,000! You can even complete some school while your in so that you can save more of that money. I just thought this was cool. I enlisted and I got my money. Anyone else doin like me? that is an awful gamble to fuck w/ your life for 20k which aint shit, b/c you could go to college and make more easily, work for a good company w/ nice package and your set. that signon bonus sounds great, but you aint gonna make shit the rest of the time... if your smart go to college and then go work for the gov. my wife is getting her Pharm D. and we are looking for her to work for the gov. That make a fucking bundle of $$$ and benefits are better than armed forces ;)

03-10-2005, 08:04 AM
I'm in the Air Force Reserve and I joined to get extra cash for school. I didn't chose to go active because I didn't feel I was ready so it going reserve gave that option to stay home and go to school and still see my friends. I also get a chance to go places kinda like a vacation. Like I was in Spain this past Nov. for 30 days and I worked the mid shift so I basically watched movies and was on the net. I made alittle over 5k for that so I'm good. But the Air Force really doesn't go where the fighting is so I'd be somewhat safe if I went active.

03-10-2005, 08:21 AM
ive tried multiple times to join the navy...i cant get in...i even got an official letter asking me to please stop applying

03-10-2005, 08:37 AM

03-10-2005, 09:10 AM
I am now a Staff Sergeant in the Army. Been doing this for 5 years now. The only thing that sucks is getting sent overseas, but you make more money there anyways. Yes tuition is free while you are in but you gotta pay for the books=( I enjoy myself, everyday is a challenge and something new.

Darling Nikki
03-10-2005, 09:35 AM
I was the next person in my family to enlist in the Army, but after everything that has happen to my father he and I have made a promise that I would never enlist. But I have thought multiple times that if he goes back to Iraq which is 95% then I want to go as well. The military is the one thing I know the most about so enlisting would be nothing new from what I have learned my my dad and two brothers.

03-10-2005, 09:37 AM
I was the next person in my family to enlist in the Army, but after everything that has happen to my father he and I have made a promise that I would never enlist. But I have thought multiple times that if he goes back to Iraq which is 95% then I want to go as well. The military is the one thing I know the most about so enlisting would be nothing new from what I have learned my my dad and two brothers.

Nickie, Do you live with your mom? I never heard you mention her...

03-10-2005, 10:12 AM
naw..my is a Marine recruit, he will be leaving on sep 7 of this year..i'm very sad cause of that. but he likes it.. he didn't get shyt for signing up, but he is going in as a PFC and if he works his ass off he will be comming out of boot camp as a lance corporal. and not to mention he will be MI...military intellegence

03-10-2005, 10:12 AM
that is an awful gamble to fuck w/ your life for 20k which aint shit, b/c you could go to college and make more easily, work for a good company w/ nice package and your set. that signon bonus sounds great, but you aint gonna make shit the rest of the time... if your smart go to college and then go work for the gov. my wife is getting her Pharm D. and we are looking for her to work for the gov. That make a fucking bundle of $$$ and benefits are better than armed forces ;)

maybe that came across wrong the first time thru, but i didn't join to 'fuck with my life' i joined for the adventure, to do my part, and to better my self as an american. That's why i joined. I am a Cav scout who will enjoy drivin a tank.

03-10-2005, 10:18 AM
I'm looking at the Marines once i Graduate college and go in on an aviation contract, I'm actually going to be apply probably this coming fall.

Darling Nikki
03-10-2005, 01:12 PM
Nickie, Do you live with your mom? I never heard you mention her...

Yes Sir, I live with my mom and stepdad here in Alpharetta. She is a great mom as well. She just doesn't know much of the military that we are used to.

03-10-2005, 01:26 PM
Absolutely not. I totally support our troops and one of my best friends was in Iraq for 15 months, but I can not be that guy.

03-10-2005, 02:11 PM
maybe that came across wrong the first time thru, but i didn't join to 'fuck with my life' i joined for the adventure, to do my part, and to better my self as an american. That's why i joined. I am a Cav scout who will enjoy drivin a tank.i understood you but if you went active right now you would be playing a gamble w/ your life... they don't pay enough for me to put my life on the line for some idiot's conquest to take over the middle east. if i want to play GI JOE i'll venture out of the suburbs into downtown ;)

03-10-2005, 05:50 PM
i understood you but if you went active right now you would be playing a gamble w/ your life... they don't pay enough for me to put my life on the line for some idiot's conquest to take over the middle east. if i want to play GI JOE i'll venture out of the suburbs into downtown ;)

maybe thats supposed to be funny, but to me, it's not. But hey, i guess I don't think it's a bad thing to represent the United States and become a better person. And about your whole idiots quest-ness. Say what you want, but your freedom of speech is something we fight to defend. Pres. Bush wants that oppertunity for others, and to eliminate terrorists. GI Joe in downtown? Why don't you get together with 50 cent...ya'll will have a blast.

03-10-2005, 06:09 PM
i guess I don't think it's a bad thing to represent the United States and become a better person. And about your whole idiots quest-ness. Say what you want, but your freedom of speech is something we fight to defend. Pres. Bush wants that oppertunity for others, and to eliminate terrorists.lol - please don't get me started on politics... what makes you a better person??? b/c you can legaly kill another man??? your fighting for freedom of speech... hmm really, please explain, b/c last time i thought we already had that right. Eliminate terrorist and opportunity for others; amazing we have had a dictator 100miles off our coast since the 60's and i don't remember any Bush wanting to invade there to FREE people. :rolleyes:

i support our soldiers, but i do not agree w/ the war nor do i agree w/ the gung ho tatics that have been played or the lies told to get us into it. GOT WMD??? :lmfao:

03-10-2005, 07:50 PM
But the Air Force really doesn't go where the fighting is so I'd be somewhat safe if I went active.

I'm in the active duty Air Force i recent that quote. I just spent 7 months in Iraq working hand in hand with the Army doing convoys from BIOP (Bagdad International Airport) to Balad, Iraq. Every convoy i was one we where shot at. Every day i spent in Balad, Iraq there was an everage of 5 -6 morder attacks a day.

Don't join the military for the money though. Personally i don't think the money is all that great. I joined the military cause i felt i had no other options in my life at the time. I picked the Air Force just because thier way of life and expenses. I'm ready to get out and move on though. I hate having to get up and move all the time or deploy for long periods of time. There are other small things i'm just tired of. The military isn't for everyone but i do appreciate it getting me on my feet and cleaning me up.


03-10-2005, 10:06 PM
lol - please don't get me started on politics... what makes you a better person??? b/c you can legaly kill another man??? your fighting for freedom of speech... hmm really, please explain, b/c last time i thought we already had that right. Eliminate terrorist and opportunity for others; amazing we have had a dictator 100miles off our coast since the 60's and i don't remember any Bush wanting to invade there to FREE people. :rolleyes:

i support our soldiers, but i do not agree w/ the war nor do i agree w/ the gung ho tatics that have been played or the lies told to get us into it. GOT WMD??? :lmfao:

First. Fighting to keep your freedom of speech.
Second. Castro's old and will die shortly, wait and see what happens then.
And most important. What makes me a better person is learning many life sklills and actually applying them everyday. It makes me a better person not compared to anyone else, deff not to you, but better each individual. As it says on a poster...'The uniform didn't change me, the right to wear it did.'

03-11-2005, 12:44 AM
First. Fighting to keep your freedom of speech.
Second. Castro's old and will die shortly, wait and see what happens then.
And most important. What makes me a better person is learning many life sklills and actually applying them everyday. It makes me a better person not compared to anyone else, deff not to you, but better each individual. As it says on a poster...'The uniform didn't change me, the right to wear it did.'

You sounds like the jehova witness people I slammed the door on not to long ago.

I don't think going to the Military makes you any better then any other american out there, I mean, Look at how many veterans are homeless with very little to show for.
I honestly think is great you are going etc, hey man thats great, But don't get upset at someone for there opinion wich totally make sense.

Im willing to bet that 95% of the American soldiers right now would give alot to come back home, They might not say that, Unless you have nothing in this country but papers saying you are american, then Im sure you don't give a fuck about beeing over there.
But if you have family over here while you are over there, Like I said, I will bet 95% will not want to be there.

They probably joined the Military thinking, no war is going to happen anytime soon, They pay for my college.benefits etc, But look now... Like I said, They might not say it, But im sure they are thinking it.

I know a couple of people that are over there now, the last email they sent to there parents said something along the lines of I hate this war, Im scare of this shit, I want to go home, fuck all this. Now you tell me?

03-11-2005, 12:45 AM
Second. Castro's old and will die shortly, wait and see what happens then.

Castro was old when Kennedy was president.... When he dies, Nothing will happen, Those guns are still pointing at florida. hahahah

03-11-2005, 07:32 AM
First. Fighting to keep your freedom of speech.
Second. Castro's old and will die shortly, wait and see what happens then.
And most important. What makes me a better person is learning many life sklills and actually applying them everyday. It makes me a better person not compared to anyone else, deff not to you, but better each individual. As it says on a poster...'The uniform didn't change me, the right to wear it did.'

1st - Freedom of speech, you didn't explain... and what you think if Saddam was in power our Freedom of speech would be at risk? please...
2nd - Saddam was old and your point being if we turn our backs to it; it didn't happen. You sound like every other war supporter, who has no clue.
You want to go ahead and think your saving the world from terror, do what you must, but nothing is going to change over there... they attack their own people before & now in the face of american soldiers, what makes you think it will stop? Its called politics buddy, we are over there b/c someone has too many hands in their pocket. Normally becoming a better person starts at home.

Good luck man hopefully you'll find what your searching for.

03-11-2005, 11:32 AM
1st - Freedom of speech, you didn't explain... and what you think if Saddam was in power our Freedom of speech would be at risk? please...
2nd - Saddam was old and your point being if we turn our backs to it; it didn't happen. You sound like every other war supporter, who has no clue.
You want to go ahead and think your saving the world from terror, do what you must, but nothing is going to change over there... they attack their own people before & now in the face of american soldiers, what makes you think it will stop? Its called politics buddy, we are over there b/c someone has too many hands in their pocket. Normally becoming a better person starts at home.

LOL, its not gonna read through paul! You are getting the basic answers that everyone gets from war supporters! I doubt there is one person in the US who can explain why figting the "War On Terrorism" [LOL] protects my freedom of speech. I love when people ask me :

"Why havent you enlisted?"
"I really dont agree with the war. Not really for me"
"Dont you know that if it werent for this war, you wouldnt have the right to freedom of speech! Freedom of press! You are so ungrateful. This is a fight for your freedom!"

LOL. And when you ask them to explain they say some dumb reason. I hate when its people that are enlisted who say it because its sad people put up their lives and they legitimize it for a whole bunch of catch phrases and lines that dont mean shit.

I dont think he understands the conflict with Cuba. He doesnt understand that there are hella cubans trying to getdaphaukaway from the beard. Hes old and going to die soon? Obviously if you are enlisted the US Armed Forces doesnt teach much about the issue. My question is, how will his death liberate the people of Cuba? Man, talk to a cuban. Every cuban i know celebrated when he tripped a little while back, hoping he would have died. But do you really think that would be the end of communism in Cuba? LOL, ok. You dont see GWB landing his helicopter in the middle of Havana kissing little black cuban babies, do you?

03-12-2005, 12:10 AM
I don't think going to the Military makes you any better then any other american out there, I mean, Look at how many veterans are homeless with very little to show for.
I honestly think is great you are going etc, hey man thats great, But don't get upset at someone for there opinion wich totally make sense.

Damn man..i wrote that it betters you individually. I'm not puttin myself above any other American. Read before you slam.

And then no..i didn't say this war is all that's protecting your speech. But we protect your rights, so remember that.

I never said anything belittling Cubans in any way. But When castro dies, we will more then likely attempt to liberate Cubans while the country is unorganized.

And 95%? How many do you know, because i talk to people everyday. People who've been there, people there, and people going, and they all don't think 'fuck all this'.

I'm sorry ya'lls views of the military are so screwed, but hey, believe as you want. Thanks for the support.

03-12-2005, 12:19 AM
And 95%? How many do you know, because i talk to people everyday. People who've been there, people there, and people going, and they all don't think 'fuck all this'.I'm sorry ya'lls views of the military are so screwed sorry the dead don't talk.

03-12-2005, 12:27 AM
sorry the dead don't talk.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? If you think many of the men and women who have givin the ultimate sacrifice are mad..what? Is that what your saying? Because if that's what your saying, go to just one funeral. Listen to their wives speak. Words you almost always hear are, "He wouldn't have wanted to go any other way." I don't know why you are attacking todays soldiers, but this topic was started to explore opportunities. Not to attack the lives of men and women fighting for our country.

03-12-2005, 12:35 AM
I don't know why you are attacking todays soldiers, but this topic was started to explore opportunities. Not to attack the lives of men and women fighting for our country.
no one is attacking the lives of soilders... you posted a question we gave pinions... you stated that you know 95% of the armed forces are for the war? i stated the dead don't talk. its the truth, i don't know about you but i do know quite a few vets, my brothers father was shot and killed in nam, my family was very involved w/ vets, i saw a funeral flag hung on a wall for 20+ years; there is nothing beautiful or glorified about it.

you have yet given a real reason why we are there to begin w/... so next time you want to make an adult conversation think before you ask. sometimes you get responses that you may not like.

03-12-2005, 12:41 AM
NOPE. I don't agree with why we're at war, nor do I agree with our president. And I don't like to wake up early. :p

03-12-2005, 10:17 PM
[QUOTE=admin]no one is attacking the lives of soilders... you posted a question we gave pinions... you stated that you know 95% of the armed forces are for the war? i stated the dead don't talk. its the truth, i don't know about you but i do know quite a few vets, my brothers father was shot and killed in nam, my family was very involved w/ vets, i saw a funeral flag hung on a wall for 20+ years; there is nothing beautiful or glorified about it.

you have yet given a real reason why we are there to begin w/... QUOTE]

First..my condolences, but yes I do know many vets. And i too have been to funerals.

We are there to liberate the people and to destroy terrorist cells. Just because we have one man doesn't mean it all just ends. We need to help them reatin control. That is why we are there.

03-12-2005, 11:41 PM
Damn man..i wrote that it betters you individually. I'm not puttin myself above any other American. Read before you slam.

And then no..i didn't say this war is all that's protecting your speech. But we protect your rights, so remember that.

I never said anything belittling Cubans in any way. But When castro dies, we will more then likely attempt to liberate Cubans while the country is unorganized.

And 95%? How many do you know, because i talk to people everyday. People who've been there, people there, and people going, and they all don't think 'fuck all this'.

I'm sorry ya'lls views of the military are so screwed, but hey, believe as you want. Thanks for the support.

I did read, Im not slamming you.

My Views on the military are not screwed, Simply, im not interested. If I was , diffrent story.
I have 2 cousins over there, They email/mail there parents every chance they get. They are brothers btw.

But hey, I respect you bro for your great military passion. But don't get upset because some other people do not agree with you.

I believe there are a million ways to better yourself. For me, The military is not an option.

03-13-2005, 07:07 AM
Well im a pretty non-confrontational person, I don't like fighting and i think most anything can be resolved through other means then shooting someone. But since it seems to come to that so often. I'm going to do what i can to make sure my fellow american soldiers are in less danger. I plan to go the communications or opperations route, which in my opinion would be important in battles, bad information gets people killed. That and the fact the battleship warfare is basicly over. Lobbing missles from 10 miles away in the middle of a bunch of water seems safer than driving through atlanta traffic.

All ties into me not really wanting to be a foot soldier, but wanting to help in a more technical (guess you could say that) area.
NEWSFLASH...the military just doesnt kill..during the Tsunamies we airlifted over a million tons of goods to the ppl of those countries.

03-13-2005, 07:09 AM
I'm in the active duty Air Force i recent that quote. I just spent 7 months in Iraq working hand in hand with the Army doing convoys from BIOP (Bagdad International Airport) to Balad, Iraq. Every convoy i was one we where shot at. Every day i spent in Balad, Iraq there was an everage of 5 -6 morder attacks a day.

Don't join the military for the money though. Personally i don't think the money is all that great. I joined the military cause i felt i had no other options in my life at the time. I picked the Air Force just because thier way of life and expenses. I'm ready to get out and move on though. I hate having to get up and move all the time or deploy for long periods of time. There are other small things i'm just tired of. The military isn't for everyone but i do appreciate it getting me on my feet and cleaning me up.


03-13-2005, 07:21 AM
Lol..funerals? Try being the guy that carries the Flag drapped coffin off the aircraft..Or the Guy that sends the troops down-range knowing some will not come back. Either way we know we make the world a better place. If you don't like the reason we are at war, sorry. Maybe all the reasons from the beginning arent still there, but look what has been accomplished. TRUE death has been a toll, but unfortantely it happens. One thing that isnt known is that ALOT of deaths can be prevented, but carelessness in the end leads to "the end". Please dont scold me for what i have said but then again please feel free to state ur opinion. Our fore-fathers fought for the rights we bear, so express and share, but then again..think of what i said..our fore father FOUGHT for our rights we bear...One day down the road middle eastern kids will be able to say hey, the Americans helped us get our freedom thru toss and turns, just as they received theirs.

03-13-2005, 08:57 AM
Julio, i undestand youre not interested, and that's cool, the military isn't for everyone. Thanks for your support.

GreenJCivi, thanks for your support in this thread.

03-13-2005, 10:00 AM
I'm in the military now, and from what I see.....alot of young americans joined the armed forces for the wrong reasons, and that's why you are seeing alot of them protesting and being insubordinate to officers. Couple years back, if you gave any lip to your commanding officer, you'd be thrown in the brigg, or be the company's bitch.

right now, armed forces are offering these huge signing bonus's....and these "kids" and some "adults" think it's gonna be like a cake walk....they think they will just sit back and collect the money and 4 years, they are out. So when they are thrown into a situation, they find a news camera and start their "sob" story of how they were mislead and how they are not suppose to be there. My brother in law is a Cpt in a Ranger Regiment, and is also MI, he has been to both Afganistan and Iraq, and the people crying about insufficient armor and such are far from any danger, but the media itself.....likes to film the lightly armored vehicles and then head to the fronts or battle heavy areas and show vehicles that have been hit by multiple rpg's and roadside bombs....so basically they are toast......again....the media shows what they wanna show, not what is really happening. There's plenty of troops that are happy to be there and help with the restructure....but they fail to show that.

I just wanted to throw my opinnion in, being that I live in Columbus and know how most of the military thinks...this is a military town.

soldiers that are complaining are the same ones that enlisted for the wrong reasons.

just for a example.....the same people who join the Peace Corps....they sign a two year contract, are paid roughly $8-10 a day.....live in 3rd world conditions...the people who want to go have a idea of what it's like, but once they get there, they want out....they had a good idea, and wanted to help, but once they actually got there, it wasnt what they expected and want to go home. back in 82', there were like 200 people in guam....but because they had to sleep in huts and not bath for weeks on end, they decided to write to NBC and tell of their horriffic conditions and they were never told it was gonna be like that! what did they expect, they were going to 3rd world countries, puny villages, did they want a hotel? it's called "REAL" thinking.

the two differences are, the people who join the peace corps actually wanted to help......the people who enlisted were looking more towards the benefits to themselves, not looking at the big picture...but the end result is the same....they are not happy and didnt think things thru and instead of sucking it up, they find the media to expolit their stories.

03-13-2005, 10:15 AM
i think this is a never ending argument...


03-13-2005, 10:19 AM
i think this is a never ending argument... agreed...

young americans joined the armed forces for the wrong reasonsroger that.

03-13-2005, 10:22 AM
Man, i don't want to come off as an asshole but you need to watch what you say if you don't know shit about a topic. You said your not in the military than how the fuck do you know whats going on? I'm in the active duty military! i am against this war! i joined straight out of high school as a major pot head! Yet, i obey my orders, my superior officers, and i go and fight for our country with 110%! The armed forces are trying everything they can to get people to join cause people are dying over there to protect ass holes like you! I will agree with you, we don't get all the armor that we could use (there is never enough). the media doesn't show all the good we are causing! Of course soldiers are going to compain. How would you feel to spend 1 1/2 years of your life fighting in a war in Iraq? or being sent some where over seas away from your family and loved ones? Of course people are going to complain! but those same soldiers get up every morning and do thier job! If a solider complains to his higher up he is going to get disaplined(sp?). you don't need to talk about a subject if you don't know shit about it!! I'm done.


"Freedom is not free!"

when did I say I am not in the military??? I'm currently enrolled at CSU and have my scholarship thru the ROTC program and also enlisted in the Reserves while in school????

Who the fuck do you think you are talking to? I have no clue about? My whole family is in the military, including myself.

You sound like a little bitch ass private who needs to get his shit wired straight. I see you guys all over Columbus, think you are badass once you get out of boot and think you can take on the world. Do you think anyone wants to go over seas? no. But you dont need to complain and whine about it, your orders are very simple....obey them.

Dont fucking come at me like that again, if you are a pot head out of high school and joined, good for you.....but you need to get your attitude adjusted in a hurry.

03-13-2005, 10:25 AM
Dont fucking come at me like that again, if you are a pot head out of high school and joined, good for you.....but you need to get your attitude adjusted in a hurry.ohhhh shit i see a classic coming... army vs. navy ;)

03-13-2005, 10:35 AM
on another note, my family was againest me joining the forces because they didnt want me to go thru what they have been thru....

my father is a 2lt and Green Beret, he served in Vietnam till the end.....he has been in the Korean Conflict.

My uncle a SSGT, has been to Iraq numerous times over the years.

My best friend/brother in law, again...is a Citadel graduate, CPT, Ranger, MI, has just come home from Afganistan. He goes back in 180 days.

all my friends here are enlisted, and we all feel the same way....we want to help our brothers in arms and if we are called, fine. I didnt join to fix myself, or because it's a sense of pride. I did it to help others, if a country is being opressed and they cannot stand for themselves, then I want to be able to help them. I want to be able to say that I was there and made a difference in someone's life.

the whole money issue doesnt impress me....my family has money....

my old job paid me more than what the military ever will.

03-13-2005, 10:35 AM
i see a classic coming because someone just went straight at peter and tried to own him....i know for a fact don't take on peter ecspecially with the choice words swifty used

03-13-2005, 10:44 AM
I am just so fucking pissed right now. Livid.

You want to talk about armor????

okay, what about the Toyota Hilux's???

for low vis, not everyone gets the comfort of the Humvee....you ride in a Toyota Hilux, which is basically a Toyota 4 door pickup.


you see any armor for the driver or passengers?

03-13-2005, 10:45 AM
i see cardboard for the back passengers....and wow now that is a lack or armor

03-13-2005, 10:46 AM
i see cardboard for the back passengers....and wow now that is a lack or armor

it's actually a door panel off a destroyed humvee, that's been ziptied on.

03-13-2005, 10:49 AM
even better

03-13-2005, 11:27 AM

GreenJCivi, thanks for your support in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Dont thank me for support...I do my part, the guy that does all that mentioned above is Me..

The statement is so true bout young American joining for the wrong reasons..except you forgot the BIGGEST part..


that join for the wrong reasons, and hell its not just Americans. Diego Ricon the first guy to die from Ga wasnt even American citizen, i had a kid in my flight in basic that was from Austria, in tech school some were from Puerto rico and some were from Canada.

But here's a thought that raddled my mind all day...We dont ask for your support. If you dont like us thats ur God (or w/e u believe in) given right, but PLEASE oh PLEASE dont talk bad or talk down the Military. Just today I went on a aircraft (C141) and the AE (aero-vac) patients were on board (ramstein is the first stop going too or cummin back form Down-Range) and i thought to myself..how in the world can sumone tell these guys with mangled bodies and bullet wounds that they are wrong. When in their mind they think if me gettin hurt somehow saved jus 2 lives..I DID MY JOB!

03-13-2005, 04:35 PM
Dont thank me for support...I do my part, the guy that does all that mentioned above is Me..

The statement is so true bout young American joining for the wrong reasons..except you forgot the BIGGEST part..


that join for the wrong reasons, and hell its not just Americans. Diego Ricon the first guy to die from Ga wasnt even American citizen, i had a kid in my flight in basic that was from Austria, in tech school some were from Puerto rico and some were from Canada.

But here's a thought that raddled my mind all day...We dont ask for your support. If you dont like us thats ur God (or w/e u believe in) given right, but PLEASE oh PLEASE dont talk bad or talk down the Military. Just today I went on a aircraft (C141) and the AE (aero-vac) patients were on board (ramstein is the first stop going too or cummin back form Down-Range) and i thought to myself..how in the world can sumone tell these guys with mangled bodies and bullet wounds that they are wrong. When in their mind they think if me gettin hurt somehow saved jus 2 lives..I DID MY JOB!

What is your point about not just being American? My grandfather came from the dominican republic and fought being in the first all hispanic/african american airbourne rangers squad and fought very proudly. So what is your point about people not being from the America? Dont forget abotu those border jumpers from Puerto Rico, LOL.

Why would you mention Diego Rincon? Is he less of a soldier because he wasnt born on US soil? Im just wondering the whole "its not just Americans" part. I have a plenty of US born friends that I see when I go to Ft. Benning and they say that the war sucks. I also have some that are all for the war. It just happens that my friends that are against it outweigh the ones that are for it.

Im going to disreguard the comment about the "Waiting on Castro to die". LOL. Why didnt we wait for Saddam to Die? I mean, if we are going to make it so that years from now people can say "The US helped me out" why not Cuba? Maybe its easier to rally the people against "Towel heads" post 9/11 than Cubans? I mean, that would be a better reason instead of there being a shitload of oil...

03-13-2005, 09:29 PM
frank i seriously doubt he is down talking people from other countries....i will let him answer on his own i just want you to know i doubt that's what he was saying

03-13-2005, 09:30 PM
I'm still waiting on Swifty to have something else smart to say to me.

03-13-2005, 09:35 PM
I dont even see the point of mentioning people coming from other countries fighting in his sentence. Does he know Diego Rincons citizenship status? Believe it or not, some hispanics are actually born in the US! LOL, and Puerto Ricans happen to be US citizens too. Im not going to be insulting, but come on, choose words more wisely

03-13-2005, 09:38 PM
i know a ton of diego's friends and have talked to his dad before at a car show and around conyers....great family and he seemed to be a great guy and like i said kenny will explain what he meant but he's most likely at work right now so give him a minute

03-13-2005, 09:39 PM
and yea peter where did swifty go after all that

03-13-2005, 09:40 PM
I dont even see the point of mentioning people coming from other countries fighting in his sentence. Does he know Diego Rincons citizenship status? Believe it or not, some hispanics are actually born in the US! LOL, and Puerto Ricans happen to be US citizens too. Im not going to be insulting, but come on, choose words more wisely

frank, I seriously dont think he meant anything by it, it was kinda hard reading it too, but he was just stating that even people from different countries have pride in the US and are serving and dying for a country that they still dont have full citizenship with. I think....but I'm pretty sure.

03-13-2005, 09:40 PM
and yea peter where did swifty go after all that

I think it was something like "insert foot into mouth".

03-13-2005, 09:52 PM
lol yea and i agree i have been trying for 30 minutes to put into words what i thought he meant and you just hit the nail on the head

03-13-2005, 10:07 PM
I agree that many sign for the wrong reasons. My brother was one. He was kicked outta our home the day after he graduated and only place he had to go was to the Navy. That's where he got into his second problem. Jk..He had his ups and downs, but while he was in, not once did he complain. He still doesn't complain now, he supports our troops everywhere he goes.
But me, I wanted to go to do my part. I want to look back on my life saying I served my country. I want to help other people achieve the rights we have.

03-13-2005, 10:17 PM
he was just stating that even people from different countries have pride in the US and are serving and dying for a country that they still dont have full citizenship with. .

Correct i was just stating that exactly! and not just a pride but a thankful addittude, And yes i do know his citizensip status. NOW he is a US citizen, but at the time of his death he wasnt a US citizen. President Bush even passed the Diego Rincon Bill; stating that if you are not a Us citizen and die in combat you receive US citizenship. I know Puerto Ricons are CITIZENS of the US. When i say Americans I mean people actually living in the US, im sure Puerto Ricons (actually living there) are happy in their heritage and declare themselves to be Puerto Ricons, not just Americans. Am i wrong?

03-14-2005, 01:09 AM
Man, i completley mis read your post. I thought it said you weren't in the military. Very true, classic case of insert mouth inter foot. This is a sensit8ive subject for a lot of people. Its also a never ending argument. You said people join for the wrong reaons though. Can you please tell me out of the entire armed forces, who joined to "fight for thier country?" For as long as i know of people join the military for a lot more reasons than to "fight for thier country." My dad served 27 years in the Army. he joined cause he had an abusive childhood and it was his only means to excape. All i'm trying to say is the armed forces try everything they can to recruit and more power to them. Yes, i feel like a jackass for jumping at you. Thats why i edited my post after i re-read everything. My bad, shit happens. Ya'll just need to calm down about this entire post. It was all started cause someone was talking about joining. The amred forces need as many people as possible right now. Even though i'm against this war i'm still in it fighting. Thats what happens when you sign a contract. I don't know what else to say, but calm the fuck down. No ones attacking anyone. SHIT!


03-14-2005, 11:09 AM
Hahahahah... All of ya are stupid...we need soldiers and they need us....as Americans let’s support each others decisions. Everyone isn't made to go to college or to be in the work force as there are not many people who are made to be in the military... One thing I do agree with military life is that it makes many people change for the good. And civilian life we have all the freedoms in the world to do what we like. There are many pros and cons to this conversation. But we need them as they need us... This is very good conversation, but you all have made it pointless and ridiculous.

03-14-2005, 12:35 PM
I joined for more then just one reason, but it was mainly to do my part aka 'fight for my country'

03-14-2005, 01:10 PM
i feel you mitsuevo6... and i wish you luck on your new career..

03-14-2005, 01:24 PM
Nope no joining the military for me.. I give alot of respect for those who are in though....

03-14-2005, 01:34 PM
Yea Surving our country was #1 on my list, and I grew up with my uncle bein enliste so i kinda knew at like 9th grade what i was gonn do. another reason was to travel..OMG..the traveling..NEVER in my wildest thoughts would i thought i would live in Europe at 18. I can honestly say i enjoy the military, especially when you get those heart felt moments like today when we brought hope 148 troops after a 12 month tour. If seeing a Soldier cry at first sight of peace wont make ya feel patriotic nuthin will.