View Full Version : DRIVING FAQ- STICKY

10-12-2006, 07:22 AM
Found this on Nabisco...

This FAQ was created because nobody follows standard etiquette on the highway. There may be slight differences from region to region.

Do not drive in the left lane except to pass, or to turn left. If your turning left, it is considerate if you enter the left lane 1km or less prior to turning. Do not sit in the left lane just because 5minutes ahead you will need to turn. If you pull out to pass, do not pass at 1 or 2mph faster than the slow lane. Please pass swiftly and return to the right lane. 5mph or faster than the slow lane is recommended. If someone approaches you quickly from behind while in the left lane, it is courteous to move over into the right lane and allow the faster driver to pass.

When merging onto traffic, make sure your indicator is on, and approach the merge lane 5-10mph FASTER than the free flowing traffic. This may mean you need to merge at a speed faster than the posted speed limit. You may be required to depress the accelerator fully to the floor (See below: Pressing the accelerator). The reason all drivers should merge FASTER than the traffic, is to improve safety. Many drivers will speed up and try to prevent someone from merging in front of them. These behaviors are a reaction to people frequently merging slowly. When traveling faster than the traffic, the merging driver has the option to go in front or behind a rude driver. This increases safety, as it will eliminate the need to brake in the merge lane. DO NOT BRAKE IN THE MERGE LANE!! AS IT WILL CAUSE COLLISIONS. During congestion, merge lanes often slow down the highway traffic. This can result in rapid deceleration of the highway traffic and is notorious for causing multiple car collisions. Merging at a higher speed will prevent this and allow traffic to proceed smoother and reduce the risk of rapid highway slowdowns.

All car manufacturers design the accelerator to be fully depressed at any point in time for any automobile. Fully depressing the accelerator is required as part of every day driving and should not be avoided. Common occurrences for depressing the pedal fully include merging, and passing. Depressing the pedal fully for merging or passing will not hurt your car, and it will NOT increase wear on your car.

Sensors can sense cars, but only if the car is on the sensor. Please ensure that when stopped at a red light, move fully forward to the stop line. Many intersections will NOT TURN GREEN if your car is not fully forward at the stop line.

Patience at stop signs is appreciated, however, certain tactics can greatly improve the intersection's efficiency. If a car (opposite yourself) is driving straight through the intersection, you may also proceed straight through EVEN IF IT'S NOT YOUR TURN. If the car opposite yourself is turning left, you may also turn left at the same time EVEN IF ITS NOT YOUR TURN. This relies on the principle that two cars may use the intersection at any given time from opposite directions without causing any delay or disruption to other drivers. This (in theory) will double the efficiency of the intersection.

Please use your signal lights for all turns and lane changing. That said, if someone has their signal light on, PLEASE LET THEM IN! they were kind enough to signal, so you should be kind enough to give them room.

While on a highway always maintain a constant speed by using your cruise control. It is assumed that when you pass, you will maintain a speed FASTER than the people you just passed. Do not pass someone, and then slow down, forcing traffic you just passed to slow down. DO NOT SPEED MATCH traffic beside you, as this can be very aggravating to the other driver. You are only allowed to speed match traffic in the same lane as you. Often speed matching can result in vehicles staying in another car's blind spot for extended periods of time.

Often the result of speed matching (as described above). Please stay away from other vehicles blind spots. It is perfectly acceptable to adjust your speed for the purpose of avoiding someone else's blind spot. Since many drivers are unaware, Blind spots are any position BESIDE or BEHIND in an adjacent lane. YOU MUST BE 2 car lengths or further behind a vehicle when in an adjacent lane or you are considered in the blind spot. This allows both drivers the ability to execute a rapid lane change without a collision. Rapid lane changes are sometimes required to avoid obstacles on the road, or other traffic.

Large commercial vehicles own the road. There is nothing you can do about it. Give them lots of room, dont pull infront of them, dont drive beside them. They will occupy multiple lanes, swing wide on corners, and pass vehicles very slowly. Exercise patience and be polite. Truckers drive for a living, and if something is wrong, it's probably YOUR fault.

Often referred to as an added lane curve (Click this link). This sign is NOT a yield. DO NOT STOP AT THIS SIGN. When making a corner you have your own lane and do not need to look at oncoming traffic. DO NOT LOOK AT ONCOMING TRAFFIC. Oncoming traffic will/must yield to you, as this is YOUR lane. Concentrate on the road infront of you, and accelerate quickly to proper traffic speed. This is another instance where fully depressing the accelerator is required (See above). Once up to speed, you may change lanes. THIS SIGN IS NOT A MERGE, you do not need to change lanes quickly, ensure your up to speed and just drive.

Road communication is often non-existent on the highway, or is limited to finger movements, and aggressive/dangerous vehicle movements. The following general rules of thumb will allow you to communicate more safely and effectively.
1) When trying to say thank you or acknowledging someone's presence, it is often acceptable to wave in your rear window high where everyone can see. If you have tint, or its dark out, please use your hazard lights for 2-3 blinks. An example: someone pro-actively moves out the left lane to allow you to pass, reward them with a hazard light blink.
2) tapping the brakes is a sign of frustration and/or aggression. Please do not slow down while tapping the brakes, as it will be viewed as overly aggressive or malicious in intent. It is recommended not to use this gesture as it serves no purpose but to inflame.
3) flashing the headlights to alert cars of your presence. Flashing once is usually acceptable, but multiple flashes can anger or excite other drivers. If possible, flashing your fog lights is highly preferable to flashing your high beams. Use sparingly. Example: try and get oncoming driver to use dim lights instead of bights, or trying to alert slow drivers in the left lane that there is faster traffic behind. Again, please use only 1-2 flashes at a time max.
4)DO NOT COMMUNICATE IN URBAN AREAS. Too many urban drivers are oblivious to proper driving behavior, and many can become inflamed very easy. Best to save the communication tactics to highways and rural areas.

1) When in the left lane, you should adjust your speed such that everyone can maintain their cruise control without the need to apply brakes. This includes a situation where the driver in the left lane is overtaking a car in the right lane, while both approaching a very slow car in the right lane. It is courteous to speed up in the left lane and pass the cars such that the driver in the right lane may move into the left lane to overtake the Very slow car without needing to interrupt his/her cruise control.
2) Use a yield sign as if it were a merge. There is no reason why you need to stop for a yield provided you can enter the lane, and accelerate in a fashion that will not require other drivers to brake or swerve.

In general, you should adjust your driving such that your actions do not cause others to alter their speed or change lanes. For example, when pulling out into traffic from a dead stop, you should wait until the gap is large enough such that you can fully accelerate up to speed before the approaching traffic reaches you. This may require pressing the accelerator (see above). By doing so, you do not force the approaching traffic to slow down or change lanes.

If you happen to be traveling in the left lane to pass slower traffic and faster traffic is approaching you from behind, it is acceptable to press the accelerator (see above), even if you have the cruise control engaged, and speed up even more so that you can clear the left lane and allow the faster traffic to pass without forcing them to slow. While this is a courtesy to the faster traffic, it does not mean that you should immediately cut over in front of the vehicle you are passing, nor does it mean that you need to exceed what you feel are safe and reasonable speeds for conditions.

Occasionally on the highway you may be using your cruise control as well as the vehicle in front of you. There may be a slight variation in speed which results in you nearly pacing the traffic (see constant speed entry above), but you are gradually gaining on the vehicle in front of you. Eventually you both approach another vehicle that both of you are clearly going to pass. If you, due to your greater speed, change lanes to pass first, please press the accelerator (see above) and quicken your pace so that the vehicle immediately in front of you will not be required to slow or disengage their cruise control in order to change lanes behind you so that both of you can pass the slower vehicle. Again, this requires that you take positive action in order to prevent another driver from having to alter his speed due to your lane change.

Provided that most drivers follow the above guidelines, the nation's highways will be safer and more efficient.

Thanks for your time and happy driving!

10-12-2006, 07:44 AM

Rep +

I KNEW I was right about my hazzards...I flash them to say "thank you" and all my friends are like "Why do you do that?" or "That's stupid" and stuff. I swear there are SO few people that know this! The way I learned was on a road trip to Arizona and back, and I picked up the habit of truckers. AS STATED...truckers drive for a living. They're probably right..

This needs to be posted friggin' EVERYWHERE.

(now copying to myspace and facebook)

...apparently I need to spread more rep before giving you more...

10-12-2006, 07:46 AM
word brotha, preach it like yo momma

10-12-2006, 07:54 AM
+1 to you

10-12-2006, 08:06 AM
Reps 4 J00rge

10-12-2006, 08:18 AM
nisimis is trying for 10k...he might get it today..

10-12-2006, 08:18 AM
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Mr. Nemesis again. :gay:

HeLLo iM iZzY
10-12-2006, 10:43 AM