View Full Version : Damn Marietta Police

10-04-2006, 07:06 PM
any one who lives out in marietta or hang around marietta around Cobb Parkway and its perimeter--dont think about acting dumb. Man. i turned 21 last week and got a DUI 2 hours after i turned 21. the story: kinda did a californian roll stop and turn at a stop sign turning out of my neighborhood at 2 in the mornin. as soon as i turned saw a cop commin up behind me, had some alcohol in my system, so i decided to hook a right to route back to my house to get away from the pig. literally 2 feet short of turning into my drive way, the bastard cop pulled me over. acted like a total dick, told me to get out the car, field sobriety test, breathalizer and all that. told the fucker...dude man i just turned 21, can you cut me some slacks. and i told him i was gonna go into my house and stay my ass in there to keep out of trouble if he just let me go. but noooooo, the mid 20's fresh on the squad fucker had to prove that he's harcode and took my license and threw me in the shitty ass holding tank for 12 hours. i had to go to dui class and still waiting to go to court and pay all these fees just because that asshole had sumtin to proved. but whats even worse was that when i was i DUI class, some bastard was tryin to break into my classmate's mustang and he caught the fucker in action and wrestled him and pin him down when he was tryin to run away on cobb parkway, litterally on cobb parkway. and he had the thief pinned down for prolly 5 seconds, and this pig came out of nowhere. i was like holy shit, did someone call the cops?-everyone that was there said no. i mean, the instant the thief got pinned the cop just showed up like instantly, bout 20 sceonds later 3 more of his boys rolled up and within about no mor than 2 minutes after the take down there were 5 squad cars at the SOUND SENSATION AUDIO on cobb parkway next to DUI class. i was like DAYMNNNN...those fuckin cops came out from under a rock or something. i remember when my car got jack, took the fuckers about an hour to show but this time they showed up like *poof*. man.....MARIETTA POLICE...yall racers watch out man, those fuckers are some fuckin cowboys

10-04-2006, 07:07 PM
Fuck you, you idiot. You deserve nothing good. I'm glad your dumb ass got caught. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 07:07 PM
by the way, i am a fucking NOOB, but look at my join date...IA is just not the center of my life

10-04-2006, 07:08 PM
oh oh. I see qd....
~runs and hides~

10-04-2006, 07:09 PM
:smileowne :lmfao:

10-04-2006, 07:10 PM
You fuckin got drunk and started driving and tried to get away and he is trying to be "hardcore" by doing his job? Fucking idiot. You "I hate pig" idiots are getting fucking worse. So far, you are. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 07:12 PM
by the way, i am a fucking NOOB, but look at my join date...IA is just not the center of my life

You being a NOOB or not has nothing with the stupidity that coarses through your veins like Human immunodeficiency virus in your blood stream. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 07:12 PM
haha. awsome people to share your story with, i guess youre just perfect. fuck you too dickbag

10-04-2006, 07:13 PM
So... you were out on your 21st and got pulled over after making an illegal stop, he gave you a field sobriety which you failed and he gave you a DUI so you come on an internet site and bitch about it, works for me.... lol.

10-04-2006, 07:14 PM
haha. awsome people to share your story with, fuck you too dickbag

Yep. But I'm the "dickbag" that doesn't have anything to worry about. LOLOL @ your predicament. Later, QD.

Crazy Asian
10-04-2006, 07:15 PM
Let me tell you something...QD is not to be messed around.

10-04-2006, 07:16 PM
not so much bitching maybe just expressing how hardcore MPD is, never knew there were so many intellects on IA. and im not even on here enuff to even know what a QD is, but its okay...maybe i'll just suffer the fate of never being able share my stories on IA again...OHHH the agony...i dont think i'll be able to live...

10-04-2006, 07:18 PM
not so much bitching maybe just expressing how hardcore MPD is, never knew there were so many intellects on IA.

It doesn't take an office full of NASA personnel to realize that DUI is against the law. Let me ask you something. What do you do for a living? Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 07:21 PM
so you tell me you've never drink a beer or two and took your friends home after a party...but hey youre this QD?? oh forgive me your omnipotence, i been such a fool to question your authority haha. btw, i go to this place call college for a living...silly me...why would i rather do that than being this QD and think i have the biggest dick on an internet forum...damn..i feel indadequate now. but hey at least youre keepipn me entertained

10-04-2006, 07:27 PM
I've tried fighting with QD before. It's not worth it. You wont' win. And he usually has half of IA behind him because he either ownd them, or know him personally.

Take my advice.

1. Shut your mouth
2. Shut your pride
3. Tuck your tail
4. Walk away
5. Let this thread die on its own
6. Laugh at the next fucker that comes along that QD attacks.

Enjoy IA.

Crazy Asian
10-04-2006, 07:31 PM
You spelled keeping wrong.

10-04-2006, 07:32 PM

10-04-2006, 07:33 PM
You spelled keeping wrong.
His grammar sucks too, but we can't nit-pick, now can we?

HeLLo iM iZzY
10-04-2006, 07:36 PM
LOL @ this thread.

10-04-2006, 07:37 PM
so you tell me you've never drink a beer or two and took your friends home after a party..

Yup. I can tell you that. I'm not stupid. But justifying your driving drunk proves you are.

.but hey youre this QD??

Now you're catching on.

oh forgive me your omnipotence,

We'll see. I'll have to talk to my son......Jesus.

i been such a fool to question your authority haha.

And the learning continues.

btw, i go to this place call college for a living...silly me...

No. Not silly you for that. But hey. I went to school, myself. GT, GSU and graduated. On the Dean's List.

why would i rather do that than being this QD and think i have the biggest dick on an internet forum...

I don't just think that.

damn..i feel indadequate now.

As well you should. BTW, how's your car running? OOpppps, my bad. You can't drive. LOLOL! Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 07:48 PM
So, if you're house was on fire and 5 firetrucks showed up instantly, you'd be pissed?

10-04-2006, 07:51 PM
hahaha shit i dont know qd but i sure have heard not to fuck with him!!! hes ownin you like your mother does!!you just shit in the one apple pie that shits back man!!!!

10-04-2006, 07:53 PM
So, what did you blow on the breathalizer?

10-04-2006, 07:54 PM
You fuckin got drunk and started driving and tried to get away and he is trying to be "hardcore" by doing his job? Fucking idiot. You "I hate pig" idiots are getting fucking worse. So far, you are. Later, QD.


10-04-2006, 07:54 PM
Dang QD, won't you at least give him a "Happy Fuckin' Birthday"? LoLoL

10-04-2006, 07:58 PM
So, if you're house was on fire and 5 firetrucks showed up instantly, you'd be pissed?

Yes. Yes he would. Because according to genius, those firemen are hardcore and dicks. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 07:59 PM
You spelled keeping wrong.

HAHAAHA. wowser. thats awsome, you just epitomize the kinda people that goes on here. oh look i spelled kind of wrong too...crucify me.

10-04-2006, 07:59 PM
Dang QD, won't you at least give him a "Happy Fuckin' Birthday"? LoLoL

Nah. I'll let Bubba Bruiser over in D-Cell tell him. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 08:00 PM
HAHAAHA. wowser. thats awsome, you just epitomize the kinda people that goes on here. oh look i spelled kind of wrong too...crucify me.

I think you should go hit VTAKK and a wall...

10-04-2006, 08:01 PM
i was like DAYMNNNN...those fuckin cops came out from under a rock or something. i remember when my car got jack, took the fuckers about an hour to show but this time they showed up like *poof*. man.....MARIETTA POLICE...yall racers watch out man, those fuckers are some fuckin cowboys

seriously, you drove after drinking, you got caught, deal with it.

Have i gone out an had a few drinks an driven home, sure. was i "intoxicated" NO, was i DRUNK, NO. If i had been pulled over, and FAILED a sobriety test an gone to jail, would i have been pissed? NO. thats the risk i chose, the position i put myself in.

When you make the choice to drink, NO MATTER HOW MUCH, you RUN THE RISK if you drive, period. THEY CALL IT "ZERO TOLERANCE " FOR A REASON.

The cop was doign his job, you violated a traffic law, he pulled you over, and he obviously had some reason to do a sobriety test on you, so he smelled it, or he gambled that you had been drinking, or he noticed it was your 21st Bday LOL

Welcome to being an adult, consequences for your actions, GROW UP FAST

10-04-2006, 08:02 PM
Welcome to being an adult,

I believe this is a premature welcome seeing as how, at least maturity wise, this person has yet to reach adulthood. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 08:02 PM
Nah. I'll let Bubba Bruiser over in D-Cell tell him. Later, QD.


actually he spelled a lot of words wrong besides keeping.

10-04-2006, 08:03 PM
Nah. I'll let Bubba Bruiser over in D-Cell tell him. Later, QD.
Wouldn't that make it Bubba's bday?

10-04-2006, 08:04 PM
Wouldn't that make it Bubba's bday?

Not if Bubba's giving fairyboy his bday present. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 08:06 PM

Crazy Asian
10-04-2006, 08:06 PM
BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH and qd he has left the building.

10-04-2006, 08:09 PM
Not if Bubba's giving fairyboy his bday present. Later, QD.
Rep up. I wish I had more time to waste watching you eat babies...

Unfortunately...I gotta get back on this COLLEGE thing called an essay. If homeboy had been doing one, he'd not be in trouble...

You think college is tough? Come here to NGCSU, join the corps, study for pre-med in biology, and see what gets handed to you...and no one gives a shit. You think a birthday makes you special? Again, not up here. If they find out it's your birthday, you get your uniform fucked up (which is required to be mint condition at all times) and you get thrown in the shower with only cold water...doesn't sound too bad until you add in the fact they'll do this in december...in addition, you have to be on campus by midnight, and you're not allowed to have alcohol in your system or you get seriously burned and smoked (which is a mix of legal papers, restrictions, and being physically worked until you pass out).

So...what were you bitching about trying to get off cuz you're in college and it's your birthday?

I haven't even gone off on the friend I lost due to someone who just had "one or two"...

You fucked up. Face the consequence. And hope your attorney knows what the fuck he's doing.

10-04-2006, 08:11 PM
What did you blow? What was your BAC?

10-04-2006, 08:12 PM
What did you blow? What was your BAC?
LoL, you seem like you're looking for competition...

10-04-2006, 08:14 PM
So, if you're house was on fire and 5 firetrucks showed up instantly, you'd be pissed?

that i will justify, i wasn't pissed i thought it was pretty hardcore that they came so quickly. like *poof*. even when you have an accident they dont come within seconds. and another thing, since this QD holds most of the stocks for IA, that makes nuts taste that much better for some of us. "Im gonna do everything in my power to make sure no one cheat me of my share of qd's nuts", haha i'll keep that in mind from now on, sorry folks. and once again i wasnt so much bitching, i was trying to tell people that MPD dont play but assuming make you feel better about yourselves.i wish i was so perfect like yall. this is where im gonna shut my mouth because obviously, it doesnt matter. all that matter is QD is the man!!! or has the best nuts, haha. many thanks to the guy who advised me to run away

10-04-2006, 08:15 PM
any one who lives out in marietta or hang around marietta around Cobb Parkway and its perimeter--dont think about acting dumb. Man. i turned 21 last week and got a DUI 2 hours after i turned 21. the story: kinda did a californian roll stop and turn at a stop sign turning out of my neighborhood at 2 in the mornin. as soon as i turned saw a cop commin up behind me, had some alcohol in my system, so i decided to hook a right to route back to my house to get away from the pig. literally 2 feet short of turning into my drive way, the bastard cop pulled me over. acted like a total dick, told me to get out the car, field sobriety test, breathalizer and all that. told the fucker...dude man i just turned 21, can you cut me some slacks. and i told him i was gonna go into my house and stay my ass in there to keep out of trouble if he just let me go. but noooooo, the mid 20's fresh on the squad fucker had to prove that he's harcode and took my license and threw me in the shitty ass holding tank for 12 hours. i had to go to dui class and still waiting to go to court and pay all these fees just because that asshole had sumtin to proved. but whats even worse was that when i was i DUI class, some bastard was tryin to break into my classmate's mustang and he caught the fucker in action and wrestled him and pin him down when he was tryin to run away on cobb parkway, litterally on cobb parkway. and he had the thief pinned down for prolly 5 seconds, and this pig came out of nowhere. i was like holy shit, did someone call the cops?-everyone that was there said no. i mean, the instant the thief got pinned the cop just showed up like instantly, bout 20 sceonds later 3 more of his boys rolled up and within about no mor than 2 minutes after the take down there were 5 squad cars at the SOUND SENSATION AUDIO on cobb parkway next to DUI class. i was like DAYMNNNN...those fuckin cops came out from under a rock or something. i remember when my car got jack, took the fuckers about an hour to show but this time they showed up like *poof*. man.....MARIETTA POLICE...yall racers watch out man, those fuckers are some fuckin cowboys

you are a fucking dumbss...fuck off and go to hell

10-04-2006, 08:18 PM
all that matter is QD is the man!!! or has the best nuts,

I think you may have finally learned the most important lesson. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 08:19 PM
you are a fucking dumbss...fuck off and go to hell

I think that lesson has already been covered. If I need a substitute, I'll PM you. Until then, you are relieved of this thread. Later, QD.

10-04-2006, 08:26 PM
By god, I think he's got it.
You're welcome for the warning...I tried to get you in the start, but I wasn't quick enough...go figure I'm a honda owner, lolol

...thread seem familiar?


10-04-2006, 08:35 PM
wow that video was long...i was tired of hearing her complain.

10-04-2006, 08:36 PM
haha, you watched the whole thing? I watched like a minute and was like "GOOD GOD!" then just skipped through...

10-04-2006, 08:40 PM
...which is too bad she cries and whines. I'd pee in her butt if she wasn't the way she is.

10-04-2006, 08:42 PM
lol....hey guh...lemme pee in yo butt....nah i got through like a min. and was like...damn how long is this and skipped through.

10-04-2006, 08:45 PM
What'd be awesome is if out of just no where like her dad or brother or something came in from out of view of the camera and just got in her face and screamed like "SHUT! UP! Just shut it! Seriously! SHUT THE FUCK UP! God damnit!" and then walked off.

10-04-2006, 08:48 PM
i hope this tool doesnt go to my school

10-04-2006, 08:51 PM
He won't be for long if he does. Soon he'll be in jail, LoLoL

10-04-2006, 08:57 PM
"i can't believe my dad/brother just said that...i have never posted anything said anything mean to them...its just rude....yesterday...someone posted on my profile...and ...:sniff: said..."shut the hell up..and leave us alone douche"...and now my dad/brother tells me to shut the fuck up?!...i think i need to cry.

10-04-2006, 09:01 PM
"..just cry and..damnit, I'll call my emo guy friend who is obsessed with me and we'll take pills and slit our wrists together...I mean how could my dad just walk in...how rude is that, first of all, and then to just curse at me? I am a NICE person...and then this QD just rattles off cuz I'm a little bitch and I never did anything to him. I mean...it's like he's god, or something..."

10-04-2006, 09:02 PM
"..and then this QD just rattles off cuz I'm a little bitch and I never did anything to him. I mean...it's like he's god, or something..."
QD, quit getting hard from all these compliments...

10-04-2006, 09:04 PM
Alright, shit this paper sucks. Ya'll throw some sentences in here for me. I'm braindead, I was up too late with another paper. Basically, I'm writing what my research paper will be about. The topic is going to be the competitive automotive culture (if that makes sense).

Here's what I've got...
The automotive industry serves as several different uses and meanings to a variety of people. One such group has become so wound up in their extensive work and investments that they could be considered a culture of their own.

10-04-2006, 09:07 PM
i have to write a paper in a bit too.
a dialogue essay. in first person. everything my highschool english teacher told me not to do by drain is going "what the fuck" right now

10-04-2006, 09:08 PM
Oh, no doubt. This english professor is having us break just about every rule and law I was taught in high school... I wanna go back to highschool, walk up to that teacher and go "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING!?!?"

10-04-2006, 11:22 PM
that i will justify, i wasn't pissed i thought it was pretty hardcore that they came so quickly. like *poof*. even when you have an accident they dont come within seconds.
because they are out getting people like you :goodjob:

10-04-2006, 11:23 PM

damn, the first time i've ever seen this guy misspell something (albeit i'm sure it was purposeful, but still :D )

10-04-2006, 11:24 PM
When you make the choice to drink, NO MATTER HOW MUCH, you RUN THE RISK if you drive, period. THEY CALL IT "ZERO TOLERANCE " FOR A REASON.

The cop was doign his job, you violated a traffic law, he pulled you over, and he obviously had some reason to do a sobriety test on you, so he smelled it, or he gambled that you had been drinking, or he noticed it was your 21st Bday LOL

Welcome to being an adult, consequences for your actions, GROW UP FAST
preach on yo :goodjob:

10-04-2006, 11:24 PM
i was trying to tell people that MPD dont play
im glad they "dont play" and keep fucktards like you off the road near my house :goodjob:

you drink and drive, your gonna pay

i hope now you realize how stupid it was. just consider yourself lucky :goodjob:

10-04-2006, 11:25 PM
preach on yo :goodjob:
the fuck you doin home? i thought you went to makos?

10-04-2006, 11:28 PM
i just read 4 pages of stupidity...so to thread creator, you are pissed off because you couldnt even stop at a god damn stop sign???? if i would have been in front of you, i would have beat your ass. What if you would have ran into someone or even worse, a pedestrian?? you are one dumb son of a bitch. and you expect the cop to cut you slack cause you just turned 21.....ha

10-04-2006, 11:28 PM
the fuck you doin home? i thought you went to makos?
lol, semi long story, i'll tell u on aim or something :goodjob:

10-04-2006, 11:30 PM
lol, semi long story, i'll tell u on aim or something :goodjob:
well AIM is being gay as fuck and i cant connect

you goin to the V tomorrow?

tell me tomorrow yo

10-04-2006, 11:35 PM
so since your license will be suspended...

I guess Importatlanta will be the CENTER of your LIFE now..


10-04-2006, 11:36 PM
so since your license will be suspended...

I guess Importatlanta will be the CENTER of your LIFE now..

touche LOLOLOL

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ORGANIZATIONXIII again.


10-04-2006, 11:41 PM
well AIM is being gay as fuck and i cant connect

you goin to the V tomorrow?

tell me tomorrow yo

nah not doing the V tomorrow. lemme know if your pansy ass is gonna feel good enough to hit a few golf balls though :goodjob:

10-04-2006, 11:42 PM
nah not doing the V tomorrow. lemme know if your pansy ass is gonna feel good enough to hit a few golf balls though :goodjob:
not till atleast 4 cause thats when i get home from class

and why no V?

10-04-2006, 11:43 PM
not till atleast 4 cause thats when i get home from class

and why no V?

that's cool w/me, i planned on leaving work around that time anyway. i'll tell u tomorrow homes. gimme a shout when u get outta class :goodjob:

10-04-2006, 11:44 PM
this thread is pure niggerdom

10-04-2006, 11:44 PM
will do G

10-06-2006, 07:49 AM

B16a2 Civic
10-06-2006, 07:56 AM

10-06-2006, 08:01 AM
any one who lives out in marietta or hang around marietta around Cobb Parkway and its perimeter--dont think about acting dumb. Man. i turned 21 last week and got a DUI 2 hours after i turned 21. the story: kinda did a californian roll stop and turn at a stop sign turning out of my neighborhood at 2 in the mornin. as soon as i turned saw a cop commin up behind me, had some alcohol in my system, so i decided to hook a right to route back to my house to get away from the pig. literally 2 feet short of turning into my drive way, the bastard cop pulled me over. acted like a total dick, told me to get out the car, field sobriety test, breathalizer and all that. told the fucker...dude man i just turned 21, can you cut me some slacks. and i told him i was gonna go into my house and stay my ass in there to keep out of trouble if he just let me go. but noooooo, the mid 20's fresh on the squad fucker had to prove that he's harcode and took my license and threw me in the shitty ass holding tank for 12 hours. i had to go to dui class and still waiting to go to court and pay all these fees just because that asshole had sumtin to proved. but whats even worse was that when i was i DUI class, some bastard was tryin to break into my classmate's mustang and he caught the fucker in action and wrestled him and pin him down when he was tryin to run away on cobb parkway, litterally on cobb parkway. and he had the thief pinned down for prolly 5 seconds, and this pig came out of nowhere. i was like holy shit, did someone call the cops?-everyone that was there said no. i mean, the instant the thief got pinned the cop just showed up like instantly, bout 20 sceonds later 3 more of his boys rolled up and within about no mor than 2 minutes after the take down there were 5 squad cars at the SOUND SENSATION AUDIO on cobb parkway next to DUI class. i was like DAYMNNNN...those fuckin cops came out from under a rock or something. i remember when my car got jack, took the fuckers about an hour to show but this time they showed up like *poof*. man.....MARIETTA POLICE...yall racers watch out man, those fuckers are some fuckin cowboys
this is funny.FAGGET

B16a2 Civic
10-06-2006, 08:02 AM
so you was driving drunk, broke a few laws, and got caught, he's doin his job, stop hatin'

10-06-2006, 08:04 AM
any one who lives out in marietta or hang around marietta around Cobb Parkway and its perimeter--dont think about acting dumb. Man. i turned 21 last week and got a DUI 2 hours after i turned 21. the story: kinda did a californian roll stop and turn at a stop sign turning out of my neighborhood at 2 in the mornin. as soon as i turned saw a cop commin up behind me, had some alcohol in my system, so i decided to hook a right to route back to my house to get away from the pig. literally 2 feet short of turning into my drive way, the bastard cop pulled me over. acted like a total dick, told me to get out the car, field sobriety test, breathalizer and all that. told the fucker...dude man i just turned 21, can you cut me some slacks. and i told him i was gonna go into my house and stay my ass in there to keep out of trouble if he just let me go. but noooooo, the mid 20's fresh on the squad fucker had to prove that he's harcode and took my license and threw me in the shitty ass holding tank for 12 hours. i had to go to dui class and still waiting to go to court and pay all these fees just because that asshole had sumtin to proved. but whats even worse was that when i was i DUI class, some bastard was tryin to break into my classmate's mustang and he caught the fucker in action and wrestled him and pin him down when he was tryin to run away on cobb parkway, litterally on cobb parkway. and he had the thief pinned down for prolly 5 seconds, and this pig came out of nowhere. i was like holy shit, did someone call the cops?-everyone that was there said no. i mean, the instant the thief got pinned the cop just showed up like instantly, bout 20 sceonds later 3 more of his boys rolled up and within about no mor than 2 minutes after the take down there were 5 squad cars at the SOUND SENSATION AUDIO on cobb parkway next to DUI class. i was like DAYMNNNN...those fuckin cops came out from under a rock or something. i remember when my car got jack, took the fuckers about an hour to show but this time they showed up like *poof*. man.....MARIETTA POLICE...yall racers watch out man, those fuckers are some fuckin cowboys
u wnat him to make u some jeans>?

B16a2 Civic
10-06-2006, 08:08 AM
what did you expect, him to wish you happy birthday and help you blow out the candles?

The Ren
10-06-2006, 08:08 AM
wow... I cant fucking believe this kid.. there is a reason you hear not to drink and drive fucker... if you drink.. call a cab.. dont fucking drive..you stupid idiot..and if you do.. expect a dui and jail time... because you put yourself at that risk...

10-06-2006, 08:09 AM
wow... I cant fucking believe this kid.. there is a reason you hear not to drink and drive fucker... if you drink.. call a cab.. dont fucking drive..you stupid idiot..and if you do.. expect a dui and jail time... because you put yourself at that risk...
worse part is he said he was leaving his house...

"hmm im 21, im gonna drink at my house (safe enough)..oh wait maybe ill go for a drive (wtf)" hes prolly still in high school.

10-06-2006, 08:14 AM
worse part is he said he was leaving his house...

"hmm im 21, im gonna drink at my house (safe enough)..oh wait maybe ill go for a drive (wtf)" hes prolly still in high school.

hmmm this coming from you is very entertaining ;)

seriously dude here is a dumbass, I hope they take your license away, and you have to serve time, rather it be one night, or a weekend...Fucking learn a lesson, its doesnt pay to drink and drive...I mean what if he fucking killed some one. Granted he didnt, but next time you might not be so lucking...

If you are going to drink be responsible, get a fucking DD or a fucking taxi..

10-06-2006, 09:02 AM
LoL, you seem like you're looking for competition...

No, not at all. I've never had a DUI. He said that he took the breathalyzer, so I was curious to know what he blew... :thinking:

He STILL has not answered that question.

10-06-2006, 09:10 AM
Let me tell you something...QD is not to be messed around.

yeah! he'll make fun of you on the internet! :eek:

10-06-2006, 09:12 AM
^^^he'd do it in person too if u had the galls to come out to a meet :goodjob:

10-06-2006, 09:12 AM
hmmm this coming from you is very entertaining ;)

seriously dude here is a dumbass, I hope they take your license away, and you have to serve time, rather it be one night, or a weekend...Fucking learn a lesson, its doesnt pay to drink and drive...I mean what if he fucking killed some one. Granted he didnt, but next time you might not be so lucking...

If you are going to drink be responsible, get a fucking DD or a fucking taxi..
age< intelligence.

10-07-2006, 03:13 AM
What a fucken idiot.

Mad at the officer for protecting everyone (including you) on the road? Everyone makes mistakes, but grow up and take some responcibility for your own actions. *THIS JUST IN* DRINKING AND DRIVING IS DANGEROUS AND ILLEGAL*:screwy:

What are you doing in college anyways? You're obviously not to bright.
Oh and if you're looking for sympathy, then I'm sorry you're an irresponcible dumbass.

10-07-2006, 08:46 AM
sympathy provided at AA not IA

10-07-2006, 10:28 AM
Why in the fuck did I just waste my time reading this thread? The only thing that no one seemed to comment on is his use of "Californian roll stop." You idiot, it's called the "California Stop." :slap:

QD already had the ownage covered over the DUI.

10-07-2006, 10:36 AM
Why in the fuck did I just waste my time reading this thread? The only thing that no one seemed to comment on is his use of "Californian roll stop." You idiot, it's called the "California Stop." :slap:

QD already had the ownage covered over the DUI.

Pretty much. I did read it all, but QD had the thread shut down on the second comment.