View Full Version : Piece of shit online program

09-25-2006, 08:22 PM
Its a piece of shit online program for doing physics homework. You get 5 chances to answer the correct answer or you get a zero.

Ive been on this damn homework for three days and the program is a fucking piece of shit. In some equation I type in wR/pie, it responds wR is not part of the answer. So I type in R/pie, it respond w is part of the correct answer in which I dont have. so then I type in w and it say the correct answer does not have w. so I type in R and it say Im wrong and the correct answer is wR. Even though this piece of shit told me wR was not part of the fucking answer.

Here is a copy of what it said

*The correct answer does not depend on the variables and functions: j, i, wR, wt.

*The correct answer involves the variable w which was not part of your answer

*The correct answer does not depend on the variable wR

*The correct answer does not depend on the variable w

*The correct answer involves the variable w which was not part of your answer.

Then in the following question the piece of shit did it again

*The correct answer does not depend on the variable w

followed by

*The correct answer involves the variable w which was not part of your answer.

Sorry just had to rant, since the god damn program has fucking pissed me off and got me kicking shit thats around me. I just started answering FuckYouProgram and got a overall 66% which drops my total HW grade down from 88 to 82.

09-25-2006, 08:23 PM
u suck

hey snail

09-25-2006, 08:24 PM
u need to change ur shit from add-water-mod to add-salt-mod

09-25-2006, 08:24 PM

09-25-2006, 08:26 PM
That sounds familiar, i had to use something similar when i was in physics in highschool. Whats the program called?

09-25-2006, 08:34 PM
u need to change ur shit from add-water-mod to add-salt-mod

lol Fuck-ah-U

09-25-2006, 08:34 PM
That sounds familiar, i had to use something similar when i was in physics in highschool. Whats the program called?


09-25-2006, 08:38 PM
Snail I feel your pain man, I was trying to do some research for a paper and I was using galileo and I typed Kate Chopin into the search thing and got all sorts of stuff. Then it lost my search so I had to go back and search again...I typed the same fucking thing and it came up with no results and I was like WTF...

What teachers and schools dont understand...if it was good software...you wouldnt have to learn how to use it...

09-25-2006, 08:38 PM
where my damn rim loser

09-25-2006, 08:57 PM
How bout an MAF?

09-25-2006, 09:10 PM
I have 2 spare maf's now


09-25-2006, 10:09 PM
Do you use webassign? Or mastering physics?

09-25-2006, 10:12 PM
Do you use webassign? Or mastering physics?Thats it! Webassign, thats the shit we used in high school. Man that shit sucked ass.

09-26-2006, 08:52 AM
we use a program like that for my psych and algebra classes and it sucks

09-26-2006, 09:34 AM
Mastering Physics should DIAF, I have to use that for my damn Phys 2 class