View Full Version : Ted Turner calls for Iran to have nuclear weapons and women to be in charge v. CRAZY

09-21-2006, 02:33 PM
Ted Turner, the same Ted Turner that spoke at my college graduation and told ALL of us that we might all die in a nuclear explosion in the near future, looks as if he wants to make this statement come true. :eek::eek:

Seriously, he says that the U.N. has stopped the war between Lebonon and Israel! He wants all men to be barred from holding office and to let women take over!!! :???:


Ted Turner: Bar Men From Public Office and Let Iran have 10 nuclear weapons

The U.S. invasion of Iraq was among the "dumbest moves of all time" that ranks with the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and the German invasion of Russia, billionaire philanthropist Ted Turner said on Tuesday.

The founder of CNN and unabashed internationalist also defended the right of Iran to have nuclear weapons and the effectiveness of the United Nations and, in a jocular mood, advocated banning men from elective office worldwide in a Reuters Newsmaker appearance.

Alternately combative and humorous, Turner spoke nine years after his pledge to donate $1 billion to the United Nations over 10 years and on the same day President Bush addressed the U.N. General Assembly a mile away.

The U.S. invasion of Iraq has caused "incalculable damage" that will take 20 years to overcome "if we just act reasonably intelligently."

"It will go down in history, it is already being seen in history, as one of the dumbest moves that was ever made by anybody. A couple of others that come to mind were the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor and the German invasion of Russia," Turner told the forum.

"It literally broke my heart. You don't start wars just because you don't like somebody. . . . I wouldn't even start a war with Rupert Murdoch," Turner said, referring to his onetime cable network rival.

Often contrarian, Turner called it a "joke" that Bush demanded that Iran abandon any ambitions for nuclear weapons while at the same time hoping to ban all such bombs.

"They're a sovereign state," Turner said of Iran. "We have 28,000. Why can't they have 10? We don't say anything about Israel - they've got 100 of them approximately - or India or Pakistan or Russia. And really, nobody should have them.

"They aren't usable by any sane person."

One way to reduce such dangers in the world would be to leave women in charge, said the former husband of Jane Fonda.

"Men should be barred from public office for 100 years in every part of the world. . . . It would be a much kinder, gentler, more intelligently run world. The men have had millions of years where we've been running things. We've screwed it up hopelessly. Let's give it to the women."

In the meantime, the United Nations represents the best hope, Turner said. While the world body is ridiculed as ineffective and irrelevant by its harshest critics and often criticized by its strongest advocates, Turner offered what was then one-third of his net worth to the world body nine years ago.

"I am absolutely certain we would not have made it through the Cold War without the U.N.," Turner said. "When Khrushchev at the U.N. took his shoe off and hit podium he was so mad, but he had a place to let off steam. If the U.N. hadn't been there, that would have been war right then."

When a questioner from the audience challenged Turner on the United Nations's value, Turner shot back.

"The war between Lebanon and Israel and Hezbollah would still be going on if it hadn't been for the U.N., and that's only in the last two weeks, Bubba."

© Reuters 2006. All rights reserved.

09-21-2006, 02:34 PM
haha he needs to repurchase the braves and focus on baseball

09-21-2006, 02:36 PM
"We have 28,000. Why can't they have 10?

good statement... i'm glad other big shots are speaking out more and more b/c BUSH is a fucking idiot.

09-21-2006, 02:39 PM
Only good that I could see is if more countries had them, and actually kept true track of them and didnt make them and sell them off to terror groups, this world may be a tad safer because the fear of everyone using what they have sometimes is what keeps wars from even starting to begin with.

09-21-2006, 02:39 PM
hes a fucking wacko :screwy::idb::gay::jerkit:

09-21-2006, 02:39 PM
Sorry but I agree..

09-21-2006, 02:40 PM
Only good that I could see is if more countries had them, and actually kept true track of them and didnt make them and sell them off to terror groups, this world may be a tad safer because the fear of everyone using what they have sometimes is what keeps wars from even starting to begin with.

IE the us and ussr in the cold war

09-21-2006, 02:44 PM
IE the us and ussr in the cold war

Exactly my point. Me personally, I dont see the president of IRAN making nukes, I do believe he wants the technology for peaceful reasons, To make nuculear power, etc... But even if he wants to make weapons, Who is the U.S to say he cant? We have them... Why? TO DEFEND OURSELVES.... As any other country who has them wants them. Like I said, No country will attack a country who has them, so if all countries who were run by SANE presidents had them, No one would have wars.

09-21-2006, 02:51 PM
look at brett, with his right wing propoganda

09-21-2006, 02:54 PM
look at brett, with his right wing propoganda

SHUT UP PUTO!! :lmfao:

09-21-2006, 02:57 PM

hey pal, you comin to my party Saturday or what? FREE CHICKEN NEGRO!! COME AND TAKE A BITE!

09-21-2006, 02:59 PM

hey pal, you comin to my party Saturday or what? FREE CHICKEN NEGRO!! COME AND TAKE A BITE!

We were going to cause Kallie told us about it, But I wasnt gonna come without an invite... Now that you have asked, ORDER MORE CHICKEN PUTO!!! :lmfao:

09-21-2006, 03:11 PM
yea thats whats up puto, I didnt know if 10pm would be too late for the seniors lol

u know the casa, hit me up if u need anything, oh and when I get my first check we headin to jocks n jills, ITS ON NIGLET!!

09-21-2006, 03:19 PM
Do you guys not realize that if we GIVE THEM Nukes that they will immediately turn around and use them on us?

09-21-2006, 03:20 PM

09-21-2006, 03:37 PM
Do you guys not realize that if we GIVE THEM Nukes that they will immediately turn around and use them on us?

Why woud they? MAD would take care of that idea, since it kept the Cold War from becoming WWIII. Also, if there was more cowbell to go around, eveything would be better.

09-21-2006, 04:10 PM
Do you guys not realize that if we GIVE THEM Nukes that they will immediately turn around and use them on us?

Highly doubtful, Thats just an assumption. Why would IRAN as soon as they get a warhead attack the United States? Explain that idea. And they do not have a single missle that can reach the United States. Hell... Look at Korea, They tried to test one that would reach California, and it failed.... Most of these countries do not have the missles that can reach our soil.

09-21-2006, 04:21 PM
oh shit brett droppin somethin besides loads in the toilet.. nigga droppin some KNOWLEDGE

09-21-2006, 08:02 PM
i personally hate the leader of iran hes a big cocky asshole....but on whether or not he has the balls to do it, nope hes too big a pussy to nuke us and chances are it wouldnt work right anyways

09-21-2006, 08:41 PM
Do you guys not realize that if we GIVE THEM Nukes that they will immediately turn around and use them on us?
would they WANT to use it, YES. COULD they feasibly use it, NO, not IMHO. I dont think they have the means to launch a nuke at us. but, they would have the hard part out of the way, the nuke.

Id be more worried they smuggled a war head into the US.

good statement... i'm glad other big shots are speaking out more and more b/c BUSH is a fucking idiot.

you cant be serious! So a country that is blatantly involved in terroristic capacities, being armed with a Nuclear Weapon is ok?

God help us if Gore or Kerry was in office. They would change policies every 2 weeks.

We have them because we have the fortitude to use them only when needed. I beleive that for the most part we are a intelligent country. I agree we get involved in other peoples business too often, but a world with a Nuclear Iran or North Korea is NOT GOOD at all.

So if Iran gets a nuke, and sells it to Al Qaeda ends up flying a plane with a NUKE on it into New York City, an kills 45,000 people instead of 3000, ill remember this conversation.


09-21-2006, 08:52 PM
Highly doubtful, Thats just an assumption. Why would IRAN as soon as they get a warhead attack the United States? Explain that idea. And they do not have a single missle that can reach the United States. Hell... Look at Korea, They tried to test one that would reach California, and it failed.... Most of these countries do not have the missles that can reach our soil.

Who said that they would use a missle? :thinking: You do realize that Iran is the front-stage puppet of Russia and China as well. Iran has serious radical Muslim connections as they house many. The bomb would be brought into the US (suitcase nuke) and detonated. It is just a matter of time before this happens. Giving them the power to do so would only shorten that time. Also, they will takes those nukes and turn Israel into a parking lot.

He is a liar:

Iranian leader 'not anti-Semite'

http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/42115000/jpg/_42115434_ahmad_203afp.jpg Mr Ahmadinejad said he respected Jews "very much"

Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said he is not an anti-Semite. "Jews are respected by everyone, by all human beings," he told a news conference at the United Nations headquarters in New York.

The remarks come months after Mr Ahmadinejad called for Israel to be wiped off the map - and described the Holocaust as "myth".

In response to questions about Iran's controversial nuclear programme, he said the Iranians "do not need a bomb".

The Iranian president's comments on anti-Semitism came during remarks on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Some people think if they accuse me of being anti-Jew they can solve the problem.

"No, I am not anti-Jew," he said. "I respect them very much."

"Let us remember that there in Palestine there are Muslims, Christians and Jews who live together," he said.

Later, he added: "We love everyone in the world - Jews, Christians, Muslims, non-Muslims, non-Jews, non-Christians... We are against occupation, aggression, killings and displacing people - otherwise we have no problem with ordinary people."

He is a liar. How can you trust ANYONE who lies through their teeth like that? Seriously, he lies so that he can get what he wants... Once he has it, he will do what he says: Blow up Israel. He doesn't care.

Let me show you:


Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: I hereby declare that this sinister regime [Israel] is the banner of Satan. It is the banner of the Great Satan. All it does is to implement the orders of the criminal America and England. They think that the peoples are the same as they were 100 years ago. They are not aware that things have changed in the world. Today, all the peoples have awoken. The Iranian people is the standard-bearer of this awakening for all the peoples. As we can see, from the southernmost point in South America to the easternmost point in Asia, all the people are shouting a single cry. With placards in their hands and clenched fists, they shout: Death to Israel.

Crowd: Death to Israel.

Death to Israel.


09-21-2006, 08:54 PM
They should give him a sentence of driving a volkswagen for 3 years. Absolute hell! :(

09-21-2006, 08:58 PM
Do you guys not realize that if we GIVE THEM Nukes that they will immediately turn around and use them on us?

im glad someone isnt stupid

09-21-2006, 09:00 PM
Who said that they would use a missle? :thinking: You do realize that Iran is the front-stage puppet of Russia and China as well. Iran has serious radical Muslim connections as they house many. The bomb would be brought into the US (suitcase nuke) and detonated. It is just a matter of time before this happens. Giving them the power to do so would only shorten that time. Also, they will takes those nukes and turn Israel into a parking lot.

Now granted, I think its a matter of time before HE or other terror cells come up with the ability to make a nuke, and I am more than willing to bet when they do, It will be put in something like a suitcase, or even a vending machine, Put somewhere in some building in the middle of New York and detonated. We have our worst day coming, thats unavoidable. I agree on that part now that you out it that way, I dont see him or his country using them as a warhead, Now will or would he sell them to other groups, Thats a chance..... BUT look how when Russia fell, they came up with a handful of thier nukes unaccounted for, So who is to really say we dont have nukes out there that are in the works to be planted in this country? We dont.... because of the people who "Chose" to wage war on our way of life.... We have to live in the fear that our day is coming.

And god help us if him or another country trys to fuck with Isreal.... This country will find itself pulled into one of the worst wars we will ever face, because we will have Isreals back, No doubt and we will defend it.

09-21-2006, 09:02 PM
that motherfucker (iran leader) doesnt believe that the holocaust happened.......he'll get what he deserves in time if he keeps being a dick

09-21-2006, 09:02 PM
im glad someone isnt stupid

If he doesn't use them on us, he will use them on Israel. Either way, he will have the FULL backing of the Muslim community and will become a hero. Nobody will be able to touch him as all of the Middle East Muslim countries will make him a "god" of sorts. He also knows that if we go in and try and nuke them, China and Russia will have their back. Think about it: he *gives* the nukes to a radical Muslim group and claims that it was "stolen". The radical Muslim group detonates the suitcase bomb in the US. I can think of 10 different scenarios such as that, but you get the idea.

09-21-2006, 09:04 PM
Highly doubtful, Thats just an assumption. Why would IRAN as soon as they get a warhead attack the United States? Explain that idea. And they do not have a single missle that can reach the United States. Hell... Look at Korea, They tried to test one that would reach California, and it failed.... Most of these countries do not have the missles that can reach our soil.

who says they have to shoot it into our country.... i mean damn.... someone could drive it in from mexico or canada.... ship it in on a boat/ship. by train. who knows. they could hide it somewhere underground in a dangerous location and contact our government and say weve got nuclear weapons in your country and if you do as we say i wont set them off.

and you know damn well that if someone is saying theres a nuclear weapon on our soil that is "unfriendly", they will sure as hell at LEAST want to know if thats false or not

yes obviously thats a bit out there. but anything is possible now a days.

09-21-2006, 09:14 PM
you cant be serious! So a country that is blatantly involved in terroristic capacities, being armed with a Nuclear Weapon is ok?

God help us if Gore or Kerry was in office. They would change policies every 2 weeks.

We have them because we have the fortitude to use them only when needed. I beleive that for the most part we are a intelligent country. I agree we get involved in other peoples business too often, but a world with a Nuclear Iran or North Korea is NOT GOOD at all.

So if Iran gets a nuke, and sells it to Al Qaeda ends up flying a plane with a NUKE on it into New York City, an kills 45,000 people instead of 3000, ill remember this conversation.


here is what i dont' get since you seem to be all up on the republican/democrat BS... since we are just there to save the world from terrorist and liberate the people... why the fuck do we have a dictator 100 miles off the coast of florida still alive... oh ya i forgot cuba doesn't have oil :lmfao:

getting nuke technology is pretty easy considering the fall of russia... i saw a 60min report on how journalist were able to walk up to old russian military bases to get material to make them. also after the fall all of the russian scientist from the nuke programs left the country to work for other gov't including those in the middle east.

beyond all of that we have been selling weapons to the middle east for a very long time... shit our VP was working for a company whose oversea partners was trading for oil w/ Iraq. ;)

Republican/Democrat it doesn't matter they are all asshats.

09-21-2006, 09:19 PM
So if Iran gets a nuke, and sells it to Al Qaeda ends up flying a plane with a NUKE on it into New York City, an kills 45,000 people instead of 3000, ill remember this conversation.


Actually a Nuke doesnt go off that way, It doesnt explode on a impact type way, It would have to be set and detonated. Just slapping it on a plane and hitting something with the plane will not make a nuke go off. Also 45,000 would be a VERY low number of deaths, Youd be lucky if it was just 45,000. When we dropped an Atomic Bomb on Japan (That was a 1st gen weapon and not as strong as Nuclear Warhead we have today) And that killed 100,000. Have one go off in todays New York, Your looking at deaths beyond what you can imagine. And depending on the headwind that day.... You just cant vision how bad it would be. And say good bye to our way of life and the economy as we know it as well.

09-22-2006, 09:52 AM
Oh i know how a nuke operates, iwas just trying to generalize.

why the fuck do we have a dictator 100 miles off the coast of florida still alive... oh ya i forgot cuba doesn't have oil

cause Fidel couldnt launch a Fart at us if he wanted to.

09-22-2006, 10:09 AM
Nukes would probaly be the least of our worries comapred to the Bio-technolgy used nowadays. If terrorist got ahold of a chemical or biological weapons that would infect people with an uncureable diesease than the reprucussions could last generations over generations infecting over millons and millons of people over time. Think of the "plague" era times 100, The bio-terroism is what we need to worry about.

we actually debated this subject in my poltical science class, there are many ways to sneak a nuke through the country, Shipping ports, underwater, The missing russian submarines that iran or a mideast country may have ahold of, the possibilties are limitless.

But ill tell you, if the US economy fails than the whole worlds economy would fail over time. Most countries run off the US dollar like china, If our economy were to fail theres would too and it would be one big domino effect.

09-22-2006, 10:18 AM
But ill tell you, if the US economy fails than the whole worlds economy would fail over time. Most countries run off the US dollar like china, If our economy were to fail theres would too and it would be one big domino effect.

True, But the bad thing is the people who have it our for us and want to destroy our way of life and economy would not care what it would do to the world economy, because look at it this way, they would then affect all countries who back us..... A domino affect that they would love to see Im sure.

As far as Bio-Weapons, Thats a whole other issue we have to worry about as well, that they would not hesitate to use on us. The hatred they have for us and our way of life still amazes me, I cant see how anyone can have such hate for a society.

09-22-2006, 11:10 AM
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum! (If you desire peace, prepare for war!)

09-22-2006, 12:07 PM
There's a good reason why someone that is retarded is not allowed to carry any weapons legally in the U.S.

Same idea behind why Mr. Turner's statement is incredibly moronic.

A guy that professes to want to wipe out a nation off the face of the earth, suddenly wants nukes and everyone wonders what's wrong with that???? Yall can't be serious, right?

Paul....Fidel? Are you kidding? Guy's got one foot in the grave right now, so YOU offer a bigger threat to security than HE does..... :lmfao:

09-22-2006, 06:36 PM
^^^true story