View Full Version : ideas for romantic getaway in nov (post up)

09-12-2006, 05:44 PM
so i have tons of ideas of things i but i i'm trying to get some outside insight what you think would be good. here are some ideas of getaways i'm considering for nov (try to stay under 2g):


- Portland, OR: i think she would absolutely love a trip to wine country... what women wouldn't. stay at a nice b&b have her pampered then off for some wine tasting. but i don't drink wine :(

- Chicago, IL: i found out Wicked the broadway musical is playing there and she really would like to see it, but other then the musical i don't know what else i would even go there for :thinking:

- (coastal)Maine: stay at a b&b on the water take in the beautiful scenery, have some fresh lobster, and go sailing. very relaxing and different from our norm... but i'm wondering if this will be more enjoyable when we are older

- Penn: i found a cool botique style hotel that is built around romance... they have champange glass hot tubs that are like 10" tall, plunge pools, mirror'd ceilings, etc in the suites. now this would be a very busy vacation if you know what i mean :idb: ... i guess we could find something up there to fill the rest of the time we aren't in the room.

- D.C.: we were supposed to go in July but weren't able to make it... there are so many things to do there, plus we can take Amtrak train up there which would be cool; neither of us ever been on a train for travel.

- Boston/Amherst, MA: we met there and we have friends up there, tons of shit we can get into up there.


- Argentina: we have a friend down there but flights aren't cheap... looking around 700 per person round trip. it would be super cheap once we get there US dollar is like 3:1 to Arg Peso. another cool thing is nov is spring for them.

- Bahamas: take a cruise we've never been down there nor have we been on a cruise, so i don't know what to expect... still looking to see if i can find an adult only cruise

- Jamaica: we got married there and it was awesome... the people of jamaica treat you like a king/queen and i would love to take her back there for great memories... but we've already been so i would like to try something new

- Mexico: we went last year and i wasn't too impressed but i wouldn't mind going back to Xpu-ha Resort which we stayed on day at. its an ecological park w/ monkeys, tons of marine life, gators, etc... you stay in bungalows. This is another option for a cruise.

- Belize/Cozumel: both i've read some nice things on but breaking on the 2g limit we would only probably be able to do 3 day excursion

tell me your ideas/thoughts...

09-12-2006, 05:53 PM
hey cabron, if your gonna be non-impressed w/ Mexico, at least you can spell the names right (its Xel-Ha, puto) :D

09-12-2006, 05:53 PM
guess what I voted for anyways, lol

09-12-2006, 05:54 PM
hey cabron, if your gonna be non-impressed w/ Mexico, at least you can spell the names right (its Xel-Ha, puto) :D

bitch i did spell it right http://palaceresorts.com/Resorts/XpuPalace/Index.asp

09-12-2006, 05:56 PM
i say stay in atlanta, have a romantic walk through 5 points, hit up a waffle house or 2 or 3, then its on to the motel 6 for the conclusion to a romantic night

09-12-2006, 05:56 PM
mass? as in church?

09-12-2006, 05:59 PM
mass? as in church?

ya it was a BLACK MASS :super: na we me in Amherst, MA...

teejay what a ladies man... good idea though i could do all of that for under 100$ :thinking: ... that leaves 1900$ for the new project car. :yes:

09-12-2006, 06:00 PM
Paul, cruises are fun. Tray and I went on one last month. Only thing is you want to be careful in November, the rates are real cheap, but you might have a problem with hurricanes, however.. I think late October is the end of hurricane season (I may be wrong tho).

Pros are food/entertainment/juice/lodging is free, plus the food is REALLY good, they have the option of eating at the "formal" dining room every night, or you can go with the casual buffet-style area (although they serve the same food most of the time). The off-shore excursions can be a bit pricey, depending on which one you decide to do. We went fishing and it ran about $60 dollars per person, and that was one of the cheapest ones. They can go up to $200 dollars per person, but you have a LOT of choices at each port.

Cons - DRINKS is where they get you. Everything is comped 17.5% automatically, so you have no choice. Coke/Sprite/Diet Coke is included in the drinks you pay for, only juice, tea and/or lemonade is free. Alcoholic drinks are club/bar prices - $9.00 per drink + tip. They get you by making you use a "cruise card" which is linked to your credit card, then you get the bill when you leave.

09-12-2006, 06:02 PM
ya it was a BLACK MASS :super: na we me in Amherst, MA...

teejay what a ladies man... good idea though i could do all of that for under 100$ :thinking: ... that leaves 1900$ for the new project car. :yes:
haha i was gonna say im surprised teh ceiling didnt fall on you

09-12-2006, 06:03 PM
Paul, cruises are fun. Tray and I went on one last month. Only thing is you want to be careful in November, the rates are real cheap, but you might have a problem with hurricanes, however.. I think late October is the end of hurricane season (I may be wrong tho).

Pros are food/entertainment/juice/lodging is free, plus the food is REALLY good, they have the option of eating at the "formal" dining room every night, or you can go with the casual buffet-style area (although they serve the same food most of the time). The off-shore excursions can be a bit pricey, depending on which one you decide to do. We went fishing and it ran about $60 dollars per person, and that was one of the cheapest ones. They can go up to $200 dollars per person, but you have a LOT of choices at each port.

Cons - DRINKS is where they get you. Everything is comped 17.5% automatically, so you have no choice. Coke/Sprite/Diet Coke is included in the drinks you pay for, only juice, tea and/or lemonade is free. Alcoholic drinks are club/bar prices - $9.00 per drink + tip. They get you by making you use a "cruise card" which is linked to your credit card, then you get the bill when you leave.

ya hurricane season ends in Nov and i'm thinking weekend before thanksgiving 18-24.... so basically season for that is just about over... but what cruise line did you guys go on and where did you go?

09-12-2006, 06:11 PM
ya hurricane season ends in Nov and i'm thinking weekend before thanksgiving 18-24.... so basically season for that is just about over... but what cruise line did you guys go on and where did you go?

We went on Carnival, and went to a couple different places in the Bahamas (Freeport, Nassau). Most cruise lines will have their own private island which is badass, cause you can just lay on the beach with nobody around. The cool part is you can go to the Atlantis Hotel in Nassau for cheap and go to the aquarium there, lay on their private beaches, look around, etc.

Carnival wasn't too bad kid wise. There were mostly 30-45 yr old couples, and the kids stay all day on their Camp Carnival thing, so they're not running crazy around the boat wrecking shit. Look on Travelocity or some travel website, normally they'll have the statistics for the cruise line, ie, age demographics of cruise passengers, boat stats, etc.

The Yousef
09-12-2006, 06:12 PM
where-ever you are going....

TAKE ME!!!!!!

but i'd go to Maine IMO....

09-12-2006, 06:24 PM
bitch i did spell it right http://palaceresorts.com/Resorts/XpuPalace/Index.asp

aw you stayed in that dump, geez paul wheres your head at, save up lil niglet

09-12-2006, 06:26 PM
aw you stayed in that dump, geez paul wheres your head at, save up lil niglet

actually that place was nicer then the Moon Palace which we stayed at in Cancun and that is one of the nicest resorts in Cancun.

09-12-2006, 06:49 PM
it is NOVEMBER so unless y'all like to freeze ur asses off u might wanna reconsider all those northern points :D

09-12-2006, 06:59 PM
I voted 'chicago for the musical' I enjoy a good synomphy orchestra :goodjob:

09-12-2006, 07:49 PM
I think a cruise would be very romantic. Imagine yourselves out there at night looking at the clear sky able to see all the stars as if you could touch them. You're holding each other cuddling, drinking wine or what have you, while watching the tides of the ocean roll in and out. It could make you two feel like you're the only people on the planet. Something couples normally enjoy

09-12-2006, 08:06 PM
Ibiza spain since you a baller and all ;)

09-12-2006, 08:12 PM
november will be cold.. If you want, go somewhere sunny and hot..

or go to the Chateau Elan?

09-12-2006, 10:38 PM
Ibiza spain since you a baller and all ;)

Dirty Octopus™
09-12-2006, 11:59 PM

THats what Wild on E! would do.

Later, Bob Barker :yes:

09-13-2006, 09:30 AM
We are going to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic 11/14-11/17...I have heard nothing but good things from this place...All inclusive ( Secrets Resorts) all adult...Its costs us right at $2k...

Go to Trip Advisor.com...They will give you " Candid Travelers" photos to show what places really look like vs. the brochures you look at..

09-13-2006, 12:14 PM
^ ya i'm looking into that now, All Inclusive is the way to go :goodjob: