View Full Version : A 9/11 Question.....

09-11-2006, 02:14 PM
I know many people have seen the "Loose Change" documentary so how many people think the 9/11 attack was a true plot from Al Quida and how many think our government had a hand in it or has covered things up? Just very curious to see what people on here think 5 years later. We were talking about this in our office today and I figured Id make a poll.

09-11-2006, 02:16 PM

09-11-2006, 02:24 PM
I think it was legit. Too many loose ends.

The Golden Child
09-11-2006, 02:26 PM
i wont point any fingers but whats done is done .. R.I.P.

09-11-2006, 04:21 PM
i said that it was solely al Qaida. but honestly, it wouldnt suprise me if our govt. is covering something up.

09-11-2006, 04:25 PM
props for even starting a poll like this. I definately think the government had a hand in this, in fact I did my undergrad thesis on it. i've never seen Loose Change though, never even heard of it. Where can I get it?

09-11-2006, 04:35 PM
http://www.loosechange911.com/ :gay:

It's a cover up like the moon landing. :ninja:

Seriously tho, I think this was an actual attack and not some government ploy.

09-11-2006, 04:48 PM
http://www.loosechange911.com/ :gay:

It's a cover up like the moon landing. :ninja:

Seriously tho, I think this was an actual attack and not some government ploy.

Oh crap, thanks man. I'm gonna have to pick this up. Looks like a pretty good compilation, I had most of this info in the thesis cept for the installation of equipment which makes it possible to use cell phones on planes in 04, which wasnt even in place in 01. interesting

09-11-2006, 06:46 PM
Not to sound partisan, but i think the clinton administration should have taken out bin laden when they had the chance....plus, there is just no way that they could have planned that attack since bush took office; that plot took ALOT of time to strategize out.

09-11-2006, 06:48 PM
I always thought we knew about it and let it happen before I saw loose change but now Im in between we helped and did the whole thing ourselves. The only thing keeping me from believing 100% that we did it is that something this big would not stay quiet for long. Unless it was the work of a handful of people that know they would be killed if they told....and made a shit load of money off of it. cough Kennedy cough

09-11-2006, 06:51 PM
I think it is more than just some extremist Muslims behind 9/11, but I do think at least 1 top official had a hand in it.

09-11-2006, 07:13 PM
I think the goverment had a hand in it,after watching that movie.They showed all the proof you need, i still dont think a plane hit the Pentagon eighter

09-11-2006, 07:37 PM
I still think a missle hit the pentagon and Flight 93 never crashed in that field either.

09-11-2006, 07:39 PM
Theres a video, cant remember where i saw it at though of the plane flying into the pentagon

09-11-2006, 07:40 PM
They had it on CNN and it doesnt truley show a plane, It shows something VERY low to the ground that to me looks like a missle not a big ass plane.... But we have had this debate in many threads. I watched the LOOSE CHANGE video and I form my own opinions... I think the government had a hand in it and is cobvering alot up.

09-11-2006, 08:05 PM
i added my own option.... i believe our gov't had just as much of a hand in it as al queda... our own gov't allowed such actions to happen when we could of stopped such actions.

09-11-2006, 08:09 PM
i added my own option.... i believe our gov't had just as much of a hand in it as al queda... our own gov't allowed such actions to happen when we could of stopped such actions.


09-11-2006, 08:23 PM
The stopping and changing history started when Clinton...

A) Didnt do shit when they attacked the U.S.S Cole (That sent them a message that the US wouldnt strike back)

B) When Clinton had a exact location of Bin Laden but pussied out on the missle strike they saw a swing set in the training camp and they didnt want to kill any kids (Kids that will grow up to be Al Quida anyways)

09-11-2006, 08:25 PM
The stopping and changing history started when Clinton...

A) Didnt do shit when they attacked the U.S.S Cole (That sent them a message that the US wouldnt strike back)

B) When Clinton had a exact location of Bin Laden but pussied out on the missle strike they saw a swing set in the training camp and they didnt want to kill any kids (Kids that will grow up to be Al Quida anyways)

YUP! Fuck it, shoulda dropped the bomb then while they had the chance

09-11-2006, 08:29 PM
Yup, History would be re-written if we would have struck Bin Laden that day. Also not doing a single thing after they hit the U.S.S Cole basically sent them the message that they could do what they wanted and we would stan dby and watch. I dont think Bin Laden and Al Quida had once given thought that we would have invaded Afganistan after the attacks.

09-11-2006, 08:52 PM
Wow.. tied results? Geez.. Didn't know there were that many conspiracy theorist (using the nice word) on IA.

09-11-2006, 09:49 PM
Wow.. tied results? Geez.. Didn't know there were that many conspiracy theorist (using the nice word) on IA.

A lot of ppl these days don't trust the gov't

09-11-2006, 10:27 PM
whoever thinks the government killed 10,000 people needs to move to canada and gtfo. blah blah blah all the coincidences blah blah blah, even if they did have something to do with it you will never prove it. dont forget they are still protecting you from other terroristic threats. ill stick behind my country rather than bash them.

Evil Goat
09-12-2006, 01:37 AM
conspiracy theorists are idiots....the loose change documentary is full of misinformation

a good book for you theorists to read is Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts, its an in depth investigation in the conspiracy theories out there made by the editors of and backed by the magazine popular mechanics, it will show you real studies, and the correct information

there was a little piece on cnn i think tonight about the book w/ the authors, shows how they mis used parts of cnn interviews to make things look in a different light

09-12-2006, 01:42 AM
conspiracy theorists are idiots....the loose change documentary is full of misinformation

a good book for you theorists to read is Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts, its an in depth investigation in the conspiracy theories out there made by the editors of and backed by the magazine popular mechanics, it will show you real studies, and the correct information

there was a little piece on cnn i think tonight about the book w/ the authors, shows how they mis used parts of cnn interviews to make things look in a different light

I thought it is more than just some extremist Muslims behind 9/11 the week after 9/11. I dont trust ppl period.

09-12-2006, 02:32 AM
i think the Government did have a hand in it and did cover it up..i think they knew it was gonna happen and let it happen because we needed something to unite us again...i a big cause, so why not this terror attack which would definetly lead to a big war? why not? war makes money...it's said but true...... but yet i believe that Pearl Harbor was meant to happen..an intentional plot involving out Gonvernment....research it the facts are there...because the NAVY NEVER put the whole fleet in one port at one time...any OTHER time they would be all spread out to prevent something like that from happening but see they were all there like that because it was intended to happen...also there was a very important person in the Gov't qouted saying that it would take something like 9-11 to get a war going and unite the country and would take another 9-11 type event to get the war of terrorism to be helped and supported by others so it could be won...that's just my 2 informing cents though...to each there own.....

09-12-2006, 02:35 AM
shut up

cause you :gay:

09-12-2006, 06:36 AM
whoever thinks the government killed 10,000 people needs to move to canada and gtfo. blah blah blah all the coincidences blah blah blah, even if they did have something to do with it you will never prove it. dont forget they are still protecting you from other terroristic threats. ill stick behind my country rather than bash them.

Wasnt near 10,000 people first of all. Second if you think our government is very honest and doesnt do wrong, Your blind. Im not saying they did ir didnt have a hand in 9/11. Some things I have seen make you wonder, BUT our government is just as crooked as some middle eastern governments, we just hide it ALOT better. No country has a goverment that is not into shit they shouldnt be, Except a country like Canada.

09-12-2006, 07:14 AM
The stopping and changing history started when Clinton...

A) Didnt do shit when they attacked the U.S.S Cole (That sent them a message that the US wouldnt strike back)

B) When Clinton had a exact location of Bin Laden but pussied out on the missle strike they saw a swing set in the training camp and they didnt want to kill any kids (Kids that will grow up to be Al Quida anyways)

this its always the funniest statement i love to hear from Bush supporters try to point fingers.... there was a president before Clinton... wtf was his name :thinking: oh ya Bush... its funny who we seem to forget if daddy got the job done originally in Iraq we wouldn't be there to begin with.

its retarded to sit here and say the gov't had no hand in the attacks... they knew of the attacks coming to us soil, they knew they were to do w/ avation, but they didn't know the exact date, where, or how to handle the situation.

the problem w/ this country is there are too many special interest groups that have billions of dollars to pass around to line the pockets of washington. whats a few 1000 lives on the grand scheme of things...? to you are i its alot but to those in washington its not a big deal. :goodjob:

09-12-2006, 07:38 AM
I didnt forget about daddy Bush, But Clinton is the one who didnt do shit when the cole was attacked (OUR OWN U.S WARSHIP) and had a shot at Bin Laden and didnt take it.... Iraq has/had nothing to do with 9/11 so daddy Bush doing a better Job in Iraq wouldnt have changed history.

hold on a sec your one of the biggest BUSH supporters on here and your trying to tell me you don't see the relation w/ if Daddy Bush did his job we WOULDN'T BE THERE NOW :lmfao:. you got to be fucking kidding me... Bush Jr big bs case to invade Iraq was Saddam is funding terrorism including Bin Ladin... trying to paint a picture of we need to invade Iraq b/c of it. Now we've exhausted all resources in to taking down Saddam and invading Iraq we have still yet to do what he we should of... capture and kill Bin Ladin...

USS Cole wasn't even a terrorist attack technically b/c it was a war ship they attacked and the president at the time (clinton) wasn't going to start a war w/ 3 months of his term left. no president would. i would trade the 17 deaths on clintons watch for the 1000's on bushs any day.

they are all at fault going back to the Carter administration. we should helped the russians demolish Afganistan to begin w/ and Daddy Bush should of done his fucking job. Today we would have 2 less madmen in the world.

09-12-2006, 07:44 AM
USS Cole wasn't even a terrorist attack technically b/c it was a war ship they attacked and the president at the time (clinton) wasn't going to start a war w/ 3 months of his term left. no president would. i would trade the 17 deaths on clintons watch for the 1000's on bushs any day.

they are all at fault going back to the Carter administration. we should helped the russians demolish Afganistan to begin w/ and Daddy Bush should of done his fucking job. Today we would have 2 less madmen in the world.

A simple missle strike back would have atleast sent a message, We didnt DO SHIT!! That message does that send back to Al Quida when they hit our ship, kill our servicemen and we didnt do a damn thing? C'mon now Paul.... I know you cant deny that Clinton ignoring it didnt make it worse. yes Its not just Clinton, it goes back even farther..... Much farther, But Clinton had a direct shot at Bin laden and because he didnt want a few kids killed who will grow up to be Al Quida members anyways.... 9/11 Happened. But I agree, Its not just Clinton.....

09-12-2006, 07:59 AM
A simple missle strike back would have atleast sent a message, We didnt DO SHIT!! That message does that send back to Al Quida when they hit our ship, kill our servicemen and we didnt do a damn thing? C'mon now Paul.... I know you cant deny that Clinton ignoring it didnt make it worse. yes Its not just Clinton, it goes back even farther..... Much farther, But Clinton had a direct shot at Bin laden and because he didnt want a few kids killed who will grow up to be Al Quida members anyways.... 9/11 Happened. But I agree, Its not just Clinton.....

dude you still sound like blind bush supporter... hello why do you think it got bombed to begin with...? its not like it was in the US... you can't expect anyone to be safe in the middle east if they are from the US that includes are service men. there have have travel warnings about travel there for the past 25 years. that whole fucking region is full of prophets, terrorist, madmen, dictators, etc... and there isn't a difference between any of them. the problem w/ the us is we stick our nose where it shouldn't be then we like to cry about why shit gets shoved up it :yes:

the Cole is nothing more then political bs so our current administration can say well look see clinton didn't do this... guess what that was Oct. of 2000.. we are not almost 6 years later... DO YOU FEEL SAFER? i know i don't.

09-12-2006, 08:01 AM
No, we will never be safer I dont believe unless the threat is totally taken out. We will always be at risk, no matter who is sitting in the white house.

09-12-2006, 08:08 AM


09-12-2006, 08:53 AM