View Full Version : Fuck Mayor Nagin

08-25-2006, 05:58 PM
the mayor of new orleans

when asked why the city hasnt been cleaned up since katrina he said and i quote "You guys in New York can't get a hole in the ground fixed....."

08-25-2006, 05:59 PM

hes so not gunna be a mayor any longer..

08-25-2006, 06:02 PM
^^ people from 80 different countries were in those buildings.

I know it's not funny, but the fact he said " you people in new york can't get the hole in the ground fixed "

but who ever asked why the city of new orleans isint cleaned up yet, well hell..it takes time..look at all the record amount of damages $$$

08-25-2006, 06:31 PM
he has a point.. dont hate..

08-25-2006, 07:14 PM

hes so not gunna be a mayor any longer..

He was just re-elected.

08-25-2006, 07:21 PM
hell yeah i saw that shit on the news earlier, i was like WTF. hows he gonna criticize new yorks situation when they had NO IDEA the attack was coming, new orleans knew the hurricane was coming and had been warned about the levies for years but did nothing

08-25-2006, 07:24 PM
he has a point.. dont hate..
no he doesnt

did you see part of the wtc in the streets a year after it happened?
didnt think so

08-25-2006, 07:25 PM
wow what a bitch

08-25-2006, 07:41 PM
I think both the mayor of new orleans and the governor of LA should both been not relected...for various reason...

08-25-2006, 10:05 PM
imho he did have a point. "ask a dumb question, get an equally dumb answer" is the lesson for today. that reporter asked a question that should'nt have been asked the whole city was basically wiped out.

08-25-2006, 10:06 PM
no he doesnt

did you see part of the wtc in the streets a year after it happened?
didnt think so

its a stupid question in the first place it deserved that kind of answer..
its a big cleanup, gonna take along time.

08-25-2006, 10:08 PM
I was in Mississippi 6 months after the hurricane. It was trashed. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was completely shocked. i can't imagine what NO looked like.

08-25-2006, 10:26 PM
yeah my dad spent 8 months there helping out (security) after it hit, and part of his job was body location/recovery. he found remains nearly everyday up to the last day he was there. on that day they found a car that was fill of mud and sediment. when the doors were pried open and mud removed, they found a family of skeletons.

08-25-2006, 10:27 PM
he has some friends there now, still doing the same job, and bodies are still popping up, well remains anyway.

08-25-2006, 10:45 PM
yeah my dad spent 8 months there helping out (security) after it hit, and part of his job was body location/recovery. he found remains nearly everyday up to the last day he was there. on that day they found a car that was fill of mud and sediment. when the doors were pried open and mud removed, they found a family of skeletons.

man, i cant even imagine.

08-25-2006, 11:37 PM
I was in Mississippi 6 months after the hurricane. It was trashed. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was completely shocked. i can't imagine what NO looked like.

'cept for i went to biloxi, mississippi about 2 or 3 months afterwards to help and it was a complete disaster... :no:

Crazy Asian
08-25-2006, 11:43 PM
Ya just imagine the freakin houses....I heard they find families in the basement...

08-25-2006, 11:45 PM
'cept for i went to biloxi, mississippi about 2 or 3 months afterwards to help and it was a complete disaster... :no:

I was in Biloxi too. It was freaking crazy. There were concrete slabs where houses used to be. Blank ass slabs. It was crazy to see boat on dry land like 5 miles away from the water. It was really eerie to see clothes and stuff hanging in trees like christmas ornaments. The really kind of shitty thing was people were scraping the beach for others valuables.

08-28-2006, 10:35 AM
I was in Biloxi about a month ago, and it still looks awful. There are still clothes and garbage bags in the trees, boats washed inland still sitting there, and still huge piles of debris everywhere. The spot where the Grand used to be, well the parking lot at least is a big pile of concrete, and twisted steel. You see lots of completely empty lots except for the front stairs of the old house, and a FEMA trailer in the back.
Biloxi was devistated by Katrina, and it really pisses me off to keep hearing all of this stuff about NO. Yeah, they got messed up, yeah it was really bad, yeah they need help, but the storm hit Biloxi head on. With all of the press around New Orleans, nobody is even thinking about the rest of the coast that got wiped out...
The fact that they re-elected Nagin is nuts.:screwy: that's all I can say about that...:2up:

08-28-2006, 10:44 AM
i went there to help with the clean up. Ive been from Pensacola, Fla to New Orleans. New Orleans itself was flooded. The hurricane didnt hit New Orleans. The levi broke. Had they not have broke damage would have been much less (but there still would be some). But still even when i left in May New Orleans East was still horrible. It didnt even look like clean up had begun. Cars and trees were still down in the Canals. Whole shopping centers were just Abandoned with no signs of return. Mississippi definitly got the worst of it. I went a day after Katrina hit to my grandparents house about 45 min north Of Hattiesburg, Mississippi and even there tree and power lines were down everywhere.

There has been much improvement but there is just so much dissaster they cant clean up fast enough. The general feeling of the ppl was dislike towards the mayor esp after his "chocolate city" speach so im not sure how he got reelected

08-28-2006, 11:17 AM
its a stupid question in the first place it deserved that kind of answer..
its a big cleanup, gonna take along time.
not to get the flooded cars and fallen buildings out of public property, it shouldnt take a year

08-28-2006, 11:21 AM
the mayor of new orleans

when asked why the city hasnt been cleaned up since katrina he said and i quote "You guys in New York can't get a hole in the ground fixed....."

I forget the amount of damage (heard it this morning on the radio), but the damage from Hurricane Andrew + NYC Bombings is still LESS than the damage by Katrina.

I mean, shit, ALL of the ports are open in N.O., all of the oil rigs are running again, and tourism is back. They (fed gov't) got them up and running VERY quickly.

08-28-2006, 11:22 AM
I forget the amount of damage (heard it this morning on the radio), but the damage from Hurricane Andrew + NYC Bombings is still LESS than the damage by Katrina.
i understand that, but I'm talking about N.O. not everywhere affected by katrina

08-28-2006, 11:23 AM
i understand that, but I'm talking about N.O. not everywhere affected by katrina

When you have a mayor as idiotic as he, things take a long time to fix.

08-28-2006, 11:24 AM
When you have a mayor as idiotic as he, things take a long time to fix.
lololol exactly my point hahahahahahaha +1

08-28-2006, 11:36 AM
New York was an act of terrorisim. No one knew it was comming. Katrina had 3 FUCKING DAYS to pack their shit and get out. so a big fuck you to New Orleans:2up: :2up: :2up:

08-28-2006, 11:49 AM
I think both the mayor of new orleans and the governor of LA should both been not relected...for various reason...

the very same reasons he should Not be re-elected are the reasons that are going to keep him in.
that and he's a racist biggot, a slum lord on a grander scale. :2cents:

08-28-2006, 03:06 PM
the very same reasons he should Not be re-elected are the reasons that are going to keep him in.
that and he's a racist biggot, a slum lord on a grander scale. :2cents:

He JUST was re-elected a few months ago.

The Golden Child
08-28-2006, 03:25 PM
New York was an act of terrorisim. No one knew it was comming. Katrina had 3 FUCKING DAYS to pack their shit and get out. so a big fuck you to New Orleans:2up: :2up: :2up:


NY !!!

Crazy Asian
08-28-2006, 03:27 PM
NY FO life...wait nm... its LA FO LIFE!!!

08-28-2006, 03:28 PM
New York was an act of terrorisim. No one knew it was comming. Katrina had 3 FUCKING DAYS to pack their shit and get out. so a big fuck you to New Orleans:2up: :2up: :2up:
not only did N.O. have 3 days to leave, they had YEARS to prepare for a big storm, and they were warned repeatedly that the levees wouldnt hold for a cat 4 storm, yet they did nothing

08-28-2006, 03:28 PM
NY FO life...wait nm... its LA FO LIFE!!!

The Golden Child
08-28-2006, 03:36 PM

08-28-2006, 03:38 PM

The Golden Child
08-28-2006, 03:40 PM
charlotte web ?? wheres wilbur ??

08-28-2006, 03:41 PM

08-28-2006, 05:12 PM
New York was an act of terrorisim. No one knew it was comming. Katrina had 3 FUCKING DAYS to pack their shit and get out. so a big fuck you to New Orleans:2up: :2up: :2up:

the point of the whole comment was, that the hole in NY isnt cleaned up yet, so how do u expect to get a whole city cleaned up in a year. it aint even about the ppl leaving its about the cleanup. When the government officials say they are gonna do something and its not done ppl get angry. i dont know how many times u all have to be told, that the funds for the leavy repair was cut alooong time ago. It was a big fuck up.. cant really blame anyone mayor - governor - president, noone was ready, nobody tought it was gonna be that bad. my cousins house still has no power, and they still havent received their insurance money for their house, or anything, but they moved back already and started over in july form the scratch.

08-28-2006, 06:35 PM
I was in Mississippi 6 months after the hurricane. It was trashed. I couldn't believe my eyes. I was completely shocked. i can't imagine what NO looked like.

some parts exactly the same from a year ago. my sister showed me around when i went to visit back in MAy..took many pics during my stay. but its gonna take a while to fix things..but things are progressing very slooooooooooowly. the main reason why many aren't returning

08-28-2006, 06:44 PM
its funny how people can ask such stupid questions and not expect to get blasted. the media always asks people dumb shit to get a headline. I thik he was justified to react that way but he has got to get a filter on his mouth. some shit you just can't say. the political correctness police will come swooping down every time.:police:

08-28-2006, 06:50 PM
the point of the whole comment was, that the hole in NY isnt cleaned up yet, so how do u expect to get a whole city cleaned up in a year.

I usually agree with you, but not this time bud.

If you watch the interview, the interviewer asked Mayor Nagin why THIS section of NO wasn't cleaned up yet after a year (a section if I'm not mistaken right in the middle of town) NOT the ENTIRE NO region. He came back with the smart ass remark of "NY hasn't cleaned up the big hole yet...".

It was an asenine remark. He answered a question with a question.

When the government officials say they are gonna do something and its not done ppl get angry.

FEMA by LAW can only come into a situation AFTER the LOCAL GOV'T requests their help. It is a well known fact that right after the hurricane came thru FEMA ASKED both the Gov and the Mayor and BOTH declined at first......why? Who the hell knows. Now they are trying to shift the blame of what was THEIR responsability to begin with onto FEMA'S and Bush's shoulders rather than admitting they screwed up majorly themselves to begin with. THAT my friend IS the point the media will not focus on because it doesn't sell as good as carnage and finger pointing. Should we bring up the 1000 school buses left sitting there while people drowned? Should we bring up WHERE Mr. Nagin was after the storm (he took up residence in a luxury suite at a hotel to "survey" the damage :rolleyes: )??? LOCAL GOVT screwed the pooch on that one wayyyyy before the feds ever got a chance to. Why is that little tid bit being swept under the rug?

i dont know how many times u all have to be told, that the funds for the leavy repair was cut alooong time ago. It was a big fuck up.. cant really blame anyone mayor - governor - president, noone was ready, nobody tought it was gonna be that bad.

Go back and read WHERE those funds were DIVERTED to......by Blanco......to her special interests LOCALLY....... ;) Again, why is that not being blown all up? Hmmmm, because blaming Bush for "blowing up the leviees and purposely drowning poor black people" sells more papers.

The U.S. Corp of Engineers had told for YEARS about the leviees not withstanding a Cat 4, let alone a Cat 5 hurricane. Go back and see WHEN KATRINA was classified a Cat 4......then a Cat 5.......WHERE was Nagin and Blanco then????? :rolleyes: Why didn't they evacuate? Why did they divert funds for the leviees to special interests? Why did they not mobilize their National guardsmen to help people?

There is plenty of blame to go around. There is plenty of evidence that points directly at WHO is to blame and WHO had plenty of time to avoid a major catastrophe like this, but it's about politics now. Democrats will blame everyone but themselves. It's that simple.

It's like blaming Bush for not getting your couch out in time when your house was foreclosed on. That doesn't happen from one day to the next, does it? Of course not. You get notices. You get registered mail. You get phone calls. You get all kinds of chances to fix it or get out. Finally a sheriff shows up and all of a sudden you're gonna complain that you didn't have time to save your favorite couch????? Who's fault is that? The gov't or you? :rolleyes:

my cousins house still has no power, and they still havent received their insurance money for their house, or anything, but they moved back already and started over in july form the scratch.

That's actually the truly sad part. People that had insurance and now the insurance refuses to pay. THAT is a shame. They are truly victims. Insurance companies are low.

I'm sorry about your family. Hope they get back to normalsy soon. :goodjob:

08-28-2006, 07:03 PM
BTW, Nagin is simply racist.

If a white politician came out and said, "this is going to be a WHITE city..."....he would be labeled as a racist KKK member. What makes Nagin any different?

08-28-2006, 07:12 PM
Fuck Nagin ..

08-28-2006, 07:20 PM
Nagin is a piece of shit....

08-28-2006, 07:26 PM
a dumb piece of shit at that...

Fast Shadow
08-28-2006, 07:28 PM
the mayor of new orleans

when asked why the city hasnt been cleaned up since katrina he said and i quote "You guys in New York can't get a hole in the ground fixed....."

Sorry but as dumb as Nagin is in general he has a point - it's a disgrace that after 5 years the people that died at Ground Zero have nothing to honor them other than a hole in the ground while a bunch of greedy bastards squabble over what to do with the site. Snobby NYC reporters should check their own backyards before going to New Orleans to seek out things to criticize, LIRL

For the record I lived through hurricane Andrew and it took more than a year to clean up parts of Homestead and Florida City and it took 10 years until things started to look somewhat normal again.. new trees that were planted weren't taken out of braces for years for example, and new neighborhoods took a long time until they looked lived in. And Andrew was nothing next to Katrina in terms of devastation.

08-28-2006, 07:33 PM
You gotta be dumb as fuck to buy a house below sea level though. . . .oh wait...yeah dumb...

08-28-2006, 07:33 PM
I usually agree with you, but not this time bud.

If you watch the interview, the interviewer asked Mayor Nagin why THIS section of NO wasn't cleaned up yet after a year (a section if I'm not mistaken right in the middle of town) NOT the ENTIRE NO region. He came back with the smart ass remark of "NY hasn't cleaned up the big hole yet...".

It was an asenine remark. He answered a question with a question.

FEMA by LAW can only come into a situation AFTER the LOCAL GOV'T requests their help. It is a well known fact that right after the hurricane came thru FEMA ASKED both the Gov and the Mayor and BOTH declined at first......why? Who the hell knows. Now they are trying to shift the blame of what was THEIR responsability to begin with onto FEMA'S and Bush's shoulders rather than admitting they screwed up majorly themselves to begin with. THAT my friend IS the point the media will not focus on because it doesn't sell as good as carnage and finger pointing. Should we bring up the 1000 school buses left sitting there while people drowned? Should we bring up WHERE Mr. Nagin was after the storm (he took up residence in a luxury suite at a hotel to "survey" the damage :rolleyes: )??? LOCAL GOVT screwed the pooch on that one wayyyyy before the feds ever got a chance to. Why is that little tid bit being swept under the rug?

Go back and read WHERE those funds were DIVERTED to......by Blanco......to her special interests LOCALLY....... ;) Again, why is that not being blown all up? Hmmmm, because blaming Bush for "blowing up the leviees and purposely drowning poor black people" sells more papers.

The U.S. Corp of Engineers had told for YEARS about the leviees not withstanding a Cat 4, let alone a Cat 5 hurricane. Go back and see WHEN KATRINA was classified a Cat 4......then a Cat 5.......WHERE was Nagin and Blanco then????? :rolleyes: Why didn't they evacuate? Why did they divert funds for the leviees to special interests? Why did they not mobilize their National guardsmen to help people?

There is plenty of blame to go around. There is plenty of evidence that points directly at WHO is to blame and WHO had plenty of time to avoid a major catastrophe like this, but it's about politics now. Democrats will blame everyone but themselves. It's that simple.

It's like blaming Bush for not getting your couch out in time when your house was foreclosed on. That doesn't happen from one day to the next, does it? Of course not. You get notices. You get registered mail. You get phone calls. You get all kinds of chances to fix it or get out. Finally a sheriff shows up and all of a sudden you're gonna complain that you didn't have time to save your favorite couch????? Who's fault is that? The gov't or you? :rolleyes:

That's actually the truly sad part. People that had insurance and now the insurance refuses to pay. THAT is a shame. They are truly victims. Insurance companies are low.

I'm sorry about your family. Hope they get back to normalsy soon. :goodjob:

i can agree with that.. but still u have to atleast say that the blame is spread all aroudn from no themselves and even to the governmen, but politics have twisted it all up like u said.. the whole situation was just bad bad bad and could havebeen dealt with better.

08-28-2006, 07:34 PM
nagin has no room to speak because alot of the death and people getting hurt was a result of his failure to act along with the governor of LA...and nagin does not have time on his side cas 3 weeks from now another bigass storm might be coming his way...

with NYC there really isnt much ungency because it isnt like someone is going to fly another plane into some towers that arent there...they have time on their side to make sure that is done correctly...and there are not any more people's lives at risk because of people taking their time...

Fast Shadow
08-28-2006, 07:34 PM
You gotta be dumb as fuck to buy a house below sea level though. . . .oh wait...yeah dumb...

true enough, i don't know why anyone would live in new orleans unless they were born there and were too poor to move away. it was a shithole before katrina ever showed up

08-28-2006, 07:36 PM
You gotta be dumb as fuck to buy a house below sea level though. . . .oh wait...yeah dumb...

theres plenty of areas below sea level, NO is just in a big ass bowl surrounded by water on both sides.. thats what makes it so bad.

08-28-2006, 07:36 PM
true enough, i don't know why anyone would live in new orleans unless they were born there and were too poor to move away. it was a shithole before katrina ever showed up

but the problem here is that the shithole that you are refering to were people's homes and places of work...of course some people are going to want to rebuild what they had before...and there is quite abit of history in that shit hole...

08-28-2006, 07:38 PM
but the problem here is that the shithole that you are refering to were people's homes and places of work...of course some people are going to want to rebuild what they had before...and there is quite abit of history in that shit hole...

true, ppl form NO will tell u is a shit hole, but they love their home.

08-28-2006, 07:41 PM
true, ppl form NO will tell u is a shit hole, but they love their home.

I just think it is horrible that like 10 yrs ago they could have built a levy system that could have held for the most part and didnt want to spend the money to protect the people that lived there...

08-28-2006, 07:48 PM
I just think it is horrible that like 10 yrs ago they could have built a levy system that could have held for the most part and didnt want to spend the money to protect the people that lived there...

true, and even the new levys that theya re putting up they are sayign that they wont be any better than the previous ones, and the new state of the art pumps they put up also arent even working prperly, they tested them and the pumps started shaking so bad they had to cut them off. And the flood gates they have to put up. will still put the city 5feet under water, due to the fucked up pumping system. shits all fucked up...

08-28-2006, 07:50 PM
This is sad because of all the people's homes that are down in that area and not to mention a very big part of US history to...and people you cant put a price tag on that...

08-28-2006, 09:23 PM
Sorry but as dumb as Nagin is in general he has a point - it's a disgrace that after 5 years the people that died at Ground Zero have nothing to honor them other than a hole in the ground while a bunch of greedy bastards squabble over what to do with the site. Snobby NYC reporters should check their own backyards before going to New Orleans to seek out things to criticize, LIRL
so voting and agreeing on a certain tribute is wrong because it takes time?
last i checked they had voted on it a couple years ago but no one really liked the designs, so you cant jsut go and make a design overnite

For the record I lived through hurricane Andrew and it took more than a year to clean up parts of Homestead and Florida City and it took 10 years until things started to look somewhat normal again.. new trees that were planted weren't taken out of braces for years for example, and new neighborhoods took a long time until they looked lived in. And Andrew was nothing next to Katrina in terms of devastation.
what most of you are not understading, is its not about it being rebuilt, its about cleaning PUBLIC property. like the buildings off the streets and the flooded cars.