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08-22-2006, 04:14 PM
It may seem obvious; but I wanted to share this story.
Automatic Car Window Warning

Please forward to everyone you know - this may save a life!

I wanted to share something with you all that is very important for anyone who takes their dogs in the car with them..We have automatic windows in all our cars and I roll them down enough that the dogs can get their head out..I ALWAYS lock the main power lock on the console..If your dog steps on their window button ,should they stand on the arm rest on the door, they will roll it up, or down and can fall out, or crush their neck..While they are doing this you CANNOT work the main power control and roll it back down if they are standing on it. Every time hubby gets in a car I am driving and starts to roll down his window he cant cause I have them locked..He gets aggravated at me and says "I dont know why you lock them!!" Well last night we had both dogs in the Ford Explorer and hubby was driving..I told him roll the windows down for the dogs . I Forgot to tell him to lock them!!Well we start out the driveway Blaze pokes her head out the window and all the sudden I hear her gasping..I look back and screamed at hubby to quite rolling the window up her head was in it and he said Im NOT...She was standing on it and I had to turn around and lift her foot off the controller as hubby couldn't override it by his..She was gasping for several minutes....So people BE CAREFUL...If he had been driving alone it may have killed her..This could be a child as well..I wish there was some way of autos making a main power switch that would override the singles even if they was being pushed..Sorry for being so long winded but the look on my husbands face was awful..I told him now you see why the windows are always locked on my cars..I take the dogs with me every day unless it is too hot..Take care....

08-22-2006, 04:46 PM
lucky in my accord chewy cant step on the switch in the back because its on the vertical and recessed. but in my G/f's xterra we always lock the master and let them down a little for chewy. He has stepped on it before and rolled down the window. you have to push down the switch to roll down the window and pull up on it to roll it up.

08-22-2006, 05:36 PM
I never thought about the up part- my dog knows how to roll down the window (at least I think he does it on purpose)

good thing that Hondas require you to pull up to close the window

but I remember some other cars have more of a switch- forward or backward that makes the window go up or down- those are the cars to watch the master lock for

fight club
08-22-2006, 09:56 PM
uhm. if you use the main switch it stops motion.