View Full Version : Double you tee eff

08-20-2006, 01:41 AM
Ok so last month (7-19) i ordered a EVO 3 O2 housing flange, for my new turbo right... weld it onto my 3inch TBE right.... ok so its like 20 bux + shipping, no big deal ey?
3 days after i place my order, the mofos call me to charge my credit card... i'm like wtf yall called me a few days ago to charge my card what did it not go through? They're like you already paid? I'm like yeah... the o2 housing flange right? They are like damn, we sent the entire o2 housing... 148 something dollars WTF, i'm like wtf... why theyre like when it gets there deny it at the door and we'll get you that refund..

I was in NY at the time so i wasn't able to do it, tried callin my pops who was at home but couldnt get in touch... so he accepted the package... it was in my house when igot back... i was pissed. I called them up theyre like they'll send me a return label... almost 2-3 weeks later i get that.... i put it on...ship it off... i finally get my refund

guess how much they refund me? 112$ i'm like WTFFFFFFFFFFFFFF :2up: it wasn't even my fault, i shoulda stopped payment on it...motherfuckers I'm gettin my $ tomorow but i'm pissed

I'm not really hurtin for 36$ but its the principle... shits angering me. It was THEIR fault and then they want to charge me for their problem?!?!!


Yeah i'm gonna have a not so friendly phone talk with them tomorow

08-20-2006, 02:15 AM
demand a free flange?

08-20-2006, 10:19 AM
phuc dat beesh