View Full Version : The oddest times to meet someone...

05-20-2005, 07:00 AM
sorry, a whole lot of reading...(cliff notes: saw accident, met another witness, went out until 5am):

soo yeah, I leave my parents house in white county sunday night after a day of helping them with a few things and while on my way back home down 985 between Oakwood and Flowery Branch at about 10-10:30pm I just happened to glance up in my rear view mirror to see a car getting squirrely....headlights one way, headlights the other way, look down to make sure i'm still between the lines, look back up and see tailights then headlights again then watch as the car goes off, hits something then goes airborn...I pull over and by this time i'm a 1/4 mile from the accident. I back all the way down the emergency lane with cars passing me...none of them stopped?! Anyways, I couldn't see the vehicle from the road at first, kept backing up and finally found where it went off then followed the tracks into tall grass in the ditch. I saw the dome light go on and off a couple times so I could tell it was still upright.

I assumed the driver was drunk so i was looking for a flashlight before i approached the vehicle...not just for the light but makes a good weapon when some wants to play. I was driving my parents van because i'm in the process of moving a bunch of things and i couldn't find a light so i walked down to the vehicle anyways. Black nissan frontier and the driver was gone...looked around, didn't think the truck rolled so I was sure the driver wasn't ejected or anything. I get within 10 feet of the truck and the driver comes stumbling out of the woods about 25 feet away, he yells/mumbles something in spanish, and "runs" back up into the woods...not worth my time to bring him back down and by this time i'm talking to dispatch and they told me someone was already in the vicinity...

The rear of the truck was mangled up a little from where he went through one of the big exit signs backwards but i pryed up the tailgate to read the tag and walked back up to my vehicle. As I'm nearing the van (yeah, a mini- van fu) a grand cherokee pulls over behind me, i walk up in front of it and a girl gets out....she says she was going northbound and already talking to dispatch or someone about an accident less than a mile down the road when she saw this one happen. She went up to the next exit and came back down south...we chatted for about 5 minutes before seeing 2 or 3 sets of blue lights and 2 fire/rescue trucks flying southbound...i showed the rescue where the truck was then told the first officer to spot up at the fenceline because i had heard someone walking up there when i was talking to the girl. One of the EMT's brought out the thermal imager while the officers walked around the field just on the other side of the fence...after about 30 minutes they call it off while one of the other officers had already gone down to the nearby gas station to make sure he didn't show up there.

I walked back over towards the jeep not really knowing what to say to her yet when she says something like, "waffle house would be good about now...". Hmm...waffle house. First went down to the gas station just to get off the highway and see if anything crazy was going on down there...then decided to go up to the waffle house. Stayed there until like 1:30am then went with her driving around, stopped by one of the parks, didn't do anything but talk until like 4:30am...knew a few mutual friends, she went to college for two years in dahlonega & she lived out near where i grew up..Yeah yeah I know, flame me for not hitting it, i was trying to be nice and kinda seeing someone else too...anyways, i drove the hour south home, took a quick nap & a shower and was at work at 8:45 monday morning...wow, so surreal.

oh yeah, i have pics...

05-20-2005, 07:11 AM
Mmmm Waffle house.... I can go for some of that about now

05-20-2005, 07:29 AM
did u atleast get her #????

05-20-2005, 08:47 AM
tell me you got her number

05-20-2005, 10:43 AM
he didnt get her number.......oh...JEEZ!!!

05-20-2005, 10:53 AM
i remember one time years ago i was driving in college park and seen this chick and her friends get t-boned by another car while she was making a turn onto old national from flat shoals. i got out and ran up to the car and it was 3 women in the car. most likely all were either going out or were coming back from a bbq and i know for a fact that the rear passenger had passed out prior to the accident from drinking. she was stuffed between the backseat and the back of the front seats and was still sleep, the front passenger was crying and the driver had a big ass gash on her forehead from the glass breaking on her side. but she was fine as hell though. i took off my t-shirt to stop the bleeding while someone called 911. i made sure she was ok as can be considering and got her number "to make sure she was ok later on".

talked to her for a minute after that and my boys fucked with me later on for the tactic i used to get her number. my thoughts were fuck it, i may not have had another chance to talk to her at any other time, so use what you have available.

oh the scar healed up nicely...

05-20-2005, 12:41 PM
did u atleast get her #????

tell me you got her number

he didnt get her number.......oh...JEEZ!!!
lol, i plead the 5th, never know who may be reading this ;) ...lets just say I've been offered the oppurtunity to go back up there a few times, just haven't done it.

B16a2 Civic
05-20-2005, 12:44 PM
lol, i plead the 5th, never know who may be reading this ;) ...lets just say I've been offered the oppurtunity to go back up there a few times, just haven't done it.

pimptastic response , i would have answered the same

05-20-2005, 12:56 PM
...i see a few more people have come into this thread *insert wave smiley here*: allow me to add, because i'm quite happy where i'm at right now. :)

05-20-2005, 02:57 PM
That's way too long to even try to read.

05-20-2005, 03:12 PM
That's way too long to even try to read.should i change the first line to Lauren Notes then?

05-20-2005, 03:21 PM
Uhhhhh.......that statement made no sense.

05-20-2005, 04:17 PM
lol... i thought it did... you could put anyones name in substitute for "Cliff" in "Cliff Notes" It's almost like a personalization.. hehe

05-20-2005, 05:31 PM
Uhhhhh.......that statement made no sense.wow.

05-21-2005, 02:47 AM

05-21-2005, 01:47 PM
How random is that whole scenario? -- play on pimp!

05-22-2005, 12:23 AM
dude that is awesume!

05-23-2005, 07:47 AM
Well, how would it if I didn't read it?

05-23-2005, 11:21 AM
i would have tagged it like a 13 year old with a marker.....