View Full Version : BAGHDAD

08-14-2006, 09:08 AM
Well in case any of you have been wondering where Ive been (and Im sure you havent been) Im finally in Baghdad, its about 120 degrees here everyday and Ive been working my ass of. Ive been taking lots of pics and when I get time Ill start posting them up in this thread. Life just isnt the same without IA in my life.

08-14-2006, 09:09 AM
Well in case any of you have been wondering where Ive been (and Im sure you havent been) Im finally in Baghdad, its about 120 degrees here everyday and Ive been working my ass of. Ive been taking lots of pics and when I get time Ill start posting them up in this thread. Life just isnt the same without IA in my life.

Be careful over there bro! Return in 1 piece.

B16a2 Civic
08-14-2006, 09:10 AM
120 degrees gah damn nigga

08-14-2006, 09:11 AM
120 degrees gah damn nigga

Wouldn't be that bad as long as it isn't humid as a mofo like it is here in GA... It's not the heat that kills us its the damn humidity...

B16a2 Civic
08-14-2006, 09:13 AM
well its too fuckin humid here, someone fix that shit

08-14-2006, 09:13 AM
Well in case any of you have been wondering where Ive been (and Im sure you havent been) Im finally in Baghdad, its about 120 degrees here everyday and Ive been working my ass of. Ive been taking lots of pics and when I get time Ill start posting them up in this thread. Life just isnt the same without IA in my life.

shit man i thought you were coming home? still there. send me the pix we'll feature your stay in camel land :goodjob:

08-14-2006, 09:14 AM
Its pretty bad and a strong ass hot ass brezze doesnt help, its great for my tan though.

08-14-2006, 09:15 AM
well its too fuckin humid here, someone fix that shit

I know man, I fuckin bout die every damn time i walk in either one of our warehouses. All the guys that work back there sweat like Hebrew Slaves everyday... There is not fuckin I would do that shit especially for what them mofos get paid. :no:

08-14-2006, 09:18 AM
shit man i thought you were coming home? still there. send me the pix we'll feature your stay in camel land :goodjob:

I thought so too, I was less than a week away and we got extended, it has been all over every news paper and news show, Im part of the 172nd Stryker Brigade, apparently were the best of the best so they are keeping us here another 4 months, Id rather be the worst and be sitting on my ass at home right now to be honest.

08-14-2006, 09:19 AM
I thought so too, I was less than a week away and we got extended, it has been all over every news paper and news show, Im part of the 172nd Stryker Brigade, apparently were the best of the best so they are keeping us here another 4 months, Id rather be the worst and be sitting on my ass at home right now to be honest.

Well I know you guys don't hear it enough but most of us respect and appreciate what you guys and the rest of our armed forces are doing for the war on terrorism.

The Yousef
08-14-2006, 09:26 AM
stay safe dude...