View Full Version : What to do, (roommate)

08-11-2006, 03:43 PM
Ok so to sum a a story quickly, about 6 months ago, maybe longer, one of my friends moved in, he had no were to go. left parents place. and did not have the cash to start up by himself. So i told him he could move in.I had a 2 bedroom. He had free rent for a couple months then started payin 150 a month, this is the second month. Anyway he had a job, the whole time ive known him. Bought a nice car, traded it in for a cheaper one, kinda had a repo on that. all within 2 months, then quit his job, and lost his phone blah blah, and sits around the house all day, doin bullshit.. Playin my my xbox 360 on my laptop, my tv, blah blah, and then got another job, but decides not to wake up but maybe three days out the week to work at a shop thats on the way to my work. Anyway then a bunch of other drama involving his girlfriend telling me i dont want to help him or whatever, which is bullshitt, and saying that he is hungry and cant eat which is bullshit, cause i always buy groceries. Then i tell him you know, we live downtown, which 3 blocks away there like 15 differ restaurants, and bars, and what not. and the apartment complex is also hiring for odd jobs, which he had the oppurtoinity. which also does not do anything, so for almost 2 months he is stressing me out, not doin shit, not cleaning half the time, but the occasional vaccum and livving room clean, but not the bathroom or dishes and kitchen. And half the time does not say shit anymore, I ask him what he is doin tonight and he does not say shit. then someone comes over they come in and dont say shit and leave 5 minutes later. Fucking wierd. So im looking at kickin him out tonight, telling him he has to go now, and what not, its just hard for me cause im to nice, and he dont have no were to go or a car. but whatever i guess. So how should i go about it, and also, one thing i think might be an issue, is he spent maybe 100 dollars on the xbox 360 for the hard drive, which i think i should keep.. Just because of the circumstances. Please tell me what you think,

And i apolgize about the run on sentences and one paragraph,. im stressing and at work.


B16a2 Civic
08-11-2006, 03:46 PM
well curt, i mean homeboy is cool, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
i reccomend tho, talk to him, tell him where this stands, give him somewhat a warning, and like atime period to have somethin done by yah mean?

08-11-2006, 03:46 PM
It's sucks being nice, but this is definitely not a nice guy time. Tell him how it is and that you gotta make ends meet. Either he can meet you halfway with the rent and what-not or he can go. It's that simple. He won't like it, but that's life man. Good luck. :goodjob:

08-11-2006, 03:47 PM
kick him out.

08-11-2006, 03:50 PM
yeah well about 2 weeks ago I took hiim to cannon to eat and talk, and i told him everything that was goin on. His girl and me and our confo. and issues that are goin on. And ever since then after saying to me things are goin to change i want to help out, buy groceries and pay rent and electric bill but. Things have just got wierd its like i cant trust him in my apartment... yea he has paid half of this month and last month which was late. but i cant take it no more, its weirdin me out. and Again he is not on the lease, so its my call i suppose.

B16a2 Civic
08-11-2006, 03:51 PM
man, i want to go to Cannon, i know the owner of that place, me and him cool

08-11-2006, 03:53 PM
hahha. yeah its good and pricey

08-11-2006, 03:56 PM
get his ass outta there

I'll help if need be, throw in a box of pizza or a couple 40s and I'm there

Jimmy B
08-11-2006, 03:56 PM
man.. sit him down, have him get a job by the end of the weekend, or hes outy..

good luck man... thats a hard situation

08-11-2006, 03:58 PM
I like Steel Reserves


08-11-2006, 04:04 PM
yeah he's not on the lease so you can kick him out which would be recommeneded. It looks bad if you're always late on rent payments to banks and whatnot. But first talk to him agian and see if he can get a job that could pay for rent otherwise just kick him out.

08-11-2006, 04:08 PM
I guess i did not say that part good enough. But yeah he got another job, but cause he is not opn payroll he thinks he can work whenever. Like the other day i was like you goin to work in the morning he says yeah. and then i try and wake him up and does not wake. then another day wakes up and saying im not goin to go today. and then he works for a cell phone company saying he is goin to make a crap load, and never does, and or even sell anything. so thats a bunch of bs. What do yall think bouthe xbox thing. he bought the hard drive but shit. for what ive done groceries and what not, it adds up, plus he always bumming my cigs, and i hate that shit.

dz N.U.T.Z.
08-11-2006, 04:09 PM
man iwent thou the same....i mean the same damn thing....but mine was with some one i dont even hardly know......he was on the lease thou.....the first month we were in our apartment he was asking me to spot him his half of the power bill........wtf you know....2 weeks in to the second month he quits his job.........im 21 he is 22 or 23 and he was bring 16 year old girls here buing them beer.......smoking weed.........red flag.....then he lied and lied......did have his rent money that month.....so i kicked him out....just like that ......then i had to pay that months rent on my own.....and couldnt find a reliable roommate for another two months that sucked......

but like you said about the xbox stuff, keep it.......my old roommate went in half with me on the living room tables and he bought the washer and dryer....i keep it to.....lol...

when he moved you could not even tell he was gone.....he had nothing...

but i totally feel you on how he uses all your stuff.....everything in my apartment was mine....i come home from work he would have like 9 or 10 people in the living room on my couch and love seat.....watching my tv.......and i would have to sit on the floor......i was like fuck that.....

im to nice to....like to avoid con flick..... especailly when it is in your own home.....you know...

i say kick him out.......you will be stress free......he will find somewhere to go.....

08-11-2006, 04:11 PM
kick his ass out...

I had the same situation kinda..

well me and 1439/2000 find a 3br/2ba house and find some guy on roomates.com to rent one of the rooms to make rent cheaper...well me and jay were on the lease but the other guy wasnt...during those few months he lost two jobs, his car who he was making payments on to a friend was repoed by his friend. he always paid bills but was always late. and then his cell phone stopped working because "they lost his deposit" but really i found a sprint bill showing he owed like $600..well he left at the beginning of may and said he was going on a trip for about 1.5-2 months and said he was gonna run to the bank really quick and he would be right back w/ some cash to pay the next two months rent...he has yet to come back and its now august..so needless to say i gave away his shit on craiglist for free last weekend and my g/f moved into his room.

people like that suck and i can't believe they have the audacity to do something like that.

08-11-2006, 04:20 PM
Well i dont even think he means to do it. but he just fucked up, he hasnt called his dad in 2 months, he calls my work to see how he is doin, cause he thinks he is on drugs which is not the case of anykind, sept cigs, MINE. and then o i hate the hey man can i borrow your phone for 2 seconds, then turns to 2 10 minutes. but thanks for the help. and words or wisdom llol. im freaking stressed right now.

HeLLo iM iZzY
08-11-2006, 04:26 PM
^^ he did yall dirty..thats fucked up....back on topic tho...I would kick that guy out....im sure if he parents can go thru with kicking him out you can do that same shit to him...

08-11-2006, 04:27 PM
OH and on top of that i bought a hatch back, clean body,very nice for 500 bucks, for an extra car. had to replace some stuff, and but its running a little iffy. and then he goes and says man it smell like ass in here, like old, and this thing is dirty. dude wtf. and im like oh ok fine lets go wash it at the googoo. And then later asked hey can i borrow the red hatch tomorow. and im like no way man. I cant help i got 2 cars and he aint got shit. not my problem.

08-11-2006, 04:27 PM
Kick his ass out. Anyone that can't afford $150 a month in rent is a straight up loser.

08-11-2006, 04:30 PM
True true, im goin to have a hard time finding the words to do it. I had i roommate one time, not a guy i new well, just friends of friends, and seemed cool well he was cool. just slobby. and lived in a one bedroom with me and him in the living room. and i had no problem kickin him out, cause he had a job, and was goin to UGA. I dont know this time, maybe i call his dad and have him bring his trailor and truck. lol

dz N.U.T.Z.
08-11-2006, 04:39 PM
do it...kick him out.......then drink beers......when i kicked my roommate out......we had a ''jay be gone party'' that nite............lol..........not j as in junky that was his name.....it fit him well though......lol

HeLLo iM iZzY
08-11-2006, 04:41 PM
call his parents then....be like take y0 no good,bum ass,broke ass,no good, son of a bitch, lazy , SON back to yall crib....dhas whas up B !!

08-11-2006, 04:43 PM
yeah i mean all of my friends are his friends. but even they have been acting weird, lately, but i mean i can do with out them, if i have to. if that be the case. I got other friends. but i dont think ill be drinking to it. I told my self i would not drink for the last 2 months till i turn 21 which is aug 30 yeat yeat. but yeah. its all good jsut got to figure out what to say. I thought he was a good friend but ended up being a lair half the time and shady. Its like he is bipolar.

HeLLo iM iZzY
08-11-2006, 04:55 PM
shady people FTL !!
fuck all the shady people in the world !

08-11-2006, 04:57 PM

08-11-2006, 04:57 PM
Go ahead and make him watch this ricer accidents video


08-11-2006, 05:26 PM
that vid wil do the trick, he be out real quick

08-11-2006, 05:51 PM
I knew it.

08-11-2006, 06:05 PM

08-11-2006, 06:40 PM
This shit is like worse than you me and dupree. At this point I'd have 4 letters for him, GTFO! you've gone way above and beyond the duties of a good friend and he just seems to be taking full advantage of your kindness. Not to mention if you have to hear shit from his gf then I'd suggest let her take his lazy ass in, bet she'd change her attitude right quick.

08-11-2006, 06:50 PM
well here is the funny part, his girl is still in highschool and lives at home with mom and dad. or just mom i think. and gets everything she wants. so she thinks he has it hard. when she dont know what its like living with him. telling me she knows him better and he aint even my best friend cause ive only known him for a year and she has for 4. So yeah im telling him also this is on behalf of his girls falt for talking to much shit. I'm to the point were i dont feel comfortable in my own apartment.

HeLLo iM iZzY
08-11-2006, 07:05 PM
call the cops and tell them you came into your apt and you just saw him eatin your food, playin games, and jus chillin. Tell them you have no clue who this guy is and you want his ass out of there !

08-11-2006, 07:09 PM
hhahaha, yeah that would be pretty funny, but friends can vouch he has been living there for a minute. :police:

08-11-2006, 07:50 PM
so the 15th the other half of the rent is due. should i say he needs to be out by then. or is that not a reasonable dead line. I could give a shit less about him paying the rent cause i can pay it.

08-11-2006, 11:22 PM
I had this happen to me.. I dropped my lease and told him that I was moving. I really just asked to change apt's in the same complex. I just had to sign another year. It was a lot easier paying 6 extra months of rent than being a dick to someone.. especially in this kind of situation. I feel ya though..

dz N.U.T.Z.
08-12-2006, 01:23 AM
idid you kick him the fuck out or what............................................

08-12-2006, 01:26 AM
Leave a bottle of Mountain Dew for him in the house but replace the Dew with anti-freeze.

08-12-2006, 01:44 AM
i say you take a shit on him while he's sleeping..

really... i dont know if it'll help the situation but it'd make for a good thread

dz N.U.T.Z.
08-12-2006, 03:38 AM
get him a taco bell crunch wrap:goodjob:......and tell him it is good to go.:bump:.........LMFAO:lmfao:

08-12-2006, 04:37 AM
call his parents then....be like take y0 no good,bum ass,broke ass,no good, son of a bitch, lazy , SON back to yall crib....dhas whas up B !!


08-12-2006, 07:32 AM
ok so i did not say anything saturday night cause i did not see him and i was doin my own thing. but this morning. I woke up and he was actually ready for work..

And then he asked me wtf is your deal.
I said my deal explain please.
he says you have not said a word to me the last 2 days
i said well being thats how you act towards me and dont say anything, i figured i would hand it right back to you. its not that cool is it.
He said no the fuck its not.
Then i told him i wanted to live by myself and he had to go. and if he had somewere to go.
he is moving back in with his mom and step dad and its all good

08-12-2006, 07:59 AM
GREAT JOB....ARENT YOU FEELING A LITTLE BIT OF RELIEF?....lol....congrats i guess...so when is he moving out do u know?..i actually thought this whole issue was getting no where since your that nice type of person...

08-12-2006, 08:03 AM
Oh and on top of it he says well you owe me $220. IM like wtf you talking bout. I knew he would bring it up. Cuase thats the only thing he can say he actually owns. THe xbox hard drive,NFSU which is broken(cause of his ass) and call of duty). NA then says "and I am not even charging you tax". at the time i said i'll just through you the cash but you owe me half of last months utilities. Not to mention all the months he stayed there for FREE. But i am now thinking that ill give the hard drive, be a dick and erase everything. and then give him the broken game and call of duty. and say have fun. I can buy all that stuff back used for cheaper. so i could give a shit less. not like i have time for that xbox being i work alot.

08-12-2006, 08:04 AM
are you serious?

08-12-2006, 08:05 AM
GREAT JOB....ARENT YOU FEELING A LITTLE BIT OF RELIEF?....lol....congrats i guess...so when is he moving out do u know?..i actually thought this whole issue was getting no where since your that nice type of person...

I was wondering if it would go anywhere either but i took care of it. Yeah i feel better, and when he is really out. i would say maybe a day or 2. Cause who wants to stay when your not wanted. But yeah when he is gone. Im walking around naked and drinking beer. lol. :cheers:

08-12-2006, 08:06 AM
are you serious?

yup, i was thinking :screwy: wtf.

08-12-2006, 08:08 AM
congrats for being open minded....but i bet if he wasnt to say any thing to you i bet you wouldnt have said any thing either and this wouldnt have gone any where :dunno: lol

08-12-2006, 08:12 AM
congrats for being open minded....but i bet if he wasnt to say any thing to you i bet you wouldnt have said any thing either and this wouldnt have gone any where :dunno: lol

LOL damn. you got me/ NO for real though, I was talking with my good friend tony4380 and he said i should wait till today after work. So i could sleep and go to work today. and so he doesnt kill me in my sleep. lol. jk.. and then i would have a weekend to worry bout it all. The after math that is.

08-12-2006, 09:26 AM
make sure he doesn't have any keys man or possibly your shit will get stolen or fucked up.

08-12-2006, 11:07 AM
I change keys the minute he is out. NO big deal. I dont think he would try and steal anything. But even if Yes my locks will be changed.

dz N.U.T.Z.
08-12-2006, 11:51 AM
But yeah when he is gone. Im walking around naked and drinking beer. lol. :cheers:


B16a2 Civic
08-12-2006, 12:44 PM
Before he leaves....lets handle dat strut

08-12-2006, 02:23 PM
naw i get the strut man. How bout sunday.

The Ninja
08-12-2006, 03:42 PM
if he was ya boy he wouldn't put u int his situation

08-12-2006, 03:54 PM
if he was ya boy he wouldn't put u int his situation


08-12-2006, 04:08 PM
Good fuckin riddance man :goodjob:

08-12-2006, 04:31 PM
Thanks guys. I needed someone to vent to and IA and the people of IA are always here. So we see how this weekend goes and when he thinks he has to be gone. I beleive he realizes that the 15th is the your out for reall day, cause thats when the other half the rent is due.

08-12-2006, 04:35 PM
if he was ya boy he wouldn't put u int his situation

Yeah well he was a cool friend at first, but not anymore.

See i figure it, good friends are really hard to find. And sometimes it may take a year to figure out someone is not really a friend. Be it they snap on your once for no good reason. or whatever the case may be, in this case. i dont even know,??? :thinking: still confused about it.

08-12-2006, 05:00 PM
kick his ass our of fuck his GF for rent ;)

08-12-2006, 06:01 PM
you know people say that warn him and crap. Sounds like you warned him enough. Worse comes to worst, he can go live with his GF for now. Then when he gets a stable job and stuff, maybe take him back. I mean it sounds like he is just depressed and stressed as well. You guys gotta write all that shit out. But i feel you on being nice and not wanting to kick him out. I'm the same way. This comes down to two options. 1. Kick him out and forget it. 2. Help him out somewhat and see if he needs to talk and stuff. Keep a friend.

I'm sure there is something about his life that he's not telling you

08-12-2006, 06:03 PM
nvm didnt read the whole thing. dude $150 is all you want for rent?
holy shit?

08-12-2006, 06:26 PM
i mean yeah i was not asking alot, and about talking to him i did, and asked if he is doin ok. well if a good friend does not think they need to talk to me about there life especially if they live with me then. wtf. i dont know. and his girl and him always fighting i ask how things are and he says dont worry bout it. I tell him dude i live with you how do i not worry bout it when your on the phone yellin or yellin at her, plus he treats girls like shit and that aint my bag of chips. he dont abuse them just well you know. but he dont want to talk bout anything. If its me and i have a problem i like to talk to a friend, And my real friends do listen and also come to me about stuff also. Im always willing to help. but some times i guess it dont always work out that way.

08-12-2006, 06:32 PM
yeah well you seem like a nice and caring friend so dont feel bad. You did all you could. Treating girls like shit is not good. LOL at the bag of chips...its actually not my cup of tea :) hehe. Anyways let me know if you need help finding a roomate. Take it easy.

08-13-2006, 04:11 PM
Ok Latest updates.

i went ahead and gave the harddrive 2 games and one controller to him. I could care less if it makes him feel better. Whatever.
Then the shower curtain ended up missing and the bathroom floor mat. Ok whatever and then the toothbrush holder and soap dispenser and soap bar hold. Yeah back when he did have a job. He wanted to buy new stuff and replace my old stuff. whatever its cool. I'm bout to take shower and brush my teeth. Well no shampoo, no tooth paste wtf. he is still there at the moment but took it all. also not a big deal. we ran out. so he happened to willing enought to buy some. If his heart breaks cuase he could not have these things thats fine. I now learned from this. that He is the kinda person that can not part with anything or leave stuff behind. and will probably always hold things against someone. And whatever penny he spent on anything he has to take with him. even if its little stuff that dont matter. But its goin to be nice to have a room that i can put all my car parts in lol. OH and i was thinking if it was me and i have free rent for over half the time i lived there. and did not pay utiliteis, ro buy enough groceries, i would leave it all just because, i did not charge a deposit. which is 300 dollars. I am not complaining just confused of why someone can be so rude about the whole thing after someone helped you out. by giving you a place to stay for 6 months. I mean maybe he thought he was goin to live there for years and :thinking:. THis is the first time he went out on his own. To bad all he can do is move back in with mom. We all have to grow up someday weather mom and dad help you out along the way. As long as your being responsible and working hard. to do what you can do to make it by. So yeah we see how it turns out when i get home tonight and everything is gone lol. naw but at least his stuff out. and gone. And lock will be changed asap.