View Full Version : I think im an insomniac.

08-09-2006, 02:35 AM
Starting about January ive been having a bit of trouble getting to sleep, its gotten worse over time but has become much worse this summer. Now it is damn near impossible for me to get to sleep before 2a.m. Its past 3:30a.m. now and ive tried sleeping and its just not working out. I start school in a couple of weeks and I would really like to get a normal sleep schedule back but whatever, kinda sucks. Anybody else ever had problems with insomnia?

08-09-2006, 02:38 AM
i have had the same problem for about a year. whatever you do, DONT start taking sleeping pills, they are addictive...
obviously i have no advice for you, otherwise my ass would be asleep right now...

but good luck w/that.

08-09-2006, 02:41 AM
lol. Yea about a year before this started I had some problems sleeping, took ambien and hated it. The next day I always felt like shit and was to tired to do anything.

08-09-2006, 02:42 AM
spark a blunt ull sleep just fine hahahah

08-09-2006, 02:46 AM
i have that problem but it takes two weeks to get ur body used to changing sleeping habits so start that 2 weeks b4 school ......i cheat sometimes and take a lil nyquil if i can't sleep but lay down early that way u don't wake up feeling like crap lol

08-09-2006, 02:46 AM
hahaha, wouldnt fly in my house. my bro had problems in the past with that kind of shit. would definatly help though.

08-09-2006, 02:51 AM
Starting about January ive been having a bit of trouble getting to sleep, its gotten worse over time but has become much worse this summer. Now it is damn near impossible for me to get to sleep before 2a.m. Its past 3:30a.m. now and ive tried sleeping and its just not working out. I start school in a couple of weeks and I would really like to get a normal sleep schedule back but whatever, kinda sucks. Anybody else ever had problems with insomnia?

I've been the having the same exact problem.
I start school Aug 17th. Thank God my first class starts at 11:30.
The only solution I have so far is to get a massage from the girlfriend with the happy ending.
Either that or wake up real early and exercise or find something strenuous to do. By the time it hits 10 PM I'm sure you'll be pretty tired and wanting to sleep.
Only reason I'm up is because I'm back from Athens and drank 5 Jager Bombs 4 hours before.

08-09-2006, 02:52 AM
ive gotten hooked on pretty much anything & everything you can think of to make you fall asleep. it all makes it impossible for me to wake up anytime before like 3pm the next day...even burnin one before bed doesnt help me anymore...
it seriously sucks. i dont know what causes insomnia but people that can just fall asleep at night when they lay down take it for granted...

08-09-2006, 02:54 AM
heres the best way.
stop all stimulants about an hour before bed ie: dont watch TV, dont read , dont do to much physsical activity also dont eat. pretty much kinda just sit NOT in bed but like on the couch or dining room table and listen to soft music. If u lay in bed and toss and turn ur pretty much trainng ur body to remain awake in bed. once u start to get tired or sleepy go into ur room turn the temp a little bit cooler then normal make sure all lights are completely of tv also off and lay down if in a half hour u havent fallen asleep get up and do it again. also if u have an alarm clock in ur room try placing it under the bed where you cant see it the only readon u need an alarm clock in ur room is to wake u up and ull be able to hear it under the bed but wont see it . alot of people are time watchers and theyll sit up all night worrying themselves about how late it is and why they arent asleep yet.

If there are any lights on or any kind of light where u can see it ur brain produces a chemical that wakens ur body up.
same with any other stimulants like sounds.
also if its a bit cooler the body tends to put itself into a type of hybernation stage wich will help u sleep better.

08-09-2006, 02:58 AM
^ Im definately gonna have to try that tomorow night.

08-09-2006, 03:03 AM
heres the best way.
stop all stimulants about an hour before bed ie: dont watch TV, dont read , dont do to much physsical activity also dont eat. pretty much kinda just sit NOT in bed but like on the couch or dining room table and listen to soft music. If u lay in bed and toss and turn ur pretty much trainng ur body to remain awake in bed. once u start to get tired or sleepy go into ur room turn the temp a little bit cooler then normal make sure all lights are completely of tv also off and lay down if in a half hour u havent fallen asleep get up and do it again. also if u have an alarm clock in ur room try placing it under the bed where you cant see it the only readon u need an alarm clock in ur room is to wake u up and ull be able to hear it under the bed but wont see it . alot of people are time watchers and theyll sit up all night worrying themselves about how late it is and why they arent asleep yet.

If there are any lights on or any kind of light where u can see it ur brain produces a chemical that wakens ur body up.
same with any other stimulants like sounds.
also if its a bit cooler the body tends to put itself into a type of hybernation stage wich will help u sleep better.

Try one of the ambient channels on the winamp stream casts... those are good...

08-09-2006, 08:33 AM
Drink a can of Mountain Dew. Shit helps LOL

08-09-2006, 11:27 AM
This works, try it.

Turn everything off, TV, radio, all your lights etc. Even you cell, sometimes we put our phones on vibrate at night, so as not to be disturbed in our sleep by the ringing. But when you do that, your mind still knows it's on, and remains at a state of readiness anticipating it to ring. So turn it off.

Try to make sure your room is as dark as possible, if you have a computer that has a light on it, cover it with something. Make your room really dark, the darker the better. This helps regulate your body's production of seratonin, and you need seratonin to sleep. It's what makes you sleepy, it regulates your biological clock. (What makes you sleepy at night, and active during the day).

Lay in bed, cool sheets if possible. Not cold, but a cool environment helps your body to relax. Even in the winter, a really warm room can make for an uncomfortable night's sleep.

Start off on your back, with your face facing the ceiling. Raise your right hand (left hand if you're a southpaw) and slap the shit out of yourself. Slap yourself until you fall asleep. The first 20 to 30 slaps hurt, but after that your whole head becomes numb, which makes this process a lot easier. Just continue to slap your dumbass self until you pass out. My hands are kinda big, I'll slap the shit out of you if you need. I charge though, not necessarily money, I usually just clean your house out after you fall asleep. PM me for detail.

LiL PaKi
08-09-2006, 11:29 AM
LNC... FTW haha... on the serious note when do u usually wake up in the mornin.. how many hrs of sleep do u get?

08-09-2006, 11:32 AM
You might want to get that checked out

08-09-2006, 12:42 PM
LNC... FTW haha... on the serious note when do u usually wake up in the mornin.. how many hrs of sleep do u get?

I wake up between 11 and noon no matter when I get to sleep, for instance this morning I finally got to sleep around 5:30 and was up by 12:15.

LiL PaKi
08-09-2006, 01:48 PM
well at least you are gettin at least 6 hrs.. your only concern is falling asleep... i recommend trying to wake up in the morning rather than close to noon that way you'll get tired earlier in the night...

08-09-2006, 02:00 PM
See I have no problem getting to sleep.. My problem is waking up about 50 times throughout the night... I have done the whole taking xanax to help me sleep, and also ambien and still wake up about 50 times a night.. people have suggestions for that? lol

08-09-2006, 03:42 PM
See I have no problem getting to sleep.. My problem is waking up about 50 times throughout the night... I have done the whole taking xanax to help me sleep, and also ambien and still wake up about 50 times a night.. people have suggestions for that? lol

Dude you're a vampire. Screw the Ambien, you need to drink some blood.:goodjob: Knock you right out.

08-09-2006, 03:47 PM
Dude you're a vampire. Screw the Ambien, you need to drink some blood.:goodjob: Knock you right out.

See.. I tried that.. didnt work.. :ninja:

08-09-2006, 04:55 PM
I wake up between 11 and noon no matter when I get to sleep, for instance this morning I finally got to sleep around 5:30 and was up by 12:15.

oh hell yea, i cant til like 4 and i wake up at like noon or so... i have school monday at 6:30.. try poppin some nyquil or i hear warm milk or cherries work too

08-09-2006, 04:59 PM
i have insomnia.
mild case.
i don't take pills.

if u can't sleep, just lay there and rest. but as soon as 8AM rolls around, get up and out doing things, have a full day, and by the time nightfalls, you'll be tired.

The Golden Child
08-09-2006, 05:14 PM
i just stayed up till i wanted to sleep ..

08-09-2006, 05:16 PM
what do you do all day?
do yoiu work? does is require sitting at a desk?

or do you sit at home with nothing to do, watching tv, computer, playing video games?

you could just simplly be not getting enough exercise. if you are a pretty inactive person, i recomend working out.

i used to be like that, i didnt do much at all other than go to work, and that wasnt much of anything really.. but now that im up at 630am every day, and go to school and work on cars all day till 3 then go to work. im dead ass beat.

08-09-2006, 06:26 PM
See I have no problem getting to sleep.. My problem is waking up about 50 times throughout the night... I have done the whole taking xanax to help me sleep, and also ambien and still wake up about 50 times a night.. people have suggestions for that? lol

maybe sleep apnia (sp?) or something.

08-09-2006, 06:28 PM
what do you do all day?
do yoiu work? does is require sitting at a desk?

or do you sit at home with nothing to do, watching tv, computer, playing video games?

you could just simplly be not getting enough exercise. if you are a pretty inactive person, i recomend working out.

i used to be like that, i didnt do much at all other than go to work, and that wasnt much of anything really.. but now that im up at 630am every day, and go to school and work on cars all day till 3 then go to work. im dead ass beat.

Yea I dont really have anything to do thats probably part of the problem. I dont get to work except for maybe 1 or 2 days a week and even then I only work for about 4-5hrs. I guess if I had something to do, anything, it would help.

08-09-2006, 07:34 PM
i have insomnia.
mild case.
i don't take pills.

if u can't sleep, just lay there and rest. but as soon as 8AM rolls around, get up and out doing things, have a full day, and by the time nightfalls, you'll be tired.

This is the best way to get out of that insomnia type tread of sleeping, I have been there and done that, through depression, insomnia, and another sort of sleep disorder...

08-09-2006, 07:40 PM
Another thing that I have found that works for me cas I have very bad crashes after sugar highs...go to the store and get a large bag of marshmellows and eat the whole damn bag...then lye in bed and watch TV or what ever...and a couple hrs later you crash and you go right to sleep...

08-09-2006, 07:44 PM
See I have no problem getting to sleep.. My problem is waking up about 50 times throughout the night... I have done the whole taking xanax to help me sleep, and also ambien and still wake up about 50 times a night.. people have suggestions for that? lol

Yea it seems like u have sleep apnea. Do you snore ? Do you gasp for air in ur sleep? are u tired most of the day? do u take naps during the day ? and if u do are they refreshing? if u do then most likely u do have Sleep Apnea u should go talk to ur doctor and ask him for a Sleep Study. Sleep apnea can lead to alot of problems starting from just beeing fatigued to high blood pressure and in some cases even death. its a pretty serious thing I would highly reccomend getting it checked out...

08-09-2006, 07:50 PM
Yea it seems like u have sleep apnea. Do you snore ? Do you gasp for air in ur sleep? are u tired most of the day? do u take naps during the day ? and if u do are they refreshing? if u do then most likely u do have Sleep Apnea u should go talk to ur doctor and ask him for a Sleep Study. Sleep apnea can lead to alot of problems starting from just beeing fatigued to high blood pressure and in some cases even death. its a pretty serious thing I would highly reccomend getting it checked out...

Dont you work at a sleep clinic or is that someone else?

08-09-2006, 07:57 PM
Dont you work at a sleep clinic or is that someone else?

08-09-2006, 11:08 PM
you really work at a sleep clinic? thats fuckin awesome...what do you do there?

08-09-2006, 11:14 PM
you really work at a sleep clinic? thats fuckin awesome...what do you do there?
nothing lol
actually i browse IA all night while people sleep:lmfao:

08-10-2006, 08:03 AM
Yea it seems like u have sleep apnea. Do you snore ? Do you gasp for air in ur sleep? are u tired most of the day? do u take naps during the day ? and if u do are they refreshing? if u do then most likely u do have Sleep Apnea u should go talk to ur doctor and ask him for a Sleep Study. Sleep apnea can lead to alot of problems starting from just beeing fatigued to high blood pressure and in some cases even death. its a pretty serious thing I would highly reccomend getting it checked out...

Yeah I used to work for a pulmonologist and would schedule sleep studies all the time!! Its not really a gasping for air sort of thing, its more of a jsut tossing and turning thing.. I dont really snore, I heard that I snore like on occaision, or once in a blue moon. I am not overweight (I know that is a factor too for snoring and sleep apnea) I think I am in shape for the most part, I play some sports when I can. I am tired most of the day mainly cuase I dont sleep so yeah i would rather lay in bed than have to go into work, lol. When I do wake up throughout the night, I am delerious as hell when I wake up, like really stumbly and confused.. thought that was kinda weird.. I have also tried to pay attention if I sleep better in a different bed thinking it was my mattress, but I really didnt notice much difference. to an extent I did, but I tend to sleep better elsewhere in general. So I am thinking to change out my mattress to a firmer mattress to see if that helps and then go from there.. I dunno, we'll see lol

But yeah I feel for people that cant sleep, esp when they really want to but cant, lol.. After a while it really can take a toll on your body, sucks...

08-10-2006, 08:26 AM
Yea I dont really have anything to do thats probably part of the problem. I dont get to work except for maybe 1 or 2 days a week and even then I only work for about 4-5hrs. I guess if I had something to do, anything, it would help.

yeah. there ya go. id definitely try working out some. a good few hours before your general bedtime. even go run at some point durring the day, i know its hot as hell out and no one likes running, but you should try it to see if it'll help you sleep.

08-12-2006, 01:46 PM
nothing lol
actually i browse IA all night while people sleep:lmfao:

wow...hook me up with THAT job! :goodjob: