View Full Version : IT took me a long time ot find where to put thid.

07-24-2006, 10:04 PM
jUst wanteto say hey. I ve been habing trouble getting to sleep tonite becaus I feel absolutely "out spaced. I took 3 totem poles to help me sleep for my ailment,and I am totally screwed up at this point. I just wanted to say sorry for anyone I ve had some kind of stupid beef on eher with. I m sure it was gay and I want say "mybad". Let have a night where we can all go chill and I ll put two rounds on myself for whoever shows up. I used to tink Admin was a bitch and I figured out hes just another dude on here trying to keep the peace, and the shit rollin' Excuse the precedin g spelling which might not be correct. LAter. Tater. pS Paul. I got the Mahdavi "shit worked" out wth some "simple negotions" between arash and I. No one started "poppin of at the mouth, and we came to a "good mutual agreement. I m falling asleep.
Later I like typing on the computer. BTW you wife was lookin banging a Tunerfest. This is perscription at its best. I lveo you all.

07-24-2006, 10:07 PM
What are totem poles? hook me up. By the way, "quotes" to the extreme haha

07-24-2006, 10:08 PM
Julio is cool too. Going to pass out now. almost. I need something to keep me going.

07-24-2006, 10:11 PM
hahaha xanax FTW!! you prolly won't remember that you typed this tomorrow!

07-24-2006, 10:11 PM
What are totem poles? hook me up. By the way, "quotes" to the extreme haha

07-24-2006, 10:11 PM
Xanax, plus beer. I usualy dont get down like tis but Im sick and want to just sleep for a day. Thats how I roll suckaz. Just K.

07-24-2006, 10:13 PM
dumb, ill laugh when i hear, everyone keep seymour in your thoughts hes in a coma

07-24-2006, 10:15 PM
I can only remember some stuff. Where is Admin. His wife is hot, in real non "I wanna hump hre way. Cuz she is spoken for and I respect that. Shes on my myspace and she has no clue who I am, tat sit is funnay.

07-24-2006, 10:17 PM
Im not is a coma iam chillin sidewaus in my bed.

07-24-2006, 10:18 PM
Finish HIm.

07-24-2006, 10:19 PM
Jelly beans.
I play bass.
Whos got da funk, gotta have dat f unk.

07-24-2006, 10:19 PM
Whta was drivers old name,

07-24-2006, 10:22 PM
My name is captn tater.

07-24-2006, 10:34 PM
HO LEE SHIT, what the fuck did I just come into here? :???: :lmfao:

07-24-2006, 10:34 PM
some one call 911

07-24-2006, 10:38 PM
no shit... i hope you don't shut down dude...

07-24-2006, 11:26 PM
wow.... this is almost as entertaining as Mitch Hedberg. Get someone fucked up and give them either a mic or a keyboard and you're guaranteed entertainment for a few hours.

07-24-2006, 11:35 PM
wow.... this is almost as entertaining as Mitch Hedberg. Get someone fucked up and give them either a mic or a keyboard and you're guaranteed entertainment for a few hours.
Mitch Hedberg was the shit!!

07-25-2006, 12:08 AM
lol at c anything else you gonna add?

07-25-2006, 12:26 AM
Mitch Hedberg was the shit!!

+1 to you for knowing comedic awesomeness..

"I like rice.. rice is great when I'm hungry and I want 2,000 of something"


07-25-2006, 12:31 AM
+1 to you for knowing comedic awesomeness..

"I like rice.. rice is great when I'm hungry and I want 2,000 of something"

:lmfao: :lmfao:

I laugh everytime I get a receipt for a donut or cinnamon roll or anything like that. :lmfao: :lmfao:

07-25-2006, 12:36 AM
Chris, call me when you can! I hope everything is alright.

07-25-2006, 12:41 AM
the worst part is yet to come wait till you wake up the next morning and cant remember anything and you think hard and stiil cant remember anything. then you stand up out of bed and a fall over!! ahh some of my highschool days I cant remember lol

07-25-2006, 12:56 AM
the worst part is yet to come wait till you wake up the next morning and cant remember anything and you think hard and stiil cant remember anything. then you stand up out of bed and a fall over!! ahh some of my highschool days I cant remember lol

can't remember, huh?

Yo Travis, this chick is looking for you.. said you guys dated in HS and you were the best lover she ever had, and that she can't find anyone to pop zits on her back anymore.. she wants you to call her...

