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View Full Version : I thought this was funny.

07-21-2006, 10:42 AM
So I'm in buckhead, on Lenox rd and I make a right unto Buford hwy to get to 85south. For anyone who knows this area, there's one light you go through, then you pass under 85south and travel about 2/3 miles on the access road that takes you to peachtree. before you get to ptree though, there's an exit to the right that allows you to get on 85south right before the 75 north exit.

Anyway, I'm driving along minding my business and the lane I'm in has to merge into the left lane. Everyone knows this, but people still wont let you over, like they own the street or whatever. So I see a slow moving van, with space ahead of it, and I pull up and into the lane ahead of this van. The driver goes off.

Driver: Ohh you muthafukka, you cock sucking son of bitch, I should run your shit into the wall you fuck!

Me: Laa la la la laaa

Driver: You fucking..I can't believe this. You piece of shit. I'm gonna see your ass later tonight. Watch!

Me: (Turning around to look at him) What? Man...whatever.

Then he pulls onto the left shoulder, so that he's next to me. But he couldn't even see me because the vans too high. Plus there was a passenger, who I could see, but the passenger was looking at me like "don't look at me!?

Well eventually the car ahead of me pulls forward enough, so that I can fully merge into the lane. Now I'm directly in front of the van and traffic begins to move. But he just sits there. I'm driving along, and he's like 10 car lengths back just sitting there. People are blowing at him, and driving around him. but he wont move lol.

About 10 minutes later, traffics thick again. I'm thumbing out a text message, and I see his van in my rearview. The single lane, has become 2 full lanes again by this point. I'm in the left lane, and he's pulling up on my right. I see his arm hanging out the window, and I got my sunroof open and windows, I'm just hoping he's gonna throw me the finger...and not actually throw anything into my car.

So he pulls beside me, I glance over, and he's like

Driver: Hey...hey I'm sorry okay? I really didn't see you. I'm sorry...okay?

Me: Yeah yeah...

Driver: I really didn't see you, I apologize okay? Is it okay? I'm so sorry.

Me: yeah man it's fine...it's cool

Driver: Okay...I'm really sorry man. I didn't see you.

His lane is moving quicker than mine, so he passes me. Soon as he got passed, I was laughing so hard to myself. Why would a guy go from cursing me the hell out, to apologizing his ass off later?

It's because of my plates. My car was shipped here from Sweden, still has the Swedish plates on it. And they're personalized. I wish I had a pic of them, but I dont know how to post from my phones gallery. My tags read 911-CIA. The idiot thought that they meant I work for the CIA, everyone does actually. But this was by far the funniest experience I've had with this car and it's plates since I got it. Shit was hilarious. Just thought I'd share.

The Golden Child
07-21-2006, 10:59 AM
funny ..

07-21-2006, 11:10 AM

07-21-2006, 11:33 AM
http://m02.webmail.aol.com/18735/aol/en-us/Mail/get-attachment.aspx?uid=1.15340585&folder=New+Mail&partId=2thats me

B16a2 Civic
07-21-2006, 11:36 AM
thought you were calling your cia buddies LIRL

07-21-2006, 11:40 AM
thought you were calling your cia buddies LIRL

lol maybe so:screwy:

07-21-2006, 11:43 AM
If thats your ride in the sig, sick car man. I always loved those 8 series, theyre hot!

07-21-2006, 11:45 AM
is the pic showing, or is there a red x?

07-21-2006, 11:54 AM
Yea its showing.

07-21-2006, 11:57 AM
not the sig pic, I see that, I mean th eone of the license

07-21-2006, 12:07 PM

07-21-2006, 12:13 PM

grrrrrrrr I suck at life, as well as posting. but mostly life cuz posting is my life.

07-21-2006, 12:18 PM
thats funny!

07-21-2006, 12:21 PM
I know exactly where you are taling about. I would not have let you in either.

07-21-2006, 12:28 PM
yeah, thats cuz you suck. the people in the right lane have no choice but to merge

07-21-2006, 12:29 PM
If you knew it merged get over before the last second.

07-21-2006, 12:32 PM
If you knew it merged get over before the last second.

Why get over behind you, when I can stay in my lane and pass 30 cars THEN get over? You're 30 cars back. Are you the guy who just sits there patiently listening to NPR? There are 2 lanes!

07-21-2006, 12:38 PM
your the reason that road goes so slow in the 1st place

07-21-2006, 12:41 PM
your the reason that road goes so slow in the 1st place

The congestion comes from the Piedmont entrance, and the exit. And the Monroe entrance and exit, as well as the 85 exit. Once I get past all of that, there is no traffic. I can do 90 to Peachtree south, easy.

The Ninja
07-21-2006, 01:46 PM
rofl hahaha...