View Full Version : 840Ci or 850i?

07-21-2006, 09:31 AM
Hey guys, I'm thinking about upgrading my garage a little bit. Some of you know, I drive the Black C70R, and I love my lil...crappy...hmmm But anyway I'm gonna get a bimmer finally (crossed fingers)

Now I'm looking at 2 coupes, a '95 840ci with 130k. They're asking about 15k for it. Then there's this '92 850i, with 91k. This guy wants 17k.

I don't really know a lot about BMWs, so when it comes to these prices I can't say whether or not either car would be a good buy. What are some things I should look for, any problems related to the 8 series that I should know about? I'm not rich, and my friend was telling me that 8s are far too expensive...screw that I spend money on my car when needed no issue. But would anyone say, that I should forget about an 8 and go find a cheaper 3series?

Thanks in advance, any advice is welcomed and appreciated.

07-21-2006, 10:40 AM
there's a reason, that the 8 series weren't made for very long. remember that the 850i was a close to $100K car when it was new and in 3 years, the same 850 could be had for mid 20's.
they are plain inreliable and overly exspensive to repair. especcially for the 850 with its 12 cylinder. beautiful cars but to replace the c70 with it and drive daily i think is askin' to be broke...or even more broke.

how about a early 2000's 5 series, one of the best platforms, bmw has ever made. get a 540i wagon in black...now thats pimp

07-21-2006, 10:49 AM
You're right, those early 5 series sedans are sick. hmm. Not sure about the wagon though, not ready for that just yet.

didnt know the 8s were close to 100k initially, and being even more broke isnt where I wanna be. ahhh but they're so shweet. gotta think about it

07-21-2006, 10:57 AM


07-21-2006, 11:38 AM
def hot, dude around here has one local i think the 850