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View Full Version : What will this get me in rockdale?

07-11-2006, 01:10 PM
i got 3 tickets (all at once), just trying to figure out how much its all going to cost, how many points on my record, probation, jail, no license?

- i got one for no seat belt, not much of a problem

- then i got one for failure to maintain lane, i hit a little ditch on the side of the road and i pulled to far back over and when like 6 inches in the oncoming lane.

- then the best one, improper transfered plate. just sold my car, bought a new one and i was going to have my old tag on there until i transfered it.

i tried to do transfer the tag this morning but i couldnt find the tag office in newton. luckily i was able to transfer my insurance before that, so i didnt end up with a no insurnace ticket.

07-11-2006, 01:11 PM
a grip, its gonna cost a grip

07-11-2006, 01:12 PM
maybe $300 bucks max and maybe like 2 points

07-11-2006, 01:17 PM
no big deal...no jail...more money in fines than anything really

07-11-2006, 01:18 PM
a hug from QD

07-11-2006, 01:20 PM
300 would be nice, i was thinking it would be alot more. guess it wont add so much to the rest of the bullshit im dealing with.

07-11-2006, 03:45 PM
a hug from QD
:lmfao: that sucks.

07-11-2006, 03:47 PM

07-11-2006, 03:49 PM
bitch youre going to jail, DONT FORGET THE ASTROGLIDE!!!!!!! LOL

07-11-2006, 03:52 PM
HAHAHA x-files has some under his seat GROSE!!!


07-11-2006, 03:53 PM
Dude, dont even sweat that. Here's what I do:

1. Go to court, expecting to pay nothing.
2. Sit calmly til you're called.
3. Plead guilty, as a matter of fact, when the Judge asks you how you'll plea, say "Guilty as fuck!"
4. When the Judge tells you what the fine is, look confused, then hold up your middle finger and say "**** dollars? But all I have is one"
5. If this gets you a higher fine, hold up your other middle finger and say "Shit, at the most, two. Is two okay?"

Works everytime.:police:

07-11-2006, 03:54 PM
rockdale? isn't that where the lost children came from? syphilis and chlamydia apparently is the punishment in that county.
PS I can't spell STD's I've never had...

Herpules Herpules Herpules...

07-11-2006, 03:59 PM
wow.. yo what were you tryin to post son, please explain

07-11-2006, 04:02 PM
The lost Children Of Rockdale County:
In 1996 all the kids at some school in conyers were having giant orgies and stuff, and it was a crazy STD outbreak, everytime i see ROCKDALE on a tag I think to myself that everyone there has STDs.

07-11-2006, 04:20 PM
The lost Children Of Rockdale County:
In 1996 all the kids at some school in conyers were having giant orgies and stuff, and it was a crazy STD outbreak, everytime i see ROCKDALE on a tag I think to myself that everyone there has STDs.

old.. and anyone in DAMN GA knows about it..

damn annyoing when you say Rockdale Co. everyone is like, SYPHILLIS and shit.. damn pavlov dogs and hear a damn bell and fucking salivate..

anywho, I know the seatbelt ticket is $15 if I'm not mistaken.. everything else.. I have no idea

07-11-2006, 04:21 PM
what is cremepuff talkin about, does anyone else feel lost right now

syphillis, dogs salivating.. WHATS GOIN ON

07-11-2006, 04:23 PM
what is cremepuff talkin about, does anyone else feel lost right now

syphillis, dogs salivating.. WHATS GOIN ON


basically some odd years ago, there was a big STD epidemic with Rockdale Co. Kids.. so PBS did a special and called it The Lost Children of Rockdale CO. or some bullshit..

but it was with syphillis and chylmidia *sp
thats why ppl call rockdale co, syphillis co..

07-11-2006, 04:24 PM
how long ago was this?? shit lol.. I'm in gwinnett, is that bad? is that bad??

07-11-2006, 04:25 PM
The Lost Children of Rockdale County" explores how a 1996 syphilis outbreak in a well-off Atlanta suburb affected over 200 teenagers and revealed their lives unknown to parents: group sex, binge drinking, drugs and violence. Some were as young as twelve and thirteen years old.
Although the program begins with an enquiry into how and why the syphilis outbreak happened,it becomes in the end a wider, deeper examination of the world of teenagers and their relationships with each other and with their parents. The report interweaves frank conversations with the parents of teens, as well as interviews with community leaders and educators and with the medical professionals who investigated the syphilis outbreak.

The program sketches a portrait of Rockdale County and its only town, Conyers. Twenty-four miles east of Atlanta on the interstate, Conyers is prosperous and tranquil. But a strip mall of fast food restaurants and chain stores is where the kids hang out. And parents talk about working too hard, often not having enough time for their children, and conflicted about how much to discipline them.

In interviews with a cross-section of Rockdale's teenagers--not all of whom were connected to the syphilis outbreak or even knew about it-- the teens are brutally honest in talking about their world. They describe sexual promiscuity, the new rules of dating and sex, their yearning to fit in and have friends, and their desire for attention--even discipline--from parents who confess they don't know how to--or are just too busy or too tired, to discipline, monitor or talk to their children about the important issues.

This program also looks at the Conyers community's reaction to the syphilis outbreak, and the town meeting which was held a year after the outbreak. One public health official who visited categorizes the community's reaction as "total denial."

"The Lost Children of Rockdale County" ends with mention of the shooting at Rockdale's Heritage High in the spring of 1999 which captured national headlines. The Heritage shooting came a month after the Columbine High shootings in suburban Denver. The producers of this FRONTLINE report see a link between the Heritage High shooting and the syphilis outbreak three years earlier: they both are a metaphor for a deeper malady afflicting so many adolescents today, not just in Rockdale County.

07-11-2006, 04:26 PM
The Lost Children of Rockdale County" explores how a 1996 syphilis outbreak in a well-off Atlanta suburb affected over 200 teenagers and revealed their lives unknown to parents: group sex, binge drinking, drugs and violence.

sounds like my weekend

07-11-2006, 04:28 PM
sounds like my weekend

:ky: :boobies: :idb: :bigdance: :leghump:

then you'll have burning sensation:piss:

07-12-2006, 12:06 AM
sounds like a lot of stupid idiot error to me
should have worn the seat belt
shouldnt have put the new tag on
should learn to drive.

07-12-2006, 12:13 AM
sounds like my weekend yes ricky, but does your mother know?


07-12-2006, 07:03 AM
sounds like a lot of stupid idiot error to me
should have worn the seat belt
shouldnt have put the new tag on
should learn to drive.

i didnt ask for some fuck heads input, on what i did wrong, i know what the fuck i did wrong, and i wasnt saying i didnt do it. i was just trying see what all im going to gte for it

07-13-2006, 01:28 AM
i didnt ask for some fuck heads input, on what i did wrong, i know what the fuck i did wrong, and i wasnt saying i didnt do it. i was just trying see what all im going to gte for it

and i didnt ask for some fuckhead to post "what will i get"
when you can call the number on the back of the ticket.

07-13-2006, 02:18 AM
hey... at least its not as bad as treutlen county, the officer hands you a piece of paper with your ticket, the piece of paper has a phone number on it, he tells you to call the number to get your fine, the cop has just told you "you are free to go" so you call the number, the woman who answers asks you to read the citation to her, she tells you $425 for 90 in a 70 on 16 coming from savannah to macon. now tell me thats not extravagant.

07-13-2006, 06:59 AM
and i didnt ask for some fuckhead to post "what will i get"
when you can call the number on the back of the ticket.

then why the fuck would you come and read this post dambass, it takes a week before i can call them.