View Full Version : just to be safe

The Ninja
07-03-2006, 07:01 PM
aite...so i'm meetin up with GSRturbo to buy some shit...will leave good feedback as long as they aren't duds and as long as this isn't no fuckin 5-0 set-up. If it is...ban his ass for me.....

07-03-2006, 07:06 PM
NAW! I'm Straight & Legit, Wouldn't Do that shit..

"I NEVER NARKED ON NOBODY" -repeats like vin diesel

The Ninja
07-03-2006, 07:07 PM
WOAH!! i coulda swore he said "barked"..so i started sayin 'barked' and my friends did too and we made it cool...fuck i messed up.

07-03-2006, 07:08 PM
....^ errr....Okay..1+ for Sig.. giving blowjob & doggy style..and beatin the fuck out of the blonde with the penis..

Imma be alone for this one..so don't try to jack me & my shiit..LIRL

The Ninja
07-03-2006, 07:09 PM
hell yea...dats how i roll......bitch. i wanna get it made so that it shows her leanin over my car...ROFL!!! if someone can do that...pm me!!

b@d @pple
07-03-2006, 07:10 PM
....^ errr....Okay..1+ for Sig.. giving blowjob & doggy style..and beatin the fuck out of the blonde with the penis..

Imma be alone for this one..so don't try to jack me & my shiit..LIRL

she is not blonde and he kicks her with his foot,not his penis

07-03-2006, 07:11 PM
aite...so i'm meetin up with GSRturbo to buy some shit...will leave good feedback as long as they aren't duds and as long as this isn't no fuckin 5-0 set-up. If it is...ban his ass for me.....

Make sure you keep your ass covered and out of site during your rendezvous with Prancey. Later, QD.

The Ninja
07-03-2006, 07:12 PM
she is not blonde and he kicks her with his foot,not his penis

same length aren't they?

07-03-2006, 07:13 PM
Alright im out C-ya there...and hopefully it'll be nice easy quick and safe..lol peace.

b@d @pple
07-03-2006, 07:14 PM
bring a gun

The Ninja
07-03-2006, 07:14 PM
yea....as long as u ain't 5-0....i'm bringing some friends to be safe...j/k

07-03-2006, 07:14 PM
.and hopefully it'll be nice easy quick and safe..

See what I mean, B18? Later, QD.

The Ninja
07-03-2006, 07:15 PM
See what I mean, B18? Later, QD.


i think QD is implying something GSR, Later Q.

07-03-2006, 08:03 PM
See what I mean, B18? Later, QD.

It was non of that shit, Alright :2up:

The Ninja
07-03-2006, 08:06 PM
good deal...damn beat me by 3 minutes....

Edit: btw, on my way home 5-0 followed me from Old 41 to about Hickory Grove and the minute i passed him, and then saw him pull out with the lightning to follow me i was like. THAT FUCKER WAS 5-0 'narker'. and he tried to pull up next to me at a light in the turning lane and i sorta stopped short, so that if he did (which he did) pull up next to me i would have room to creep forward to keep him from looking. So i was creepin right and the fucker creeps with me so i start rollin down my window so he can't see my tint, and then he gives me this glare like "u fucker, now i can't meet me quota". So i stare at him until the light turns green and then let my revs get high before goin into first...guess fuckin wat...he throws on his lights and siren (FULL blast, not the little whoop whoop, i mean like he's got a vengeance or something) so i'm like FUCK, bryan u fuckin pushed it...so minutes later he's walkin up and by now i've got both my windows down so he can't see the front tint, and my windshield and rearshield are tinted just my back windows. The first thing he says is "You know you have a warrant out for my arrest" And without missin a beat i respond "Yea, don't shoot me when i pull out the receipt for payin my ticket.'

BOY was that the wrong thing to say, his face turned red and i could see the vein in his temple bulging. so heres how the conversation proceeds from there:

Cop: can i see your license and registration, now
me: sure, just don't shoot me when i pull it out (a grin on my face ofcourse) *i give it to him* aren't you gonna ask for proof of insurance
Cop: i already ran it on your plates
me:oh alright...
*he leaves and returns*
Cop: can you roll up your windows, please. *now sounding real nice* I liked the style of tint you have
me: I would if i could, but the cranks are broken. *lie*
cop: do you realize how dark your back window tint is?
me: nope
cop: real dark, i'd say 10%
me: o rly?
Cop: do you know how many tickets i could right you right now?
me: yes
Cop: how many?
me: 0
Cop: wrong
Me: o rly?
Cop: why was your exhaust so loud?
Me: I missed 1st gear *lie*
Cop: Oh I c, but you didn't grind
Me: I double clutched
Cop: *handing me back my stuff, or more like shoving it in my face* Don't make your exhaust so loud or I'll have to write you a ticket for disturbing the peace.
Me: Ok officer, i'll try not too sneeze to hard either
Cop:*turns and walks back to the cruiser*

At this point I'm grinning my ass off and wondering if i should let my revs jump before i chirp tires and leave, but then i'm like..nawww....I got some works and an airsoft gun in the back (just in case, lol, j/k). So i pull off and head home... so...

I say this again... FUCK THE POPO! :2up::2up::2up::2up::2up::2up::2up::2up::2up::2up: :2up::2up::2up:

07-03-2006, 08:07 PM
good deal...damn beat me by 3 minutes....

Ya..daaamnn Man! you paid me with all quarters!!! ..hahah Naw.
By the way Man, I got yo tag Numba! :lmfao:


The Ninja
07-03-2006, 08:20 PM
>.> well i took a picture of u with my camera, and ur car with license plate....really.

Shit dude i told you i was fuckin cheap. And it was only $8 in quarters quit trippin

07-04-2006, 12:52 AM

Wow. If there wasn't anything else that you could post that would make you look even more idiotic. Later, QD.

07-04-2006, 05:52 PM
hahaha..damn man, you seriously got pulled over or what?

The Ninja
07-04-2006, 05:54 PM
yea...real talk...was some bullshit too