View Full Version : AS REQUESTED LOL!

06-23-2006, 09:06 AM
Try this, it's working for me...

Wake up at 5:30, long enough to hit the snooze button. Snooze until 8, knowing you gotta be at work at 9, and it's an hour away. Kick the covers off yourself like a pissed off 2yr old and lay there til 8:10. Run around bumping into walls...that have always been there by the way...get dressed and hope no one at works realizes that you were 'wearing this shirt yesterday...and on monday. sonuvabi' Throw 2 Poptarts in the oven, brush hair, grab your keys, but leave the Poptarts. Step out to your car, crank it, wait for the service light to go off...then the ABS light...then notice that 'it's 8:30? sonuvabi'. Do 60mph on the streets trying to get to the expressway, just to do 10mph all the way to work. Pull into the parking deck, find a loser spot to park in, feel a pain that feels like someone's kicking you in the stomach...pause...wonder what happened to those Popta...."SONUVABITCH!" Work 9 hrs, dont eat lunch, cuss out your boss in your head while smilling and nodding to keep your job. Leave work at 6:00 instead of 5:00 because at 4:50 someone give you maddddd shit to do at the last minute"YOU SONUVA...BITCH!!". Run out to car, sweat til the AC kicks in, rush to class and sit there from 7:20 til 10:20. Spend time with your woman...because she needs it, and you love her, and she smells nice...forget to eat dinner somehow. HTF?? Trick off on IA till 1:30am....get to bed at 2:00am....wake up at 5:30am and do it all over again.

WooHoooooo I'm an adult. Whoopeeeeee

B16a2 Civic
06-23-2006, 09:07 AM
you posted this yesterday?

06-23-2006, 09:09 AM

06-23-2006, 11:05 AM
Because she smells nice hahahahahha :goodjob: :lmfao:

06-23-2006, 12:11 PM
lol dude you gotta let'em know that you appreciate them smelling good:kiss: . cuz there are SOME girls out there, who just are like....yikes and then :upchuck:

06-23-2006, 01:15 PM

06-23-2006, 01:16 PM
Wow...nice layout.