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06-20-2006, 04:01 PM
Late last night someone and I were having a conversation about alot of things... one thing that came to topic is
" People with book smarts tend to not have common sense at all!"

now we had a good conversation but here is just a glimpse at why I ended in almost tears laughing

Me- There is even a dude on IA who claims to go to GT but cant accept he gets a ticket because he was speeding, but because of a movie just released

Other- Thats what I am talking about. They know intelligent things way beyond "normal" level but cant have chit chat common sense conversation with a wall

Me- His excuse is "everyone was speeding, who doesnt?"

Her - wow

Me- Its like "when someone takes thier car off the bridge everyone else follows, taht means you do it to right?"

Her - We have a bridge on 85 that goes up like that over the ocean?

Me- just completely blank stare and died http://forums.importatlanta.com/images/smilies/lmfao.gif ... then

Her - OHHHH I get it... its a saying... but is there a bridge like that on 85?

Me - No... no ocean either http://forums.importatlanta.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

but back to what i want to know... to me its better to have a bit more common sense knowledge and street smarts than complete and total book smarts... right? which would you rather have 90% of... not half and half or anything... cause it seems that way is near hard to find

Deaf Pimp
06-20-2006, 04:02 PM
Edit... ahhhhh... I guess when your brains go to your boobs...

06-20-2006, 04:02 PM
you the man now dog

Ms Dollar
06-20-2006, 04:05 PM
dunno which i would rather have but i know that i am more book smart that common sense smart....oh well...

06-20-2006, 04:05 PM
Edit... ahhhhh... I guess when your brains go to your boobs...

PATRICK! shame on you :rant:

06-20-2006, 04:06 PM
Edit... ahhhhh... I guess when your brains go to your boobs...Is this why smart girls have small boobs?

Deaf Pimp
06-20-2006, 04:06 PM
PATRICK! shame on you :rant:


06-20-2006, 04:12 PM
Wow. That's a tough 1 SCRAPPY. I think all in all, I would take the book smarts. If I play that card right then I will only get taken by the "street" crowd when I interact w/ them... and if I had it my way I wouldn't. LOL. Street smarts may keep you ALIVE, but I'd much rather LIVE (travel, see the world, have a comfortable life, etc). Being ALIVE and LIVING is 2 different things. I'd rather LIVE for 50 years and die b/c I wasn't STREET SMART enuff to peacefully give my car up to a car-jacker w/ a gun, rather than be STREET SMART and be ALIVE for 100 years. VERY poor example, but it's all I could come up w/... anything after 5pm and the brain waves start to fall off. LOL. This does not mean that regular everyday people are stupid, or LESS smart... I just think I'd have more potential as far as WHO I AM w/ book smarts over street smarts. Even more dangerous than them both, is some1 from the streets who picked up some book smarts along the way... which probably is a close description of me. I guess each person will have their own views, and that is a question that really can't be answered as quickly as I'd like w/out writing a book. LOL.

The Yousef
06-20-2006, 04:12 PM
book smart...i'm already a smartass...that will just help me out even more...lol

06-20-2006, 04:13 PM
I just thought of something. To ME being "simply" ALIVE = street smarts, that's not LIVING. But to some1 who prefers street smarts they may look at a BOOK SMART person and think that the book smart person is the 1 who's missing the whole boat. It's all relative to the person I think.

06-20-2006, 04:15 PM
Wow. That's a tough 1 SCRAPPY. I think all in all, I would take the book smarts. If I play that card right then I will only get taken by the "street" crowd when I interact w/ them... and if I had it my way I wouldn't. LOL. Street smarts may keep you ALIVE, but I'd much rather LIVE (travel, see the world, have a comfortable life, etc). Being ALIVE and LIVING is 2 different things. I'd rather LIVE for 50 years and die b/c I wasn't STREET SMART enuff to peacefully give my car up to a car-jacker w/ a gun, rather than be STREET SMART and be ALIVE for 100 years. VERY poor example, but it's all I could come up w/... anything after 5pm and the brain waves start to fall off. LOL. This does not mean that regualr everyday people are stupid, or LESS smart... I just think I'd have more potential as far as WHO I AM w/ book smarts over street smarts. Even more dangerous thant them both, is some1 from the streets who picked up some book smarts along the way... which probably is a close description of me. I guess each person will have their own views, and that is a question that really can't be answered as quickly as I'd like w/out writing a book. LOL.

Very good man! Yes there is a difference in being alive, and living. With book smarts you can figure out a plan to survive by not interacting with the street smart crowd.

06-20-2006, 04:21 PM
street smarts for sure.

06-20-2006, 04:22 PM
I have a friend named Terry (T-Rex) who would answer the "street smarts". He IS street smart, but he had me FINALLY do a budget for him w/out paying a company to take care of his debt. He said something that made me think though... LOL. I was figuring his budget and he said (jokingly), "Baby J, it's JUST debt man it's not that serious... if I die owing the Gov 100k in loans, but I am enjoying the things that I bought w/ the money, but YOU take 3 years out of your life to dig yourself out of debt and we die at the same time... who wins?" LOL. I mean, it's a diff way of thought but he DID get the wheels turning in my brain. I bounced back though with, "Yeah FUCKhead that'd be good if we had a shorter than expected life. But say we both live to be 100... who wins then?" So we kinda made EACH other think. B/c of what HE said I cooled off on the investing (only for a lil bit) and started to enjoy my life more... and he got a lil more serious about the future. So I think a good balance of the 2 is important.

06-20-2006, 04:28 PM
I have a friend named Terry (T-Rex) who would answer the "street smarts". He IS street smart, but he had me FINALLY do a budget for him w/out paying a company to take care of his debt. He said something that made me think though... LOL. I was figuring his budget and he said (jokingly), "Baby J, it's JUST debt man it's not that serious... if I die owing the Gov 100k in loans, but I am enjoying the things that I bought w/ the money, but YOU take 3 years out of your life to dig yourself out of debt and we die at the same time... who wins?" LOL. I mean, it's a diff way of thought but he DID get the wheels turning in my brain. I bounced back though with, "Yeah FUCKhead that'd be good if we had a shorter than expected life. But say we both live to be 100... who wins then?" So we kinda made EACH other think. B/c of what HE said I cooled off on the investing (only for a lil bit) and started to enjoy my life more... and he got a lil more serious about the future. So I think a good balance of the 2 is important.
true true...

In Islam you gotta pay all your debts b4 u die... so thats kinda out of the question heh ;)

06-20-2006, 04:28 PM
i understand where you are comin from Baby J. But for a daily life would you rather not be able to have a long conversation with the "normal" person with street smarts and common sense so that they care to talk and keep going instead of them feeling like they know nothing of what you are stating and feel "dumb"? that makes with everything you stated but theres questions about being book smart also. i am askin just which would you rather have 90% of the time... book or common...

06-20-2006, 04:38 PM
i understand where you are comin from Baby J. But for a daily life would you rather not be able to have a long conversation with the "normal" person with street smarts and common sense so that they care to talk and keep going instead of them feeling like they know nothing of what you are stating and feel "dumb"? that makes with everything you stated but theres questions about being book smart also. i am askin just which would you rather have 90% of the time... book or common...

DAMMITT you make it tough... and you're tryna be a SMARTASS and make this REALLY tuff by choosing 90%/10% and not 50%/50% as your % :goodjob:. Good job! It's tough, and all of my feelings are not w/ this answer 100% --> but FTW I'd have to say book smarts still. I think if I was 90/10 I could still understand 10% of what that street smart person was saying... and that would be plenty enuff for ME. Hell even when some1 posts shit like...

"Yeh niggaz, for realz yo, know what I'm saying yo, I like went to Arby's n shit, kno what I'm sayin', and I got wunnadem Arby bugers n shit son, yo B... that shit wuz ALL of dat yo! You gotta roll by n git u summa dem bitches son!!"

it gives me a headache!!! LOL!!! And I think 10% of that is about all I will get, even on my best day --> and that's PLENTY to give me a headache. LOL. Now them being only able to grasp 10% of what I was saying would PISS ME OFF TOO (LOL), b/c they would probably always feel that I was talking down to them (I'm just guessing here) whenever I opened my mouth. I think in the end, me and the street-smart people (if we were all either 10/90 or 90/10) would eventually only converse when absolutely neccessary and we both would go on --> each in our own VERY happy separate lives.

06-20-2006, 04:42 PM
***grrrrrr**** I wish I did not have to choose 90/10, that makes it require a WHOLE lot more thought than just "picking an answer". The fact that you chose that ratio, says that you would "more than likely" choose to be a book smart person. But I may be wrong.

06-20-2006, 05:01 PM
DAMMITT you make it tough... and you're tryna be a SMARTASS and make this REALLY tuff by choosing 90%/10% and not 50%/50% as your % :goodjob:. Good job! It's tough, and all of my feelings are not w/ this answer 100% --> but FTW I'd have to say book smarts still. I think if I was 90/10 I could still understand 10% of what that street smart person was saying... and that would be plenty enuff for ME. Hell even when some1 posts shit like..

when you say just that... understand this perspective... not being a smart one either by any means. being dead honest... becuase when you realize someone iwth no common sense or no booksmart its usually a greater percentage than 50/50... but you say you can understand then yes... but for 90% of your time talking and verbally communicating the normal or common sense person might not care to listen due to you being above them in those standards... or that they do not understand and feel dumb and dont like that. so what about then? that 10% wont hold a conversation for very long with that group.

06-20-2006, 05:05 PM
but back to what i want to know... to me its better to have a bit more common sense knowledge and street smarts than complete and total book smarts... right? which would you rather have 90% of... not half and half or anything... cause it seems that way is near hard to find

i disagree and i'm not voting :tongue: i'm far from conceited but i believe i've got a fair share of both ;) :D

06-20-2006, 05:06 PM
k great. but out of 100 people... maybe 2 are close to having both abilities to communicate. so thats why i put the percentage at what it is. because it makes you think harder and not be a slacker like you ;) * JK* and choose both...

06-20-2006, 05:07 PM
Very true. Very true. That's why your %s make it a tough debate. VERY tough. Good job on a thread that promotes thought. But b/c it IS a thread like that, it will most likely not be very popular... most people are not capable of abstract thought, or articulating WHY they feel a certain way. They can say WHAT they feel, but not why, this is gonna be the 1 I am thinking about on my drive home... good stuff.

06-20-2006, 05:08 PM

06-20-2006, 05:09 PM
i disagree and i'm not voting :tongue: i'm far from conceited but i believe i've got a fair share of both ;) :D

Cop-out. CHOOSE amongst the options given and say WHY. This is a BRAIN thread sir. :)

06-20-2006, 05:15 PM
wtf? how is it a cop-out if i don't like the options? i don't believe in having practically all of one and none of the other and certainly don't see either as being particularly advantageous in ALL situations.

06-20-2006, 06:54 PM
The poll is kinda confusing.... are you suggesting that people that are book smart don't have common sense?

06-21-2006, 06:07 AM
If you were dehydrated and I said you can have 1 outta the 2:

1) 1 cup of fresh spring water, or
2) as much lake water as you want

then THOSE would be your choices. You can't change some1s thread just b/c you do not think the options are what you'd want. :) She gave you your choices, pick one and say why.

06-21-2006, 06:42 AM
Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99% perspiration, which is why engineers sometimes smell really bad. :lmfao: