View Full Version : VH1 Behind the music: B.P.U Suabru

06-18-2006, 05:22 AM
B.P.U Subaru was born Oct. 3, 1986 in the heart of Atlanta at North Side Hospital. Son of a father with 4 testicles and an extra nipple on his forehead, and a mother with no eyelids. Little did the people in that room know, just how famouse that child would later become.
Father: "Yeah, when B.P.U Subaru first came out I was amazed. His head was so big, the doctors didn't think he would ever be able to walk due to issues with his balance."
B.P.U Subaru's child life was far from pleasent. Life in the ghetto would drag him into a life far from easey.
B.P.U Subaru: "I remember one night, I was coming back from the liquor store, and I heard some one shout Brake Yourself. I knew I was getting robbed, so I reached for my glock, but I couldn't get it in time. I got bit nine times in the finger."
B.P.U Subaru was in critical condition for 5 days. The bite wounds he sustained on his finger were so severe the doctors didn't think he would live.
Mother: "When I first got the call from the hospital, I couldn't believe it. I completely forgot I even had a son."
It was while he was in the hospital that B.P.U Subaru first realized his talents of being a world class retard.
B.P.U Subaru: "When I first woke up, my first question was where am I. I didn't even remember what happened. It wasn't until I saw the bandaid on my index finger, that I knew the severity of the condition I was in."
It was at this point that B.P.U Subaru realized that life in the ghetto wasn't for him. He began to work on his life long dream of becoming a pirate.
B.P.U Subaru: "I rember as a kid, I would always watch peter pan. I always though that the pirates were really cool. On halloween I would always dress up like a pirate. Then my dad would drive me to Florida and say,"Get out and walk home you bastard" Haha, we would always play fun games like that."

When we return, learn how B.P.U Subaru finally set his plan of becoming a pirate in motion.

06-18-2006, 05:46 AM

06-18-2006, 06:01 AM
Damn dude, one of your reps gives me like 5 points.

06-18-2006, 06:35 AM
damn straight

06-18-2006, 03:40 PM
oh look


06-19-2006, 12:47 PM
lol :stupid: