06-04-2006, 10:16 PM
Ok so i'm sitting here thinking we need a user group for noobs, so we stop getting so many noobs just registering to post in the forsale section. i was thinking you have to have 10 post before you can post in the forsale section? what do you think?

06-04-2006, 10:17 PM

06-04-2006, 10:17 PM
^^^ bout damn time!! i had a poll up for awhile. 50-100 should be good

they can whore it bad and get like 25 quick. hell you can get 50 in a night if you try

06-04-2006, 10:17 PM
I would do 50 I agree with wurm on this one...

06-04-2006, 10:17 PM
dude 50 for real

06-04-2006, 10:18 PM
50 is way too much, i know sponsors who don't post that much ;)

06-04-2006, 10:18 PM
i was going to say 100 but 50 sounds iight

06-04-2006, 10:19 PM
50 is way too much, i know sponsors who don't post that much ;)

the rest are too easy they will just post whore for a few minutes to obtain the goal

06-04-2006, 10:20 PM
you could always change your sponsors post counts for them

06-04-2006, 10:21 PM
50 :rolleyes:

06-04-2006, 10:21 PM
hell i can opne a noob here thread, post ten times there, then makes tupid threads like what is vtec, and do 40 there, all in one night. BAM! 2nd day FS thread.

06-04-2006, 10:21 PM
I say 50... hell I do 25-30 posts a night... if it's that important to sell your shit, you shouldn't have a problem making 50 posts. 30 at the very minimum... Honda-Tech makes you do like 100 now.

fight club
06-04-2006, 10:21 PM
50 at least. i know on a good whoring night i posted close to 200.

06-04-2006, 10:21 PM
i have it preset for 20 right now... it will take about 24 hours for it to take effect... i'm having to move users into different groups

06-04-2006, 10:22 PM
i get 20 a hour lol

06-04-2006, 10:23 PM
i get 20 a hour loltrue

06-04-2006, 10:23 PM
5000 =]

06-04-2006, 10:24 PM
paul, while were at it, we need to change the 30 second rule. it owns my ass alot. like just now i had to click 3 times to get it to go through

06-04-2006, 10:24 PM
i say 2 weeks. Anyone can make 20 posts in 15 minutes...doesnt mean shit though

06-04-2006, 10:24 PM
5000 =]

at least you want get ripped off by a noob eh?

06-04-2006, 10:25 PM
50 sounds good.

06-04-2006, 10:25 PM
paul, while were at it, we need to change the 30 second rule. it owns my ass alot. like just now i had to click 3 times to get it to go through

yeah make it 15 seconds

06-04-2006, 10:25 PM
im at 19 a day right now so two weeks x 15 a day=200 posts. so there isnt anything wrong with 50

06-04-2006, 10:25 PM
i say 2 weeks. Anyone can make 20 posts in 15 minutes...doesnt mean shit though

i can make it post, time or rep...

say 50 post, 90 days, 20 rep, etc....

06-04-2006, 10:26 PM
Paul, check out SupraForums and how they run it. Seems like a really good setup, but not sure how well it would work here. Trader ratings sound good though.

06-04-2006, 10:26 PM
i say 0 post.... admit it or not... people sell shit... not every1 who sells shit on IA will be your 24/7 whore, but they may have something to offer which you need.
Who gives a fuck... i say all liability lies on the buyer... BUYER BEWARE, educate yourself... if its fishy, dont buy from that person, simple... ya know? Its not like you're forced into a sale, or even forced into believing someone is legit... You have to live a skeptic... I'm just saying that would be some total bullshit if you create a user post requirement to post in there... (still respect you... but just a really really stupid call)

06-04-2006, 10:27 PM
yeah make it 15 seconds

can't the server will fucking shit a brick if we do that... lol :eek:

:rant: <<< server w/ 30 sec

:hanged: <<< server w/ 15 sec

06-04-2006, 10:28 PM
i say 0 post.... admit it or not... people sell shit... not every1 who sells shit on IA will be your 24/7 whore, but they may have something to offer which you need.
Who gives a fuck... i say all liability lies on the buyer... BUYER BEWARE, educate yourself... if its fishy, dont buy from that person, simple... ya know? Its not like you're forced into a sale, or even forced into believing someone is legit... You have to live a skeptic... I'm just saying that would be some total bullshit if you create a user post requirement to post in there... (still respect you... but just a really really stupid call)

outkast tripod vs you baby at the sandbox tommorow

06-04-2006, 10:28 PM
can't the server will fucking shit a brick if we do that... lol :eek:

:rant: <<< server w/ 30 sec

:hanged: <<< server w/ 15 sec

just make mine 15 seconds then lol

06-04-2006, 10:29 PM
i can make it post, time or rep...

say 50 post, 90 days, 20 rep, etc....

combo of all three

06-04-2006, 10:29 PM
i say 0 post.... admit it or not... people sell shit... not every1 who sells shit on IA will be your 24/7 whore, but they may have something to offer which you need.
Who gives a fuck... i say all liability lies on the buyer... BUYER BEWARE, educate yourself... if its fishy, dont buy from that person, simple... ya know? Its not like you're forced into a sale, or even forced into believing someone is legit... You have to live a skeptic... I'm just saying that would be some total bullshit if you create a user post requirement to post in there... (still respect you... but just a really really stupid call)

only reason i want it is so i and the mods don't have to deal w/ noobs posting bullshit not following rules and spamers

06-04-2006, 10:30 PM
combo of all three

well i can make it to what ever comes first, the time/rep/post... would that be a good idea :goodjob:

06-04-2006, 10:31 PM
Hey can you make a section under parts thats is for honda and one for nissan and so on


06-04-2006, 10:31 PM
Hey can you make a section under parts thats is for honda and one for nissan and so on


i will consider it

06-04-2006, 10:31 PM
i say 0 post.... admit it or not... people sell shit... not every1 who sells shit on IA will be your 24/7 whore, but they may have something to offer which you need.
Who gives a fuck... i say all liability lies on the buyer... BUYER BEWARE, educate yourself... if its fishy, dont buy from that person, simple... ya know? Its not like you're forced into a sale, or even forced into believing someone is legit... You have to live a skeptic... I'm just saying that would be some total bullshit if you create a user post requirement to post in there... (still respect you... but just a really really stupid call)

its not even shadyness but since its free to post here and people still fuck it up, they should atleast have a trial period before they get that chance to post. if they have nothing useful but to sell shit here, fuck them, use autotrader. anyone below 50 posts send $25 to me

06-04-2006, 10:32 PM
well i can make it to what ever comes first, the time/rep/post... would that be a good idea :goodjob:
yeah if the post count is high. if they get rep up, then sure they should be able to sell or if they wait it out and dont jump in with the 1st thread being a FS

06-04-2006, 10:33 PM
while were at it, everyone that posts a WTB in the FS section (obviously cant read or doesnt care to follow the rules) should have a day long probation. no posts, no log in, nothing

06-04-2006, 10:33 PM
thanks man goign through all the honda parts is a pain and confusing. The say coupe and you check it and its always a damn honda coupe yuk

06-04-2006, 10:34 PM
only reason i want it is so i and the mods don't have to deal w/ noobs posting bullshit not following rules and spamers
i say just get strict on that one aspect... make it clear that if u want to sell shit you have to follow the rules... if a noob breaks a rule, banned... when they log in, make it so they know what they did to get them banned... that way they will observe the rules when they create another account (lol)

06-04-2006, 10:37 PM
^^ thats why you give them probation or you keep banning them, Niggerian

06-04-2006, 10:38 PM
make someone a mod for just the flea market... I'm a global mod on AutomotiveForums.com, and I made a list of guidelines for the classifieds section over there, as it had gone to shit... First time someone messes up a post, I delete the contents of the post and send them a nice PM (so they can go in and edit with correct info). Second time they mess up, the thread gets deleted and they get a not so nice PM. 3rd time I start hittin my ban button. :D

06-04-2006, 10:38 PM
if you wanna make it posts...then you should make it so noobs are in a trial setting for 14 days and can only make 5 posts a day. And they can only make a for sale thread after their trial status is up (14 days)

06-04-2006, 10:39 PM
if you wanna make it posts...then you should make it so noobs are in a trial setting for 14 days and can only make 5 posts a day. And they can only make a for sale thread after their trial status is up (14 days)

lmao well i hope you know how to code in php

06-04-2006, 10:39 PM
i say just get strict on that one aspect... make it clear that if u want to sell shit you have to follow the rules... if a noob breaks a rule, banned... when they log in, make it so they know what they did to get them banned... that way they will observe the rules when they create another account (lol)

there's not really a way to show someone what's up once they're banned... If I ban someone on a forum where I have the power to do so, I always shoot them an email before I ban them, so that if they wish to discuss it, they can. If they don't have their email address up, then they can just die.

06-04-2006, 10:40 PM
Hope they dont get pissed...but here is SFs policy

1.members STOP posting in peoples threads the remarks like "free bump,good guy or good item ” if you are NOT going to purchase the items listed or any remarks like(you can get it cheaper at so and so place)is NOT allowed ,if you want to make a remark about how good of a seller he or she is we have an area for that (called buyers/sellers rating)and again do not post a question or remark if you do not intend to buy the item ...pm or email the person and if its something negative about the item again use the buyers/sellers rating area or let a mod or Smod know and if you do post something unrelated to the item be ready for a TEMP ban and it will progress from there till you are banned for good! HONESTLY that’s why we have the buyer’s and seller’s rating area for. Also, please use some TACT, don’t post your item that is for sale in someone else’s thread its just plain rude.

2. Sellers do not post items you’re thinking about selling but not sure at the moment, no need to post something if you might not sell it. When you’re ready post it for sale with a price(no price no post).

-You are allowed to sell stock parts when you reach a post count of 100<---meaningful** post . NO ONE under ---->100<---meaningful** post will be allowed to sell ANY parts!
If you have 100-199 post you will be allowed to sell ONLY STOCK Supra parts <---you did see we said supra parts! yes ?
-You are allowed to sell stock supra and aftermarket items parts when you reach a post count of 200<---meaningful** post. NO ONE under -->200<--- meaningful** post will be allowed to sell any non-supra parts or aftermarket parts .

The ONLY exception to this rule is if:
A) A mod or Smod or ADMIN can vouche for you (you must first contact them via pm and they will post in your thread within 24 hours if they don’t the thread will be deleted and make sure to inform the mod or Smod or ADMIN that approved you of where the thread is so the mod or Smod or ADMIN can post there authorization )
B)TWO(2) long time(here from 2003 and down ) member with a good back ground and with a post count of over 650 can back who you are and they can send the Mod/Smod/Admin a pm vouching for you. (you must wait or contact the mod , Smod or ADMIN to see if you where approved if you where post in the topic heading by whom and make sure the mod , Smod or ADMIN whom approved you post there authorization with in 24 hours or the thread will be deleted)

C) You have been registered for more than 3 years(36 Months.)
*AGAIN NOTE: even if members can vouche for you or if you have been here over a year it does not mean you will be allowed to still post, its up too the discretion of an Smod or ADMIN to allow you to post. So please send a pm first and ask us and wait for our response. If you are having someone vouch for you, please have them send PM to the mod>Smod or ADMIN before you do. This will speed up the process of consideration. Please contact Ranger498 first for a request. If and when you are approved to post, PM a link to both the person vouching for you and the Mod/Smod/Admin that approved you so they may both post in your thread.

(Please understand if you do post something and you break these rules your post can be deleted with out notification. You may also be banned from two days up to 2 weeks and ultimately receive a permanent ban, should you repeatedly break the For Sale rules.)

**If you do not meet the required post count, please go contribute something to our forums : And by meaningful WE mean that you are posting something or replied or replying something worth while not just a remark like" I agree or me too ect..." also post in the wanted area are meaningless post.

4.if you have more than one item to SELL or WANTED ,keep them in one post, if you decide you have something else to sell or that is wanted 2 days later or a few days later TELL US to delete or merge the threads or you yourself delete the thread and start a new one, if not your posts will be deleted .

5.If you sell the item, end the thread as SOLD so we can lock it, if not you will not be allowed to post if the For Sale area any longer.

6.Advertising for any type of business or selling items while representing a business or having a bsiness in any forum is strictly prohibited (speak to the admins or a Smod first). also Do not try to “advertise some cool new product for a friend of yours that you are not in any way related to”…we’ve seen it all tried before. Advertising, unless you are pre-approved, will result in your IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT BANNING.

7.If it is not your part For Sale, do not post it unless you ask a mod or S-mod first.
So no "I'm selling this for a friend of mine since he cant post" BS

8.Group Buys are prohibited by both individuals and businesses unless pre-approved. Do not try to “get a group buy going through a shop you know just so you can save all your best friends on SupraForums a buck or two”…we’ve seen all this tried before too. Any attempted group buys will be deleted and will result in your IMMEDIATE AND PERMANENT BANNING.

9.NO links to eBay or Mention of ebay.
if you want to post it for sale here do so but make sure there are NO links to eBay or Mention of ebay.

10.AGAIN Post an asking price of the item NO "make me an offer" remarks

11.You can bump your thread every 3(three) days but no more that 15 times total. Bumping the thread more than that will have you either temp banned for a day and/or your post deleted. NOTE: Remarks such as ,all prices reduced,all prices updated
pm sent ,new pics up ,new items added ,emailed you back, ect. Count as bumps...(be fair and give others a chance to sell there items.)Temp banning will be enforced on this with out warning.

12.Forsale and willing to trade items go in for sale area. The WANTED items go in the wanted area so make sure you post in the correct place.

Here is the MKIV wanted area link just incase you can’t find it. DO NOT POST ITEMS FOR SALE THERE OR YOU WILL BE TEMP BANNED.

13.If you have a bad Buyer / Seller Ratings you will NOT be allowed to post in the For Sale area till the problem is resolved by both parties.

14.Your profile MUST be complete as far as location/zip, contact info, etc to post in for sale

15.Do not try to go around these rules by posting items in other forums with out first speaking to a moderator who will get an approval from a Smod or better yet an ADMIN.

16.We suggest you don’t leave remarks like "I have dibs on an item" or "Dibs"
This has caused some sells and buyers to have problems with people , if you do decide to post that remark you are making an agreement to buy the item. No questions asked .

17.more to come.

These rules and the situations they apply to are open to interpretation by the Super moderator and Administrator team. These rules apply to every member of this forum. Supraforums has been established first and foremost for people to discuss about their Supras. Anything that disturbs this will not be tolerated. Please use your common sense when posting. If you think something you post may violate these rules set, then refrain from making the post if you wish to continue to post here.

FORSALE Forum ban policy:
1st offense: 2 days (48 hours)
2nd offense: 2 week (168 hours)
3rd offense: permanent

Directly opposing the decision of a moderator or administrator by posting a topic that questions the action will be subject to the post being deleted, a warning on the first offense via pm or on the post itself (we decide), and from there, the ban policy will take effect.

Finally, this forum is privately funded by the gracious sponsors whose banners and participation are found throughout and it’s run by people who give of there free time. We are glad you've chosen to participate in the community and hope these rules will set the standard for making this community a better place.

IF you have a major problem feel free to contact RanGer498 or FYRARMS so we can help you ,if not tell any mod who can inform us so we can help you and DO not bother the ADMINS with this as they have enough work :

*SUPRA FORUMS IS NOT RESPONSIBLE for items sold or purchased new or used and for protection please use a service like Paypal and ship only to there verified address ,we do not recommend sending cash or a money order or sending the item COD unless this person is a very well know member on the forums and can be trusted also please make sure to get some feedback from other members about a person you plan on purchasing from or go check out the Buyer / Seller Ratings area


THANKS and have a great day!

06-04-2006, 10:40 PM
someone say PHP??

06-04-2006, 10:41 PM
i say just get strict on that one aspect... make it clear that if u want to sell shit you have to follow the rules... if a noob breaks a rule, banned... when they log in, make it so they know what they did to get them banned... that way they will observe the rules when they create another account (lol)

ya but that is more work for us to have to ban them :goodjob: , i would rather them have to play by the rules

06-04-2006, 10:42 PM
someone say PHP??

coding it from scratch isnt hard but vbulletin is a headache

06-04-2006, 10:44 PM
lmao well i hope you know how to code in php
idk lol, Thats how honda-tech does theirs.

06-04-2006, 10:44 PM
coding it from scratch isnt hard but vbulletin is a headache

oh i was talking bout the other PHP...i heard that shit gets you FUCKED UP

06-04-2006, 10:45 PM
idk lol, Thats how honda-tech does theirs.

oh maybe someone made a addon for vbullentin

06-04-2006, 10:46 PM
well right now if you have under 25 post you will become a noob, you can only post in the forsale section if you have 25+ post or 20 rep or 90 days registered (whatever comes first)

i think that is a good start to this.

06-04-2006, 10:47 PM
Paul did you read my post? lol

06-04-2006, 10:47 PM
better then nothing

06-04-2006, 10:49 PM
yup. i inspired something!! paul, did you see my poll??

06-04-2006, 10:51 PM
yes i read the post george and no i didn't see the poll

06-04-2006, 10:54 PM
lol, its in request and suggestions

many people posted votes

06-04-2006, 11:06 PM
1k, lol

06-05-2006, 04:35 AM
50 is way too much,

Why? I think it's not enough. But I will vote with the masses and go with 50.

i know sponsors who don't post that much ;)

But they pay. Big difference. Later, QD.

06-05-2006, 04:37 AM
well right now if you have under 25 post you will become a noob, you can only post in the forsale section if you have 25+ post or 20 rep or 90 days registered (whatever comes first)

i think that is a good start to this.

I'm just curious, but why ask us and post a poll if you're going to do what you want anyway? Later, QD.

06-05-2006, 06:17 AM
I'm just curious, but why ask us and post a poll if you're going to do what you want anyway? Later, QD.


06-05-2006, 07:17 AM
I'm just curious, but why ask us and post a poll if you're going to do what you want anyway? Later, QD.

just curious, why the smart ass attempt to be funny? sorry just isn't working in your favor :goodjob:

06-05-2006, 07:18 AM
I chose 50. just b/c 1 could go into the NWS section and havee 10 posts in like 5 minutes. :2cents:

The Yousef
06-05-2006, 07:18 AM
i'm saying 100 just to know they're serious...but 50 is okay

06-05-2006, 07:19 AM
I chose 50. just b/c 1 could go into the NWS section and havee 10 posts in like 5 minutes. :2cents:
that was dumb. they could go into any forum and have 10 posts in 5 min.


B16a2 Civic
06-05-2006, 08:07 AM
25-30 sounds reasonable, 10 posts could ve done in 5 minutes ( with teh 30 sec rule) and they are off to selling, they gotta show a lil more commitment