View Full Version : I need a lawyer.....

05-06-2005, 09:10 AM
I got caught doing 140 mph on 85 when I hit my NAWSS....NOT

Cliff Notes:I need an (reasonably priced) attornery to represent me at claims court. The claim will be filed in Fayettville and I'm in Lawrenceville so an attorney at either location will suffice.

Well, I'm PREPARING to go to claims court to get a fair diminshed value from the person that hit me. It'll be a good learning experience as to how the courts work but I'm also looking to get a little from the settlement. I'm still in debates w/ the insurance company and am looking to file my claim in a couple of weeks and need an attorney to represent me at trial about 2 months down the road. It won't be a hard case but I do need legal advice and representation. The claim will be filed in Fayettville and I'm in Lawrenceville so an attorney at either location will suffice.

05-06-2005, 09:18 AM
talk to james - he has a pretty good lawyer

05-06-2005, 11:03 AM
james has my lawyer! :p thomas salada (sp?) down off mansell rd. he's the bomb.

05-06-2005, 11:09 AM
thanks for providing the #...j/k. but seriously, anybody have a contact or what his rates are?

05-06-2005, 11:52 AM
James is on his way up to my work now - when he gets here, I will ask him to get up here and give you the info. :D

Yea Val - you two and your lawyers! LOL. I think it is sooo funny that James has a place set up on his AIM buddy list just for lawyers - trouble maker much?!? LOL

05-06-2005, 12:01 PM
I don't know your personal situation, but in my experience, I was able to go directly to the insurance carrier that insured the person that hit me with an appraisal of my car, and the value that it is now after it has been hit, they had to compensate me for that, and they did, no lawyer involved. I believe there is a dimished value law or something like that in GA.

Just thought I would let you know, maybe save you some$$$

05-06-2005, 12:34 PM
this is James btw

Tom Salatta
office : 770-408-7004

tell him that James Collins referred you.

he has helped me out a lot with several instances in the past. Val can vouch for him too!

05-06-2005, 01:13 PM
I don't know your personal situation, but in my experience, I was able to go directly to the insurance carrier that insured the person that hit me with an appraisal of my car, and the value that it is now after it has been hit, they had to compensate me for that, and they did, no lawyer involved. I believe there is a dimished value law or something like that in GA.

Just thought I would let you know, maybe save you some$$$

there's a dispute about the actual value, they offered 113 dollars on a 2001 prelude w/ 30k miles and no prior accidents (car is not modified) I faxed them a market value assesment that stated a loss of 1600 and they declined to accept it's methods for appraisal. I'm not accepting their 113 and they aren't using my 3rd party assessment, so it might only be resovled in magistrate court.

05-06-2005, 02:05 PM
You are going to probably have to hire a licensed auto appraiser, we tried the same thing going to carmax and getting them to give us an estimate, we ended up having to pay an appraiser, I think it was $75-100 for the appraisal and then we submitted it to the insurance company and they sent us the money.

05-06-2005, 02:57 PM
You are going to probably have to hire a licensed auto appraiser, we tried the same thing going to carmax and getting them to give us an estimate, we ended up having to pay an appraiser, I think it was $75-100 for the appraisal and then we submitted it to the insurance company and they sent us the money.

honest to god i've searched high and low and almost every appraiser works for the ins comp and is a conflict of interest, obvioulsly. do you have any referals for an independent appraiser for consumers? thanks for all the help btw

05-07-2005, 10:02 AM

05-07-2005, 01:22 PM
small claims courts in georgia are designed to be used by non-lawyers. you can get a lawyer, but it won't give you any sort of upper hand in small claims court.

what you should be asking for is a lawyer to help you out with a "lawyer's letter" to let the company you are dealing with know that you are indeed serious.

sorry, i don't know any appraisers.

Brandon C
05-07-2005, 07:22 PM
CAll Keith Leshine..Great Lawyer that handles this sort of Stuff as far as Dimineshed value goes there is a GA LAw that the Ins. Company has to follow but as Far as 113 that is low ...What Insuance Company? But any way here is the Number you need..
Keith Leshine - 404-625-0600
Tell Him Brandon C sent you..He will take care of you..He does all those counties you listed

05-07-2005, 08:53 PM
this is James btw

Tom Salatta
office : 770-408-7004

tell him that James Collins referred you.

he has helped me out a lot with several instances in the past. Val can vouch for him too!

They're on first name basis. He gets a frequent user's discount. ROFLMAO. Just kidding, Collin'z.:D

05-08-2005, 09:39 AM
honest to god i've searched high and low and almost every appraiser works for the ins comp and is a conflict of interest, obvioulsly. do you have any referals for an independent appraiser for consumers? thanks for all the help btw

I'll check with my husband to see who the guy was that appraised our car!

05-08-2005, 09:49 AM
your wasting your time

05-08-2005, 10:45 AM
I'll check with my husband to see who the guy was that appraised our car!

thank you very very much...

where i'm going from here is to get an actual appraisal, if they refuse to accept it then i'm taking it to claims court. independent appraisaling has to be accepted in the state of ga.

05-08-2005, 09:04 PM
I'll check with my husband to see who the guy was that appraised our car!

bump for night time

05-09-2005, 11:26 AM

05-09-2005, 03:21 PM
any word from hubby?

05-09-2005, 11:27 PM
bump..pweeeze help me

05-13-2005, 12:58 PM
if you still need one my mom is a lawyer and a paralegal, she has helped me out in alot of small claims stuff and insurance stuff...gimme a call and i can see what she can do for you, if she cant help you im sure her firm can...404-934-4740

05-13-2005, 06:09 PM
What insurance companies are you dealing with? Or, more importantly, who is your insurance provider? I work for an insurance company and may be able to help you out or point you in the right direction anyway. You are going to have a hard time getting anything going through a small claims court, unless the at-fault insurance company is very, very, very small. Either way, I'd need to know who you are dealing with before I could do anything for you. Another question...are you strictly going through their insurance company or have you filed a claim with yours? If you have not filed a claim with your insurance company, I recommend that you do so, unless it's the same company. If you file a claim on your policy, then your insurance can pay the claim to your satisfaction, hopefully, and then subrogate the claim with the other company.

05-14-2005, 03:30 PM
thanks for the help guys..more info

all right I paid 150 to get my car appraised and the loss of value was 1200...I sent in the appraisal to USAA and they refused to accept it, they still stand by their original offer of 113 dollars b/c they don't think i have loss any value, btw they have not even sent out an appraiser or adjuster to see me, they are basing the value off of a formula. I have not filed anything with my insurance company b/c i'm afriad the rates will go up, will they? My insurance carrier is all state and I was the not-at-fault driver.

how would i not win in claims court? forumlas used to calculate diminished value have no precedence in georgia and are not endorsed by the ga ins commission in any way.

please insurance peeps, help me to collect my money.

05-14-2005, 03:59 PM
Sent you a PM