View Full Version : wonder why i do things like this

05-27-2006, 03:00 AM
well after a cool day of shooting, relaxing and chilling i am heading home after midnight and i see this body laying just off the main road , on the street leading to my subdivision. on the lawn of some new townhouses that arent complete.
so i decide as i drive by that i'll come back and check it out if no one has called the police yet. i sit at home about 5 min and head back, hoping that the person was gone. but he's not. i holster my sidearm, get out the car and call 911 'cause this guy isnt moving or responding to my commands. while talking to the operator giving her the location the guy rolls over, and as soon as he starts talking i realize he's drunk as hell!!! i relay that info to the operator, thank her and hang up...

05-27-2006, 03:06 AM
i ask him what he's doing laying on the side of the road, and did he know he was in a construction area. he mumbles something about going home. i ask where his home is, he says it's "by the wall". i look around and laugh 'cause he was so drunk he must've though he was near his home cause he pointed to the brick face of one of the townhomes. so i tell him, "yeah, that is a wall...but i think your off your mark by like a few 100 yards. you wanna try again?"

05-27-2006, 03:07 AM
he chuckled and begins explaining the walk he took and how he got lost. the wall he was refering too was about half a mile down and i explained to him that i recognize the place and he passed it up to get to where he was now. his response? "well fuck it...i figured i'd just sleep here.." i look at him and i'm like "nah, sir. it would be better if i just took you home. you dont want to get robbed or arrested laying out like this." he agrees and as i help him to his feet i see that he has only one shoe on, i ask him about that and he tells me he broke his foot and that the white i see is a cast, not a sock. as i help him to his feet, i start to feel sorry for the old drunk once i realize that he has either had a stroke, or something 'cause he was partially paralyzed on his left side.

05-27-2006, 03:08 AM
he stood funny on the left leg (in addition to the foot being broken, and his left arm was in a chicken wing pose, and it stayed that way.) i drive him to his house and carry him to his door. the whole time he's thanking me and offering me a shot of "hooch" as he called it, from a flask he pulls out of his pocket. i decline, proceed to walk to my car thinking. why the hell did i do that?most people would'nt give a rats ass about the next man. i wasnt even worried about myself. even w/o my gun. knowing i still would've done it anyway. i guess making sure he was ok makes it easier to sleep tonite.

05-27-2006, 03:23 AM
AWWWWWW U ARE MY HERO. I want to be like you when I grow up.

05-27-2006, 03:33 AM
lol you's a good man rashad...

i had a similar experience... there was some dude parked in my friends driveway entrance as i was driving him home from school ( a good while back) so im like wtf... not so calmly... and its some dude trippin off something... like shaking, mumbling, i dont even know wtf he was sayin... so i made him move to the neighbors driveway [/end of story]

The Golden Child
05-27-2006, 10:14 AM
well thats nice of you ..

05-27-2006, 10:20 AM
That was a nice thing to do +1.

05-27-2006, 10:45 AM
lol dayum thats crazy. good thing you helped him out

05-27-2006, 01:40 PM
AWWWWWW U ARE MY HERO. I want to be like you when I grow up.no you dont, i'm the posterchild for the "national contradiction society" i'll give a woman a handshake:bigok: and pull out her tit and suck it at the same time:eek: , then tell her i am a respectable man. :lmfao: :king:

bad joke....