View Full Version : First time shooting indoors for a wedding.

05-25-2006, 09:38 AM
I brought my camera just to practice and mess around. They hired a real photographer. I never shot indoors like this with poor lighting. My lens isn't exactly the fastest glass around, and it isn't meant for this type of photography, but the VR saved all of the shots. They are shot handheld with no flash. I took one as a test with the VR off, and it was SO blurry their faces couldn't be made out. The VR feature is pretty sick. I can only imagine how the $1500 Nikon F/2.8 70-200mm VRII lens pictures would look under the same conditions. On the last two pictures, their white shirts were overexposed. I should of underexposed the shots by one stop. Next time I will know better. If they weren't wearing those shiney ass satin shirts, it probably wouldn't have happened.




05-25-2006, 10:51 AM
nice shots cute kid

05-25-2006, 10:55 AM
Very nice shots Dean!