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05-25-2006, 08:02 AM
Police Say Teacher Showed Up To School Drunk

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A teacher allegedly asked girls inappropriate questions and touched them at school, while he was intoxicated.

St. Louis, MO -- A long time veteran of the St. Louis School District now faces criminal charges. A teacher at the Pruitt Military Academy allegedly asked inappropriate questions and touched three seventh grade girls while intoxicated.

The incident happened Monday. We spoke to the girls' parents. We are only using their first names to protect their identities. One of the mothers, Regina, says, "Once I got there the man was unable to stand, and he urinated on himself he was so drunk."

They say Johnson made obscene remarks to one seventh grade student, then inappropriately touched another. Another mother, Kim says, "He was touching her behind and her side and trying to go between her legs. He just fondled her."

A third student was reportedly asked to get the teacher alcohol from his car. Her mother, Tamica, says, "He was like go to the car and get that bag, get my drinks out of the car. When they got to the car they found out it was liquor, which was Courvoisier."

It was 9:30 in the morning. Police responded, arrested Johnson and now he's facing assault charges.

Tamica says, "I'm like, am I dreaming? Because somebody please wake me up. Because I know this is not happening to my 13 year old daughter."

Prosecutors are taking this very seriously. So is the school district. St. Louis Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce says, "I'm very concerned that this is a teacher doing this. I think the safety of kids in our schools is a very high priority."

School Superintendent Creg Williams says, "The bottom line is this is totally unacceptable and this gentleman will be held accountable."

Parents certainly hope so. They say this is a continuing problem that needs to be addressed. Regina says, "This is not the first incident of him being drunk. He's on probation."

They want to see Sterling Johnson punished. They hope he never enters a classroom again. Regina says, "I feel the school failed to keep the kids safe."

Johnson now faces charges for 3rd degree assault. The school district has suspended him and plans to fire him. All three parents we talked to say they will pull their daughters out of the Pruitt Military Academy immediately

http://www.davesdaily.com/out.php?id=16856&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wfmy.com%2Fnews%2Fwatercooler %2Farticle.aspx%3Fstoryid%3D63783

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ATHENS, Ala. (AP) - A woman was charged with domestic violence for allegedly hitting her husband and another woman on the head with a can of Raid bug spray after she found them together.

Police Sgt. Trevor Harris said a "nosy neighbor" called the woman at work on Friday and told her that her husband was at their apartment having an affair with another woman, prompting the wife to head home.

"She came in and caught her husband with another woman and she grabbed a can of Raid and went at it," said another officer, Capt. Marty Bruce. "She hit the husband in the back of the head with it and then turned on the woman and also hit her in the head."

The woman who was struck needed stitches for a head wound, police said, and the husband also was cut but did not require medical treatment.

Cornelia Cottrell Smith, 26, of Athens was arrested on a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence and released from the City Jail after posting a $1,000 bond. No one answered a call Tuesday at a telephone number listed for her address.

http://www.davesdaily.com/out.php?id=16842&url=http%3A%2F%2Fapnews.myway.com%2Farticle%2F2006 0524%2FD8HPR56G0.html
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Parents, Child All Share One Birthday
May 24 - It won't be hard to remember birthdays in one Southern California family.

Evelin Alballat and husband Tony Osman share May 21st as their birthday. Now, their son Danny beats enormous odds and has the same birthday, too.

Alballat says she didn't plan it that way. She went into labor the night of May 20th, the baby's due date. About 12 hours later, little Danny Osman entered the world.

New dad Tony Osman says they're dumbfounded.

He adds future family birthdays will be celebrated with one big cake and a vacation.
http://www.davesdaily.com/out.php?id=16852&url=http%3A%2F%2Fabclocal.go.com%2Fkgo%2Fstory%3Fs ection%3Dbizarre%26amp%3Bid%3D4201284
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Male student in dress denied entrance to prom

Associated Press
May. 24, 2006 12:48 PM

GARY, Ind. - A male student who has worn women's clothes to school all year was turned away from his high school prom because he was wearing a dress.

Kevin Logan, 18, went to the West Side High School prom on Friday in a slinky fuchsia gown and heels. He believes officials discriminated against him by not allowing him inside.

"I have no formal pictures, no memories, nothing. You only have one prom," he said. advertisement

Logan, who is gay, received an $85 refund for his prom ticket Tuesday but was not satisfied. He said he is considering filing a complaint with the Indiana Civil Liberties Union.

Sylvester Rowan, assistant to Gary Schools Superintendent Mary Steele, said school policy bans males from wearing dresses. Excluding Logan from prom was based on "the dress code, not the student's homosexuality. That's his personal preference."

Tyrone Hanley, the youth program coordinator for the Gender Public Advocacy Coalition in Washington, D.C., said he often sees cases like this and called it gender-based discrimination.

"Prohibiting really short skirts for everyone is a fair dress code; prohibiting them for males is not," he said.

Logan said he had spent years defining and exploring his sexuality. This year, he took a major step by dressing as a female every day, wearing makeup, a hair weave, nails and girls' fitted jeans to school.

His mother, Donnetta Logan, said she was not surprised by what she called the ignorance of school administrators.

"I tell Kevin that in society there will be those who accept him and those who won't."
http://www.davesdaily.com/out.php?id=16853&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.azcentral.com%2Foffbeat%2Fart icles%2F0524prom-denied24-ON.html

05-25-2006, 08:03 AM
why does the kid like to dress like a girl????

he will never be as emo as me

05-25-2006, 08:44 AM
why does the kid like to dress like a girl????

he will never be as emo as me

hahaha emo!

05-25-2006, 09:17 AM
I showed up to work drunk a couple times....
why am i not in the news?

05-25-2006, 09:29 AM
I showed up to work drunk a couple times....
why am i not in the news?

becuase you didnt fondle 13 year old girls...try that next time and maybe you will become famous!

05-25-2006, 09:32 AM

The Golden Child
05-25-2006, 11:02 AM
people these days ..

if i ever have a daughter and something like this happens ..

imma go to jail cause i fear i might kill the son of a bitch ..