View Full Version : EGOS bigger than the CARS!!!

05-05-2005, 09:47 AM
I think its funny this scene is ridden w/ people who have EGOS bigger than the CARS they drive...

"my club is going to take ATL by story"

"my car is BOS"

"i'm faster than you"

"you wait till i get this in/done; then i'll be BOS/beat you"

this shit cracks me up... there are only a few people that can talk shit on here and they know who they are... they have been in the scene for years beating out everyone for BOS or running faster 1/4s then everyone else.

I don't know what i was trying to say w/ this post... not to discourage upcoming clubs/teams/solo rides, but i do think people need to not let their egos get ahead of their ride. not everyone is going to be on top, and no one is on top forever. but you do need to put your time in before boasting so much....

sorry just ranting :goodjob:

05-05-2005, 09:52 AM
yeah whatever u saw my car at southernvolks fest
BOS for sure homey!

05-05-2005, 09:56 AM
I hate the people who are always saying "oh give me a year then we'll see what's up. I'm going to be built with turbo and nitrous" or some bullshit like that. If you don't have it you don't have it, shut up.

05-05-2005, 10:02 AM
It only makes them look stupid...because the people they are bragging to know their incompetant. Some of the people who have precident to say these things...don't, because their cars do all the talking...so they don't have too. :2cents:

05-05-2005, 10:12 AM
That's how I maintain my status of having the most bad-assed Drift Truck around...

Only way I wont be on top is it cliff dumps his truck on some skinny's and start gettting that fat bitch sidways...

Dorifito ! ? !

05-05-2005, 10:14 AM
It only makes them look stupid...because the people they are bragging to know their incompetant. Some of the people who have precident to say these things...don't, because their cars do all the talking...so they don't have too. :2cents:

Thats very well said and very true
Talks cheap and actions speak louder than words. Dont talk about this or that just do it all ready.

05-05-2005, 10:41 AM
i laugh when i see the homeboys in riced out car w/ their "racing seat" reclined to the backseat and one hand on the wheel pimping through traffic with the windows done in the middle of winter:):)

05-05-2005, 10:59 AM
well it's stupid to base your self image off of your car anyway. I know 90% of the people on the road think I'm a dumbass for putting so much money in a civic. I don't see how people can get so competitive with showing, and "racing" (or so called racing). Going to commerce on fridays is not racing. Someone will always have more money than you do, no matter what your hobby is. I'm not about to put a bunch of crap I don't want, and $30K in body work into my car to impress 1 or 2 judges for a plastic trophy. Nor am I going to spend $12K on an engine build, and turbo to run 11's in the 1/4 mile. My car is transportation, and I'm lucky if I can even get up to the speed limit most of the time in atlanta's traffic. I'm not a racer, no one is paying me to go to commerce and run, and they never will. As long as my car is fun then I'm happy with it, and I'm not going to have a $50K car worth $10K, that doesn't net me anything other than a way to get from point A to point B in the same stop and go line that everyone else is in. A few teenagers might think your car is bad, but the average person thinks your a moron for not investing your money on something that appreciates. A car doesn't make a person. Get a bently, corvette, w/e, your still not impressing anyone. So whatever car you get, and whatever you do to it, make sure it's for yourself.

05-05-2005, 11:30 AM
well it's stupid to base your self image off of your car anyway. I know 90% of the people on the road think I'm a dumbass for putting so much money in a civic. I don't see how people can get so competitive with showing, and "racing" (or so called racing). Going to commerce on fridays is not racing. Someone will always have more money than you do, no matter what your hobby is. I'm not about to put a bunch of crap I don't want, and $30K in body work into my car to impress 1 or 2 judges for a plastic trophy. Nor am I going to spend $12K on an engine build, and turbo to run 11's in the 1/4 mile. My car is transportation, and I'm lucky if I can even get up to the speed limit most of the time in atlanta's traffic. I'm not a racer, no one is paying me to go to commerce and run, and they never will. As long as my car is fun then I'm happy with it, and I'm not going to have a $50K car worth $10K, that doesn't net me anything other than a way to get from point A to point B in the same stop and go line that everyone else is in. A few teenagers might think your car is bad, but the average person thinks your a moron for not investing your money on something that appreciates. A car doesn't make a person. Get a bently, corvette, w/e, your still not impressing anyone. So whatever car you get, and whatever you do to it, make sure it's for yourself.

Some points of what you said i agree with , but damn.. do you even like cars?

I spend money on my car so i can enjoy it as you said in your last line but the fact that i want to drive a car that is capable of 11's in Atlanta traffic is my perogative. if you want to drive a 17 second civic thats fine(no offense). i dont build my car for the weekday commute i am going to build it for whatever i want be that road racing, auto crossing , drifting or drag racing. it just so happens that i would rather spend all that cash into one car then make a actual race car and have a nice happy dependable daily driver. I cant stand to drive slow cars. if i wanted a slow car that got great gas milage and was reliable and got me "from point a to point b" safely i sure as hell wouldnt be looking to do anything to it other then change the oil and put gas into it.

05-05-2005, 11:39 AM
Some points of what you said i agree with , but damn.. do you even like cars?

I spend money on my car so i can enjoy it as you said in your last line but the fact that i want to drive a car that is capable of 11's in Atlanta traffic is my perogative. if you want to drive a 17 second civic thats fine(no offense). i dont build my car for the weekday commute i am going to build it for whatever i want be that road racing, auto crossing , drifting or drag racing. it just so happens that i would rather spend all that cash into one car then make a actual race car and have a nice happy dependable daily driver. I cant stand to drive slow cars. if i wanted a slow car that got great gas milage and was reliable and got me "from point a to point b" safely i sure as hell wouldnt be looking to do anything to it other then change the oil and put gas into it.

But you do it for yourself, because that's what you want, not to impress others. My car isn't a 17 second civic, but it's not an 11 second civic either. And I'm happy with that, I don't need 400 HP for what I use it for. Thats all that matters, not what anyone on this site, or anyone passing me on the road thinks. Sure I could make it run 11's, but that's not going to make me any better, and that's not going to impress anyone because it's been done plenty of times. Thats what this thread is about isn't it? Basing your ego off your car?

05-05-2005, 11:50 AM
sorry i wont do it ever again. wtf is "BOS." and the ego bing bigger then your car is a rookie thing, we have ALL done it.

05-05-2005, 11:55 AM
BOS=Best of Show

I think it's more of an age thing. The older you get the more you realize there are more important things than cars. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably a bigger car guy than most on this site. Would I love to have a corvette? Your damn right I would. It's an awesome car, but no one else cares that you have one.

05-05-2005, 11:57 AM
sorry i wont do it ever again. wtf is "BOS." and the ego bing bigger then your car is a rookie thing, we have ALL done it.

That and alot of people just simply like to talk shit. and thats all there is to it.

05-05-2005, 12:28 PM
like i've said before...people should just shut the fuck up and let their walking (driving, showing, whatever) do their talking...if you are as big and bad as you think you are then people will be talking about you enough and you won't have to say a word...i don't think its age or experience, just ignorance, some of the people who talk all the crap have never been to any of the big shows or the strip. sure they might have the fastest car in their neighborhood or something but its a big world out there and sometimes it takes people a little to realize that.

05-05-2005, 12:30 PM
I think it's more of an age thing. The older you get the more you realize there are more important things than cars. Don't get me wrong, I'm probably a bigger car guy than most on this site. Would I love to have a corvette? Your damn right I would. It's an awesome car, but no one else cares that you have one.i don't think its an age think as it is priorities... i would say the majority of the people in the scene live at home w/ mommy/daddy and are experience what it is to have money so the spend it on the ride... of course after your married/house/kids/etc it slows down a bit but i think true car tuners will always be at it. shit i plan on buidling cars until i die, its a fun scene :D

05-05-2005, 12:30 PM

05-05-2005, 12:31 PM
^ bahhh ruiner... trying to stay clear from this? - lol

05-05-2005, 12:43 PM
^ bahhh ruiner... trying to stay clear from this? - lol

Eh, I dunno. Making claims such as the ones posted are asinine. Of course I don't come out and really say much about my car being faster than 99.9% of the cars on the road, track, etc, either (even if it is). I try not to make those blanket type of statements. I post kill stories here and there, but nothing too much. My car will beat up on most cars, but that doesn't mean much to me in the grand scheme of things. It sure as hell isn't anything to brag about or get in a fight over. After all, there is ALWAYS someone faster; whether it be in a straight line or a track. It happens and I have experienced it with my own eyes.

05-05-2005, 12:54 PM
^ This guy has the right attitude.

05-05-2005, 01:36 PM
i'm faster than you, paul. :)

05-05-2005, 02:19 PM
Damn rookies..

05-05-2005, 02:24 PM
Is this a debate on who cares who has what? Who's a "bigger car guy" than someone else? No, it's a thread on people talking shit when they do not have the ride or street credability to back it up. Obviously we all like cars, otherwise what are we doing on this forum??? Everyone has their likes and dislikes. As long as you are keeping it real and doing up your ride how you want, who cares. No need to talk about if I had this or if I had that I would have smoked you. When you lose you lose, if you don't have it, who cares, YOU LOST. You say I am going to do this and that, see me in a year, you have a year to build, but guess what so does the guy who just beat you. All unnecessary nonsense is better left unsaid. It is better to shut your mouth and have everyone think you're a jerkoff, than to open it and remove all the doubt, LOL.

05-05-2005, 02:27 PM
Theres nothing wrong w/ healthy competition at anything you do.

05-05-2005, 02:29 PM
my e-penis is bigger

05-05-2005, 04:29 PM
That's how I maintain my status of having the most bad-assed Drift Truck around...

Only way I wont be on top is it cliff dumps his truck on some skinny's and start gettting that fat bitch sidways...

Dorifito ! ? !

don't forget my v8 dakota buddy boy....that's my drift truck.....but don't worry i will let you retain the title....for now...till i can do a 2/3 drop on 20's on it.....

05-05-2005, 04:36 PM
Example 1 and Example 2 from the kills forum

thats why you don't use nitrous


yes it was necessary, and i know plenty about n2o

i also know how to blow your doors off launchin in second gear.

05-05-2005, 07:22 PM
My car is slow :-(

05-05-2005, 10:43 PM
Example 1 and Example 2 from the kills forum

Are you kidding me? Ahahahahahahaha. What thread was that in? Ahahahaha.