View Full Version : Question about females...

05-05-2005, 09:45 AM
Ive got into this convo with a female friend of mine last nite. I got a VM from this guy who is like "Hey, how come you never come by? YOu dont want to kick it anymore? Whats the deal". Well this dude is my ex gfs husband. The husband that she had a baby with and was messing with me while they were married. I was the "other man". But my question is this. Why is when females cheat on their man, they want you to be best friends with their man? That shit is BOLD. Its like a security blanket so the girl knows that if you stop messing with her then you still be around because her man so its easy to ''MAKE UP''. Am I the only one this has happened to?

05-05-2005, 09:46 AM
Well, if I could help you I would. I don't cheat - never have never will - I think it is completely wrong...but I understand why you don't wanna be buddy-buddy with him.

05-05-2005, 10:20 AM
personally i would just stay away from the drama... if your going to cheat w/ someone you don't need to know their spouse.

05-05-2005, 10:33 AM
dude, your gonna end up on maury povich for a fraternity test if you don't stop messing around...i agree w/ paul, save the drama for dudes baby mamma.

05-05-2005, 10:42 AM
ha ha, well it sounds as if your avoiding him because you have a little guilt (which is better than none). Never been in that situation, but that's a good way to get yourself killed so I would stick with single women. BTW, posting this kind of personal information in front of hundreds of people is not helping you attract females.

05-05-2005, 10:51 AM
dude, your gonna end up on maury povich for a fraternity test if you don't stop messing around...i agree w/ paul, save the drama for dudes baby mamma.

What kind of test is that again bud????? ;)

A.P. Photography
05-05-2005, 11:01 AM
dude, your gonna end up on maury povich for a fraternity test if you don't stop messing around...i agree w/ paul, save the drama for dudes baby mamma.

05-05-2005, 11:07 AM
dude, your gonna end up on maury povich for a fraternity test if you don't stop messing around...i agree w/ paul, save the drama for dudes baby mamma.

Yeah watch out man or you'll become a pledge, be hazed and humiliated.

05-05-2005, 11:27 AM
personally i would just stay away from the drama... if your going to cheat w/ someone you don't need to know their spouse.

05-05-2005, 11:29 AM
Yeah watch out man or you'll become a pledge, be hazed and humiliated.

lmao..paternity test...my bad

05-05-2005, 11:37 AM
hey frank, anyone i know!!

05-05-2005, 11:54 AM
Well, if I could help you I would. I don't cheat - never have never will - I think it is completely wrong...but I understand why you don't wanna be buddy-buddy with him.


05-05-2005, 11:55 AM
LOL, naw, its a unnamed chick that isnt that important. Wait, you might, do you know Sosa? If youknow Sosa and when he got locked up, then you might know her. I didnt even know she was married until after the fact. So I tried to dissolve it slowly and she tried to get me cool with her man. But everytime either I, or someone i know is in that situation, the damn girl always wants to get you cool with her man. WTF is up with that?

05-05-2005, 12:03 PM
But everytime either I, or someone i know is in that situation, the damn girl always wants to get you cool with her man. WTF is up with that?

Maybe she wants double penetration?:idb:

05-05-2005, 12:24 PM
You stated "every girl"... "wants the "other man" to be close to their boyfriend/husband." There are a lot of females that "don't" cheat, and the females that "do" are just ignorant. That statement you made is "false". You can't sterotype "cheating women", or any women for that matter. I am sure "cheating women" all have their own ways of hiding things. I don't understand why you would feel the need to be with a married woman any way, but that's just my opinion. The situation is only going to destroy your friendship with the husband, the lives of the children, and break up her whole family. Why risk all that for a piece of ass? Just sit back and think logically...would you want to be in the Husband's position? I bet not...I think you need to do the right thing, and end all ties before you get yourself into something you can't get yourself out of. You would only be relieving yourself of un-necessary drama.

05-05-2005, 02:23 PM
I did that shit all the time....
If you ever going to mess with a already taken girl make sure shes 30 + ... the older they are the wiser. Younger girls have a big mouth... Older ladies want to keep it on the hush hush... Don't call you for shit, unless they want some bald seasoning.

05-05-2005, 03:01 PM
I would just hope to god that they dont get on IA.

05-05-2005, 07:55 PM
You stated "every girl"... "wants the "other man" to be close to their boyfriend/husband." There are a lot of females that "don't" cheat, and the females that "do" are just ignorant. That statement you made is "false". You can't sterotype "cheating women", or any women for that matter. I am sure "cheating women" all have their own ways of hiding things. I don't understand why you would feel the need to be with a married woman any way, but that's just my opinion. The situation is only going to destroy your friendship with the husband, the lives of the children, and break up her whole family. Why risk all that for a piece of ass? Just sit back and think logically...would you want to be in the Husband's position? I bet not...I think you need to do the right thing, and end all ties before you get yourself into something you can't get yourself out of. You would only be relieving yourself of un-necessary drama.

I think I should have typed a little more on the subject. For one, I dont think that everysingle female in the world cheats, but it has been my experience that when a female does, that usually the female wants you to be cool with the dude she is cheating with. I have been on both sides of the spectrum, and when talking to others who have been in that situation, either side, it is usually the same way, the two people know each other. Thats what I was pointing out.

My situation as of recent, I did not know she was married when i first met her. After a couple of months, you start to actually like someone, and then you get hit with "Oh, Im married" and realistically its hard to just ditch the person within 5 minutes. She tried to get me to be cool with the husband, and we ran in the same social circles, and she tried to get me cool withhim. So Im against the situation, always have been. BUt there were times when iwasnt so innocent in the situation, and i had the same thing happen where the girl wanted me to be cool with her man.

But Julio is right, things are more simple when they are older

05-05-2005, 07:55 PM
BTW, Kapil, how are things going with the tapes?

05-05-2005, 10:19 PM
I would never cheat on my bf.......cheating is JUST WRONG.

05-06-2005, 07:44 AM
I agree^^^

And even if I WAS DATING someone who was married and I didn't know it till later, I would resent the fact that they didn't tell me...and end it right then and there...you always have a choice. Think about the child, think about someone other than yourself and realize that the situation is wrong. Life is "hard" in general, that doesn't mean you keep on doing something that's morally "wrong" just because it's hard to get out of. Whatever you want to do, it's your life...but I have no problem telling you...you really are pathetic.

05-06-2005, 09:01 AM
simply a Bad situation!

05-06-2005, 11:22 AM
Ive got into this convo with a female friend of mine last nite. I got a VM from this guy who is like "Hey, how come you never come by? YOu dont want to kick it anymore? Whats the deal". Well this dude is my ex gfs husband. The husband that she had a baby with and was messing with me while they were married. I was the "other man". But my question is this. Why is when females cheat on their man, they want you to be best friends with their man? That shit is BOLD. Its like a security blanket so the girl knows that if you stop messing with her then you still be around because her man so its easy to ''MAKE UP''. Am I the only one this has happened to?

Whoa well mine wasnt marriage but this girl that I was with for 2 years ended up cheating on me with my boy. Before me she had a thing with him...but that was a while before I got with her and me and him did not become friends until awhile after I got with her...AND YUP lol she wants me to be his boy but Im def not cause has def twisted up things ive said and hes said and jst i duno causes waay too much drama-So when you find out why girls do weird ass things like that gime a call man