View Full Version : Life really kinda sucks...

05-23-2006, 12:46 PM
Work - School - Sleep
Work - School - Sleep
Work - School - Sleep

Seriously, the routine is getting old really damn fast. I know that life itself is nothing more than an endless cycle of senseless repetition but come on. I'm spending all of this time just bullshitting thru life and not really accomplishing anything that makes sense to me. I don't have a lot of free time as it is so I don't see friends often. Due to the lack of time, I've never the chance to meet people and maybe find a girlfriend. I hate this bullshit that people around us have established as a basis for life. You can't do anything that you want to do without jumping thru a hundred damn hoops. God damn I'm about to go f*cking postal! :mad:


05-23-2006, 12:49 PM
J/k man I feel ya

The Golden Child
05-23-2006, 12:57 PM
yea i feel yah ..

05-23-2006, 01:20 PM
Seriously man I have been thinking the SAME thing for years! I go to the malls sometimes just to people watch and MOST of the things we do are pointless! I mean seriously... WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE DOING HERE??? From the time we are born we are dieing... yet we are RUSHING! Traffic is too slow, we're mad. Fast food is too slow? We're mad. Paycheck is too slow? We're mad. We are literally speeding up the process to die. WTF!! Like, finding a wife is kinda kool... but why kids? I mean SERIOUSLY think about "why?" So we can wipe their ass until they can do it themselves and then bring them into this same dumb ass cycle of

1) work
2) eat
3) sleep
4) repeat (w/ a differnent shirt/pants)

There is really no point to it. I mean really, unless you are Einstein or some1 WHO THE FUCK are you in the REAL GAME of life?? I die today... okay, a few people that I work w/ and immediate family mourn for a bit and then guess what, they STILL gotta work eat sleep repeat until it's their turn. We are but a fucking SPECK in comparison to the whole world. Take the last person that died in your family... unless it was recent when was the LAST time you REALLY thought about them? It's crazy. I will shut-up now b4 I get too deep.

05-23-2006, 01:23 PM
J/k man I feel yaHaha, yeah I know it sounds emo but I'm serious. Sometimes I just want to sell everything I own and run away from society. You know? Get away from everything and everybody. I can't stand how everything is run by a preset system. You're born into the world, then immediately you're cycled into society and forced to life your life according to rules set by others. It's complete and utter BS. Sometimes I wonder why there aren't more people committing suicide from stress and similar shit. I know I know, the world isn't that bad. But the point stands valid. Why the hell do we regulate our lives so much? Damn. :(

Anybody want my Mazdaspeed? You can have it if you just take over the payments.

05-23-2006, 01:26 PM
Work - School - Sleep
Work - School - Sex- Sleep
Work - School -Head- Sleep
Work - School - Sex- Sleep
then hang out with friends every so often

that mite help... :goodjob:

05-23-2006, 01:29 PM
that mite help... :goodjob:If I had a girlfriend I'd probably work that out.

05-23-2006, 01:30 PM
Haha, yeah I know it sounds emo but I'm serious. Sometimes I just want to sell everything I own and run away from society. You know? Get away from everything and everybody. I can't stand how everything is run by a preset system. You're born into the world, then immediately you're cycled into society and forced to life your life according to rules set by others. It's complete and utter BS. Sometimes I wonder why there aren't more people committing suicide from stress and similar shit. I know I know, the world isn't that bad. But the point stands valid. Why the hell do we regulate our lives so much? Damn. :(

Anybody want my Mazdaspeed? You can have it if you just take over the payments.
How much is it a month. J/K man. Things will start to turn around for you. Always look at the brighter side of things. It could always be worse, you could be dieing, have cancer, got shot, lost all your parents. I always think for everything that happens something good will come out of it. Even if it is not true, It keeps me going everyday.

Will you be an north Point Thursday?

05-23-2006, 01:37 PM
I always think for everything that happens something good will come out of it. Even if it is not true, It keeps me going everyday.Ignorance is bliss I suppose. I just can't bring myself to think that way on everything.

Will you be an north Point Thursday?No. I'm heading to Florida for some R&R. Hopefully it'll help me get my head straight again. :cool: